Om Radhe renamed Saraswati in 1953 Divine-Incest-Wedding?

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Re: Om Radhe renamed Saraswati in 1953 Divine-Incest-Wedding?

Post26 Mar 2009

ex-l wrote:Lekhraj Kirpalani must have been swimming in it ...

You are making an interesting point and I would like to say that I have been aware myself that, although I am not in my "prime" days and do not think of myself has being physically attractive, my being celibate and having no desire of getting involved in a sexual relationship, it seems that many women (BK and non BK) feel safe around me and it allows for what I would call emotional intimacy (I am not sure my English is right), exchange of warm feelings, opening of the hearts ... and it is something I do like.

Although I have no intention of flirting or anything, I am aware that there is suppressed sexual energy in some of those women. I sense it and try not to encourage that but I am wondering how much of my celibacy is truly spiritual and how much could be a twisted expression of suppressed sexuality.

I have noticed that I have very strong feelings towards some sweet young Kumaris and it has something to do with the feelings I have for my own daughter. I have seen that it is common for men of my age to have such feelings towards younger women. Again, I wonder how much sexual energy is hidden behind those father-daughter feelings.

It does seem reasonable to assume that Dada Lekraj was also experiencing something of that sort.
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Re: Om Radhe renamed Saraswati in 1953 Divine-Incest-Wedding?

Post26 Mar 2009

Here is one more version of their twisted story.

It's an official version by the way. Sourced it from here: A Life's Journey from Radhe to Mama!
A Life’s Journey From Radhe to Mama!

Call it a coincidence of history or the anguished SOS cry of a distressed, degenerated and dehumanized mankind, that after the horrible holocaust of the First World War, a divine messenger of love and peace descended upon the holy land of India, in 1919. Jewel of a girl, Radhe, was born to mother Rocha and Father Pokhar Das at Amritsar. In the midst of elder Sister, Parvati, and younger Sister, Gopi, a little doll swinging in the cradle of love and affection, bloomed from a tiny bud into a flower.

Parvati had been married earlier. Pokhar Das was a big merchant of gold and silver and also a wholesale dealer in Desi Ghee. His business empire extended to as far as Bombay, Madras and Ceylon. He suffered such a huge loss in business that he turned a bankrupt. This caused a massive heart attack to which he succumbed prematurely. Therefore, Radhey and her family had to shift to her maternal house at Hyderabad (Sindh), when she was barely fourteen.

Right from childhood, Radhe had a razor-sharp intelligence and personality of multifaceted splendour. She always topped in every class and was equally adept in singing and dancing. Radhe alone got the first prize in every competition in school. Her favorite song was: “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star ...”, to the tune of which, she danced a perfect sequence.

She was fond of wearing English Dresses – white frock of different designs and an effeminate hat on her head. She was fond of latest fashion; whenever new and excellent dresses appeared in the market, Radhe was the first to buy and wear it. Everyday she had a new frock as the school dress.

Radhe had very long, dense and black hair, a plump body, fair complexion, attractive features, a supernatural glow in her eyes; a soothing smile always illumined her face, her look was very sweet, full of warm affection. When she spoke, which was little, it so appeared that flowers of wisdom trickled down from her mouth. She was full of vigour and vitality. All in all, Radhe owned a very powerful, wonderful and attractive personality.

Radhe had studied in Kundan Mall Model School at Hyderabad (Sindh) up to Matriculation. Dadi Prakashmani, who presently is the Chief of the Brahmakumaris organisation, was her class fellow and they used to sit on the same bench but there was no close friendship. What a contrast! One was a doll of fashion, while the other was simple, plain, straight, modest girl – yet there was definitely a mutual attraction and spontaneous affection between them.

Another Sister of Radhe’s mother, named Dhyani, too had lost her husband and she also had come to her parental house at Hyderabad (Sindh). There was much grieving at home since two Sisters had lost their husbands. Whenever the two widows met each other, they used to exchange their tale of woes and cry in grief. The whole atmosphere was immersed in sorrow and the mood was surcharged with gloom and depression.

Their third Sister was the mother of Dadi Shantamani, who is now In-charge of BKs’ Shantivan complex. Mama’s maternal house was in the same locality in which Dada Lekhraj and his wife Jasoda Mata lived. Dadi Shantamani’s mother would often visit her two Sisters to console them. Once, when she was returning after meeting them, she had a chance meeting with Jasoda Mata on the road.

