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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

22 Nov 2016

This is for BKs. I know that there are many, many Godly students who experience a very dry life when it comes to the Murli. Extremely dry. So devoid of energy is their experience that they sit in class and go through the motions of writing in their notebooks. Point after point noted down but barely ...

Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

22 Nov 2016

Pink Panther, I have a sense of humour that others (if they care and I don't see why they should) can take a little time to tune into it, however, even if I am the only one laughing it's all good. Now, if anyone can read the post you refer to the way I wrote it they would see that there is no contra...

Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

22 Nov 2016

And this is the 70th post by the onthor glove-puppet welcoming in a brand New Age (again) all in the one lifetime; a bit like being 'reborn', a phenomena that all BKs will be familiar with. Onvalianthorwatch has ascended to a post in the Subtle Region having reached 69!



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