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Re: I need help. But cannot share my current problem yet

19 May 2013

Brahma Kumaris destructive teachings have stretched beyond India, and have negatively influenced lives and dismantled families ..!! This forum contains sad stories and painfull experiences, from victims living in Europe and other countries as well ..!! It is like a virus, which does not recognize an...

Re: Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

16 May 2013

The BK Seniors would never allow Janki to appear live on T.V. or uncensored interview with a neutral interviewer. This would result in receiving heavy guage questions, which would squeeze Janki in a narrow corner, thus embarrassing the whole BK organization and its followers ...!!

Re: Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

15 May 2013

And why should we care about Janki telling her "Memoire"...?!

She never intended to tell the truth before, so why would she do this now ...?!

Re: Please help me save my family member

02 May 2013

How sad, how tragical the stories we read in this forum about family members, who get sucked-in BK cult and ultimately get "detached" from their own family members, their society, and the rest of the real world. I am sure, what we read here is only a fraction of other untold stories, becau...

Re: Class Action case: Scientology

01 May 2013

The Brahma Kumaris introduces itself as a UNIVERSITY, while Scientology introduces itself as a CHURCH ..!!

In fact, neither of them relate to the given name and its description ... What message would that convey to you . .??

Re: What is the Status of BKWSU in different countries

23 Apr 2013

In certain countries, law is very tough and strict, when it comes to licensing and allowing dangerous cults, such as the Brahma Kumaris, to operate and have a legal presence. Where I live, the Brahma Kumaris wear the mask and operate under the false name of "Raja Yoga", pretending to be an...


02 Apr 2013

When people tell a lie about something, they have to make up a bunch of lies to go with the first one. "Mythomania" is the word for it. When Lekhraj Kirpalani made up the "Anchor Lie" and called it, Brahma Kumaris, he followed that with other lies to complete the BK cult image ..!!

Re: Buddhist Monks

02 Apr 2013

Day after day, "Monastic Life" is proving to be beyond human nature and capability, especially in our modern times . Monks in Christian Monasteries have realised this fact and partly diverted to other Earthly interests, such as learning foreign languages (many of them speak more than five ...

Re: Why Celibacy ..??

01 Apr 2013


Re: Why Celibacy ..??

30 Mar 2013

Matching and expressive pictures, Pink Panther ...! May be a third one with a BK Sister in meditation session, might say it all? I think both pictures say the same thing ... Women love to get attention and be surrounded, by multi-husbands or else ...! "Raju" seems to be very happy with fiv...

Re: Why Celibacy ..??

29 Mar 2013

Land of sharp contrasts ..!! Just when the Brahma Kumaris are threatening those who do not comply with celibacy by denying them entry to the "Golden Age", a woman, just few hundred miles to the north of Mount Abu, is already living the Golden Age, with five husbands, all of them are Brothe...

Re: Baba Milan

19 Mar 2013

I recall reading an article about the late "Sai Baba", who used to perform magical tricks in front of followers and visitors as part of his spiritual show and call them, Miracles ..! A team of Western researchers approached him to verify the truth behind his allegations, by installing mult...

Re: Baba Milan

19 Mar 2013

Is having educated people marching behind the flag of certain religion/cult, considered a true proof of the authenticity of that cult ..?! Almost all religions and cults have, educated, wealthy and influential followers among their ranks .! "Scientology" cult in the US have even built and ...

White smoke from Mount Abu..!

14 Mar 2013

Can we expect white smoke to come from Mount Abu ..?? Not to announce a successor to "Janki", but to declare to the whole world that the Brahma Kumaris and its founder "Lekhraj Kirpalani " have deceived and lied to thousands of people about this fake cult, caused them pain and so...

Re: Dr Vinay Lakshmi - RIP

11 Mar 2013

According to Mother Teresa, salvation should be associated with ...suffering ..!

According to Brahma Kumaris, salvation comes after ...destruction ..!

Why should "salvation" be connected with ...pain and tragedy..?!

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