Viewing profile - AAC

affinity to the BKWSU:
media or academic
short description of interest in joining forum:
I have been looking into the worrying increasing involvement of the BKWSU is health and social care services in the UK. A leading BK many years ago told me how the BKs view disability for example and at the time the struck me as warped and dangerous. I am all for people being able to practice their own religion freely but the BKs endeavours to get close to where more vulnerable people are and ensnare them concerns me greatly. Public services should not be linked to any religious grouping particularly one with such a dubious track record. I note the use of "front" spokespeople who are themselves it seems sucked in by the BKs and used to promote and recruit. The NHS does not seem minded to look too closely at the "free of charge" element of the BK recruitment strategy and this needs to be brought into the public arena.
Yes, I wish to remain entirely anonymous

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11 Feb 2014
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