Violence ... redefined by BKWSU

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Violence ... redefined by BKWSU

Post02 Oct 2012

On the occasion of "The International Day of Non-Violence" coinciding today, 2nd of october, the BKWSU are wearing a "peace mask", and flying their Seniors from London to different locations in the world to participate in this, not to be missed, UN event.

Question to be asked:

Is inspiring the destruction of Earth with its 7 billion inhabitants considered an act of ... NON-VIOLENCE ???
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Re: Violence ... redefined by BKWSU

Post02 Oct 2012

Deluded hypocrites of the highest order sucking up to what ever 3 or 4th rate "Important Person" they can and putting on a show to reap donations from the Hindi Wallahs. This is an event at a 4 Star business hotel in Oman. They BKs say ...
Oman is recognised as a peaceful nation by the international community and the hospitality and brotherhood of Omanis are well known. The country has always dedicated itself to the preservation of peace in the region and followed the principles of “non-violence” ...

You can check here for Oman Amnesty International report and the US Government's here. Important to spend yet more thousands flying someone around the world apparently ... but they only get Maureen Goodman, so it cannot be that big a deal. Probably no real VIPs included.

The BKs don't deal in real issues, not even real concepts such as "non-violence", and never take a real politic stand beyond sucking up to who ever has power. It's all just one big PR marketing campaign to milk the Hindiwallahs and they surprised themselves to suck in a few New Agey Westerners and use them too.

It's amazing. They walk into a place promoting peace and exaggerating their UN connection, and on the other hand they kidnap and beat up PBKs. But the concept of non-violation is far deeper than not just beating up others, it goes deep into ethical behaviour and the treatment of others, which they violate regularly.

What I don't understand is how they are not bored to tears with these kind of events. They have been putting them on for years. What drives them? When will they want to go and do something real?
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Mr Green


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Re: Violence ... redefined by BKWSU

Post02 Oct 2012


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