On hearing the tale of woes of her Sisters from her, Jasoda Mata invited her to attend “Gita Satsang” by Dada Lekhraj at her house. She also advised her to introduce The Knowledge to her Sisters so that they might also experience peace of mind. Dada Lekhraj used to elaborate the essence in the verses of Gita, in simple words, easy expression and interesting manner. He used to explain the relationship of physical body, the soul and the Supreme Soul in such a simple, easy and forceful manner that it got permanently embedded in the mind and heart of the listeners.

Both at the start and at the end of the Gita Satsang, Dada used to articulate the humming sound of “Om,” in such a mystic manner that it produced a celestial vibration in the physical body. The listeners experienced that they were the soul, as distinct from the physical body. Dadi Shantamani’s mother attended the satsang and found it quite beneficial and her whole family got interested. On her persuasion, both her Sisters also attended the satsang and got mental peace and spiritual enlightenment.

The Supernatural realisation brought about such a miraculous transformation in the life of the two widows that they stopped bewailing and crying. A wave of joy and zeal, of vigour and vitality, of hope and will to live, returned in their life. On seeing such a miracle in the life of her mother and mausi (mother’s Sister), Radhe was so much influenced that from the very next day, she began to accompany them to Gita Satsang.

Her interest turned from being a doll of fashion to becoming an angel of love and peace. When Dada saw a new girl in the Gita Satsang, on the very first day, he obtained her introduction out of curiosity. Dada instantly realised that she was the very Radhe who had to become the torchbearer of the Gyan Yagya.

Dada began to administer special dosage of Gyan upon Radhe and entrusted her the work of singing hymns in Gita Satsang. Radhe had cultivated such a perfect art of articulating the humming sound of “Om” that the listeners became spell bound, landed into a world of meditation through a celestial vibration in their physical bodies, and came face to face with their soul.

The attendance in Gita Satsang progressively increased. The spell of Radhe had clicked. People started addressing her as “Om Radhe”. Dada too called her “Om Radhe” and sometimes “Beti”(daughter). Om Radhe was an accomplished singer. Her oratory skills were also powerful and logical.

After some time, Dada had to go to Kashmir along with his family. In his absence, he had entrusted the entire responsibility of running the Gita Satsang to Om Radhe and she discharged the same with admirable success and popularity. One day, when Om Radhe was humming the sound of “Om”, Gopi went into a trance, had a divine vision of Sri Krishna and began to dance in joyous radiance. That was the first divine vision in a state of trance in the Satsang. Later, several others had such an experience.

When Dada returned from Kashmir, he felt elated at the incredible success and popularity of the Satsang. Gopi saw in him the vision of Sri Krishna and in Om Radhe the vision of Sri Anuradha. Gopi began to perform a circular dance around them (Ras Leela), associated with the legend of Sri Krishna. At that time, Dada proclaimed: “Children, you have to go to heaven, the capital of Sri Krishna and hence you have to lead a life of purity (Chastity).

That stirred up a hornet’s nest among married women, whose husbands vehemently protested against such a distress, leading to frequent quarrels in their house. There were protests, opposition, picketing and coercive encirclement etc. Dada in such critical and trying circumstances, used to depute Om Radhe to convince people and to pacify their frayed tempers.

She invariably succeeded in her mission with her sharp intelligence, tactful approach, argumentative skill and disarming courtesy. Dada took the stand that whatever the Supreme Soul directed, he uttered and did; nothing of his own. That was in 1936, when Radhe was just 17.

When Dada’s daughter, now known as Dadi Nirmal Shanta (presently In-charge of Eastern Zone), influenced by the divine knowledge came to stay with him, with the aim of following the spiritual path, Dada placed her under the affectionate care of Om Radhe.

Dada told his daughter to consider Om Radhe as her Mom, because she was looking after her as a mother does. Thus Dadi Nirmal Shanta used to call Om Radhe as Mama and also treated her as such. Such was the motherly instinct of Om Radhe even at that tender age that in course of time everyone used to address her as Mama, and Dada too called her so.

Gradually it became clear to the followers of this divine path that Incorporeal God Shiva was disseminating the esoteric knowledge through the corporeal medium of Dada Lekhraj. With the passage of time, Incorporeal God Shiva revealed through Dad Lekhraj the secrets of the Eternal World Drama, the secrets of Creation, Operation and Destruction of the world, the Time Cycle of 5000 years and other spiritual mysteries, hitherto unknown and renamed him Prajapita Brahma.

His divine discourses (Shrimat) held sway over myths, dogmas and rituals. Mama imbibed this
spiritual knowledge and propagated it so lucidly that it captivated the listeners. Thus, the mission of Brahma Kumaris grew in acceptance, recognition, strength, success and popularity Mama came to be known as Yagya Mata Jagdamba Saraswati.

