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Re: Latest BK Suicide (Pictures)

25 Jul 2024

... edited images ... Thank you, Arun, for your bravery in posting those. What's the background story? What does he say? And where are these people published? I can see it's a Whatapp image. Are they being shared among BKs? Yes, a big problem with the BKs are their cover ups, even the bribing publi...

Re: Latest BK Suicide (Pictures)

25 Jul 2024

That's when they ask them to leave, or they'll call the person's family to come and take the "trouble" away, or in some cases, they will literally throw the person out on the street. I can confirm that happens; different case, different country, different continent even decades apart ... ...

Re: What Can We Learn From The Children of Cults?'

08 Jul 2024

there is a ritual known as ‘Kapal Kriya’ during which memories are taken out of the head before cremation. It made the matter worse. It added to my trauma. Not wishing to distract from the discussion above, kapal kriya is performed during the cremation of a deceased person, & involves cracking ...

Re: BKWSU Trademark Claim Shuts Down Independent BK Websites

04 Jun 2024

Everyone's given up competing for a position among the top 108, huh? May be the 108 will just consist of whoever's left at the end. Funnily enough, I realised that having lawyers or advocates lies them, & create plausible sounding narratives for non-bas, is something they've been doing since the...

Re: BKWSU Trademark Claim Shuts Down Independent BK Websites

04 Jun 2024

What they will achieve is a global reach as relating to domain names though. Having one trademark anywhere is enough to work the system in their favour. Just out of interest, how many BKs do you think that they are there in Australia now? I wonder if they paid for the legal out of donations? Apart f...

Re: BKWSU Trademark Claim Shuts Down Independent BK Websites

01 Jun 2024

All the same, it's like one sect trademarking the term Christian or Hindu, & prohibiting anyone else from using it.

Re: BKs Align with Israel? Neville Hodgkinson on Gaza

31 May 2024

Another point that confuses many people is whether being Jewish is a religion, or an ethnicity. In the past, these were not separated in most countries but, today, they have definitely separated. Dare I ask such an ex-BK Dada-ji as you ... how does all that fit into BK philosophy, or BK philosophy ...

Re: BKWSU Trademark Claim Shuts Down Independent BK Websites

31 May 2024

Surely there are many people in India or of Indian extraction who are named Brahma Kumari and Brahma Kumar? And what about other Hindu sects ... Indeed, there are. And, indeed, in India, words like Shiva, Murli and Baba all have MANY trademarks taken out already. Which is why, I presume they went t...

Re: BKs Align with Israel? Neville Hodgkinson on Gaza

29 May 2024

Zionism aside, can a Jew be a BK, and can a BK be a Jew? Strictly speaking, according to the BK philosophy ... the answer is, no . According to the Brahma Kumaris, Jewish souls are only half as powerful as they are. Never incarnate into a Heaven on Earth, and only enjoy half the time of Creation tha...

Re: BKWSU Trademark Claim Shuts Down Independent BK Websites

29 May 2024

The message now on the captured websites, looks strangely familiar in colour and design.

Strangely, no where in the proceedings was the case the BKs used to try and shut this website down mentioned, even through surely it was a precedent.


Re: BKWSU Trademark Claim Shuts Down Independent BK Websites

29 May 2024

One such BKWSU trademark for its "products and services" is, here , in Australia, applied for by the same Intellectual Property lawyer on 24 Jun 2021 and given by 06 Feb 2023, suggesting that Charlie Hogg is involved but also our friend Sanjay Tulsidas. Clearly it is NOT what Murli means w...

Re: BKWSU Trademark Claim Shuts Down Independent BK Websites

29 May 2024

We can see the danger in not challenging such appropriation of Godly knowledge by the current BKWSU leadership, and evidence of their continued dishonesty, and revision of Shiva's teachings in the decision, allowing for expedient misunderstandings. My emphasis ... The Complainant has placed in evide...

BKWSU Trademark Claim Shuts Down Independent BK Websites

29 May 2024

The Brahma Kumaris UK employed an expensive Intellectual Property in Australia, to shut down a group of 11 non-commercial, independent, Brahma Kumaris related websites . The disputed domain names includedl,,,,,, bksusten...

Re: BKs Align with Israel? Neville Hodgkinson on Gaza

29 May 2024

Semrik sounds Russian to me, or at least Polish. His Linkedn pages have disappeared. He used to work at "גלצ", which is the Israeli Army Radio , operated by the Israel Defense Forces. Coincidentally, he was there to do a live broadcast from the Kings of Israel Square, as a political party ...

Re: BKs Align with Israel? Neville Hodgkinson on Gaza

28 May 2024

Israel was created by the mandate of the UN, particularly the Security Council, after WW2 But, let us be clear here. Israel was created by a terrorist purge by mainly recent Eastern European & Russian immigrants, that led to the ethnic cleansing & genocide of more than 700,000 indigenous ar...

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