Viewing profile - crabdragon

affinity to the BKWSU:
short description of interest in joining forum:
I was in BKdom1987-1994, ran a centre, abruptly left, or got kicked out, (?) but stayed on somewhat friendly terms with some of the family, after 'having fallen from the 18th floor and breaking all my bones' on several occassion.... Then seriously took a time off (years) and did not want to talk to anyone about anything. Then re-aquainted myself with some. Occasionally watch a live Avyakt. And always interested to see what's going on in that world. Certainly it's been a very interesting chapter in my life. And certainly it will always be meaningful. And certainly I will never engage with BKdom like I have in the past. That much is certain. Also certain: Religious Institutions are the slowest to change.... Always! Gotta work outside the box, if you wanna get anything done. That's my philosophy.
No, I am happy for my indentiity to be known and perhaps discussed

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11 Mar 2013
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