Such is the legend of Mama, in short, very-very short, as her mystic contribution in a life span of 46 years would fill the pages of volumes after volumes. She left her mortal coil on 24th June 1965, now celebrated as Mama’s sweet Remembrance Day.

-: Om Shanti :-

Om Radhe was a fashion doll?!! She was a super girl alright ;). It's a joke that Lekhraj Kirpalani called her 'Beti' and asked his own daughter (Beti) to call her Mom.

This version seem to differ from Liz Hodgkinson's version on how Om Radhe got inspired to attend satsang in Om Mandali. Here is Liz's story (from 'Peace and Purity'):
"Om Radhe was the classmate of Dadi Prakashmani, who was instrumental in persuading Om Radhe to attend in the first place".

It looks like Liz was sucking up to Prakashmani.
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Re: Om Radhe renamed Saraswati in 1953 Divine-Incest-Wedding?

Post26 Mar 2009

Good work. Ties in with puravan's "blunders" equation. They are sloppy as hell with details which should open up any half-operating brain that things are not quite right.

Thank you for your honest comments, *pit. I am not an expert but I would like to raise the issue of "sexual energies", or even just "libido" as others call it elsewhere.
BKWSU wrote:... a divine messenger of love and peace descended upon the holy land of India, in 1919. Her favorite song was: “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star ...”, to the tune of which, she danced a perfect sequence. She was fond of wearing English Dresses, a plump body, fair complexion ... Dada took the stand that whatever the Supreme Soul directed, he uttered and did; nothing of his own. That was in 1936, when Radhe was just 17.

According to the book, "Is This Justice?" authored by (or for) Om Radhe, Radhi Pokardas Rajwani was 22 in 1938 ... not 17/18. That would make her date of birth, 1916. One would have thought she knew her own date of birth at the age of 22.

Frankly, I wonder if Om Radhe was like some of the stuck up and slightly spoilt, overweight Indian girls that have grown up in the BKWSU under the wing of bossy, overweight mothers ... you probably remember. This "twinkle, twinkle little star" comes from one of the other hagiographies, extolled as if it was some miraculous premonition ... "As sign .. a sign!" to quote Monty Pythons.
deccani wrote:This version seem to differ from Liz Hodgkinson's version ... It looks like Liz was sucking up to Prakashmani.

Or husband, high ranking BKWSU (UK) advisor and journalist Neville Hodgkinson, was managing that version.
BKWSU wrote:He used to explain the relationship of physical body, the soul and the Supreme Soul in such a simple, easy and forceful manner that it got permanently embedded in the mind and heart of the listeners ... Gradually it became clear to the followers of this divine path that Incorporeal God Shiva was disseminating the esoteric knowledge through the corporeal medium of Dada Lekhraj. With the passage of time, Incorporeal God Shiva and renamed him Prajapita Brahma.

There was no God Shiva or Supreme Soul until after 1950and he was known as Prajapati God Brahma ... what are they fabricating?
Radhey and her family had to shift to her maternal house at Hyderabad (Sindh), when she was barely fourteen ... When Dada saw a new girl in the Gita Satsang, on the very first day, he obtained her introduction out of curiosity. Dada instantly realised that she was the very Radhe who had to become the torchbearer of the Gyan Yagya. Dada began to administer special dosage of Gyan upon Radhe ... The attendance in Gita Satsang progressively increased. The spell of Radhe had clicked.

14, puberty, is a hell of a bad time to lose one's Father, home, change education etc through traumatic circumstances. That, by the revised date of birth above would make it 1930 ... two years before the Om Mandli satsangs started. We have no idea when the spooky channeling stuff actually started; 1932 or 1936/7 ... we need more details.

Around the same time, Lekhraj Kirpalani had been going through his own trauma. After having married off his teenage daugher, aged 15 to a 50 year old man. Can someone help me here, this was Palu and she was married into the Muhki Mangharam's family. What would a psychotherapist make of all that.

Dada proclaimed: “Children, you have to go to heaven, the capital of Sri Krishna and hence you have to lead a life of purity (Chastity). That stirred up a hornet’s nest among married women, whose husbands vehemently protested against such a distress, leading to frequent quarrels in their house. There were protests, opposition, picketing and coercive encirclement etc. Dada in such critical and trying circumstances, used to depute Om Radhe to convince people and to pacify their frayed tempers.

Om Radhe and his advocate lawyers ... the "hornet's nest brew up over Lekhraj Kirpalani taking back his daughter, a tabood to the monogamous Sindis and marrying off his second daughter in a sham marriage without the Panchyat's involvement agreement. Not that I agree with that as wrong ... but facts are facts.
Dada told his daughter to consider Om Radhe as her Mom, because she was looking after her as a mother does.

