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Mark Heartwell
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Hi peace and love.... To you all in good faith namaste
here I go again... Hope to find the truth.... I find religions and dogmatic absolutes very dangerous even bkism cultish Brothers Sister true family clan yikes... what Evers if not in the light of truth it is surely bent light and distorts the goodness with in ...ignorance is far from bliss or triple crowned golden worship worthy deities just up to our old tricks and screwing up innocent people who would take truth and purity seriously is karmicly a bad way to go I am thinking.... truth must be paramount... thanks for your investigations ...I was a Brother for 10 years and although ...I learned a lot of good things that are helpfull to man or souls i dare say just as i did as a Christian to these people your god is lieing to you and you are part of that lie this is especially so as dictated in The Knowledge 5000 years holy cow that's magic just like the other absolutist this is inacuseable and those who would knowingly promote them as absolute truth very deceived and digitally speaking number wise in that lie.I do have compassion for thse who would dare to be this is deep stuff good god but best find it through yourself namast .
No, I am happy for my indentiity to be known and perhaps discussed

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05 Dec 2012
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