Viewing profile - gnagud

affinity to the BKWSU:
short description of interest in joining forum:
I want to become a BK.
I attended the centre in Iceland for several months during 2011 and 2012 but was somehow not ready and maybe went to fast in the beginning.
I have been working for the Iceland Crises Response Unit and travel much so I have not been able to re-attend the centre on regular bases. Today I follow all the required conducts that I know of; no sex, alcohol, garlic or onion, I cook my own food when I possible can and I meditate in the morning between 4-5 and read the Murlis I receive from this website. I try my best in my daily life to stay in remembrance of the Father.
If possible, I want to be able to access the Murlis on daily bases to keep on developing my intellect and the understanding of the Father, Baba, and my role in his plan.
No, I am happy for my indentiity to be known and perhaps discussed

Contact gnagud

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29 Dec 2013
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