Viewing profile - angel

questioning BK
affinity to the BKWSU:
questioning BK
short description of interest in joining forum:
I am questioning why I am so drawn into this BK spirituality. I have never been spiritual in any way. I came across them, by accident, on my own journey out of an extremely abusive relationship. As so many of the Brothers and Sisters say to me, there is no such thing as an accident. Everyone has to go through what is 'meant to be' to settle their 'karmic accounts'. I still question this and am questioning a lot about the course I did and the Murli as well. I remember having questions in the beginning of the course and was not given any 'real' answers to my questions. My friend always says, 'question everything'. I am trying to find myself after such a long abusive relationship and don't know whether I am going into this as blind as i did into my abusive relationship. (pretty much in a nutshell!)
Yes, I wish to remain entirely anonymous

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09 May 2010
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27 May 2010
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