Viewing profile - The Nucleus

The Nucleus
affinity to the BKWSU:
short description of interest in joining forum:
I realized and understood the depth of the fake, pseudo-spiritual knowledge spread by the BKs, how they deceive and exploit the innocents with their pseudo-scientific & pseudo-logical knowledge (so called Godly Knowledge). Strictly speaking they are criminals who are using the "existing socio-spiritual values in the societies" as their weapons to exploit the common people (who are good by heart). But in my locality number of people are ruined financially, socially, emotionally and off course spiritually too; their families are being demised, all because of the BKs. I am helpless. I could not find a way how to make people aware! And many anti-social things are happen there. But I am quite helpless.
Yes, I wish to remain entirely anonymous

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28 Dec 2016
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04 Jan 2017
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