No comment. Where is his wife and her real mother!?!
When Dada returned from Kashmir, he felt elated at the incredible success and popularity of the Satsang. Gopi saw in him the vision of Sri Krishna and in Om Radhe the vision of Sri Anuradha.

Sri Anuradha is the 'goddess of good luck' or Adrusta Devatha. That is a new one for me, but not of much importance ... bar the fact that it could have been some spirit entity overshadowing her.
Such is the legend of Mama, in short, very-very short, as her mystic contribution in a life span of 46 years would fill the pages of volumes after volumes. She left her mortal coil on 24th June 1965, now celebrated as Mama’s sweet Remembrance Day.

Again, that would make her 49, not 46. Do such details matter? Yes. I will explain why later. Mostly because it evidences the BKWSU leaderships tendency to exaggerate and falsify ... badly.
Thus, the mission of Brahma Kumaris grew in acceptance, recognition, strength, success and popularity Mama came to be known as Yagya Mata Jagdamba Saraswati.

From the sources we have, it went from 500 in the early 1930s, to around 300 around the move to Abu in 1950 to reportedly 70 or 80 at the end of The Beggary ... and there was another number of 150-odd people around September 1969. hardly "growing" during her lifetime.
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Re: Om Radhe renamed Saraswati in 1953 Divine-Incest-Wedding?

Post26 Mar 2009

Gradually it became clear to the followers of this divine path that Incorporeal God Shiva was disseminating the esoteric knowledge through the corporeal medium of Dada Lekhraj. With the passage of time, Incorporeal God Shiva and renamed him Prajapita Brahma.

I seem to remember that the book Adi Dev describes it a little differently. Did not the then Dada Lekhrah 'suddenly' experience God Shiva, got up from the Satsang he was hosting and then run into his room and the whole room glowed red (in that description?) There was noting 'gradual' about this episode at all.

So what was it? Gradual or Quick? Does it depend on the author or viewpoint of the reader? Why does God Shiva make such a dramatic appearance and then 'gradually' make himself known to the others that gathered after that?

My opinion is that Big Dada got such a heck of a fright when 'The Entity he would call Shiva" entered his consciousness that he left the room and tried to deal with it. And once he had the experience emotionally under control, he realised he was a medium or channel for some spirit, then took such a long long time to allow and trust this new energy into his consciousness, that all the others 'gradually' realised it was no longer Dada L speaking.

Make sense?
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Re: Om Radhe renamed Saraswati in 1953 Divine-Incest-Wedding?

Post27 Mar 2009

pururavan wrote:One Kannada writer wrote her biography in Kannada. Here she explains how she sacrificed the Greatest Divine opportunity on Earth for the service of god Shiva by obeying to the orders of Lekharaj that she should not waste her time watching the divine marriage of Divine Father and Divine Mother.

Just getting back on topic, can you be specific about what the book said?

Did they have some kind of ceremony?

Was Jasoda already dead ... When did she die ... was her death marked in anyway, e.g. I have never heard it celebrated like these current Dadis?
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Re: Om Radhe renamed Saraswati in 1953 Divine-Incest-Wedding?

Post29 Mar 2009

ex-l wrote:Was Jasoda already dead ... When did she die ... was her death marked in anyway, e.g. I have never heard it celebrated like these current Dadis?

The only source about Mother Yashoda's relationship with her husband and her demise i have seen is in Dadi Nirmal Shanta's Autobiography '3-in-one'

Just have a look how she served her husband on page 27, and how her husband Dada Lekhraj aka Prajapati God Brahma reacted on her sickness and her death, on page 69

I found it chilly as Dada Lekhraj's comment after his devoted wife's demise repeats as Shrimat in the Murlis.

pururavan owes us precise documentation of his allegations with translated quotations from the book in Kannada language and page number, otherwise what he says has no validity and harms the credibility of this forum.
Mother-Yashoda's-demise-p.69-web.jpg (27.1 KiB) Viewed 9122 times
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Re: Om Radhe renamed Saraswati in 1953 Divine-Incest-Wedding?

Post29 Mar 2009

So, she died in 1961.

"Drink the ambrosia of his feet" ... meaning that Lekhraj Kirpalani used to have his wife drink the water that he had washed his feet with in the morning.

"No duality in their thoughts" ... that means she was completely submissive to him in BK Speak. Do we presume she became a servant for the yuga?

And all Lekhraj Kirpalani replied when she died was, "If your mother dies, eat halva (puddling)". That is a woolly, flattering translation for the English market.

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