Viewing profile - Starstuff

affinity to the BKWSU:
friends or family of a BK
short description of interest in joining forum:
My parents are regular followers of BK and have been trying to coerce me into "atleast doing the 7-day basic course" for the more than 6 years. I attended the basic course only this year in June and not surprisingly they couldn't answer any of my questions on a range of topics from evolutionary biology, geology to astronomy (I am a space enthusiast, by the way). They either dismissed evolution by "Do you think we came from monkeys?" or just denied the astronomical and geological timeline of the universe and the Earth as being "just a guess", "how do they know that?", etc.

They further argue that a lot of scientists, engineers and doctors are regular members and therefore that makes their case valid and therefore true. They have even gone as far as to assert that their "knowledge" has firm scientific basis and has been agreed upon by eminent scientists and doctors.

I have always wondered whether there are skeptics like me who have been in any way exposed to BK and have found it naive, simply outrageous and factually wrong. I want to have a rational discussion about their tenets and beliefs, most of which directly contradict entire subjects of scientific study.
Yes, I wish to remain entirely anonymous

Contact Starstuff

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19 Jul 2017
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12 Apr 2020
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