Viewing profile - Catherinesuryaya

affinity to the BKWSU:
friends or family of a BK
short description of interest in joining forum:
My mother belonged to BK for some years before she died. They "supported" her to divorce my Father and to sever "attachment" to her children., and to work only for the BKSU. She tried to convert me and for a while I became interested listening to "meditation tapes" and reading information, looking back the "meditations" were nothing more than brainwashing and what was being taught as ultimate Truth was not true at all. I did notice I started to develop depression and stopped my involvement.
My mother was completely taken over by the cult, even if I was to see her in the street she would not acknowledge me at times and she was obviously suffering mental distress.She constantly listened to BK taped "meditations" but was not looking well as in her eyes I could see distress/depression. She eventually died of stomach cancer and I feel it was brought on mostly by the stress put upon her by BK.
No, I am happy for my indentiity to be known and perhaps discussed

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05 Mar 2010
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