"Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post23 Mar 2009


I have highlighted some points in red which i thought you might find interesting

Dadi Janki 20 March 2009 Shantivan - Stand on your own two feet and follow in the Father’s footstep

In Bhakti we used to sit at the feet of God. It is Baba who has given us the chance to make our lives very elevated and to live in His heart. In the home up above there is always light and might. That light and might is available to us all the time. Do you keep the aim to come into the kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan? That is the family path. Many BKs stay in the family and become elevated. Sanyassis leave the family, go into the jungle and have Yoga. However, here we stay in the family and transform our lives. This is why it is said in the Gita that the family path is very elevated. Those in the family become trustees and beyond all attraction.

Baba liberates us from everything that used to waste our time, money and energy. Think of the time and expense involved in arranging a wedding. It’s really only now that we come to know what waste is. We also understand what sin is and what charity is. Only Baba could give us this understanding. There is now a great difference in our activity. The intellect used to wander a great deal; it would get diverted and ‘hung up’ on something. However, Baba has changed all that. He told each one, "You are mine" and told us to remember Him. He taught us how to connect with Him and take power from that connection. So now ask yourself honestly: is my mind connected to God or is there some diversion, some distraction? Sages and saints make great effort to connect their minds to God and yet still they find their minds get distracted. Do you have the experience of real peace that comes through connecting your mind to God?

There are three main powers. Listen, note and then think about these things deeply. Firstly is the power to remain content. You may be living in a hut or a palace but you have to remain content. Contentment brings happiness. Contentment comes when you stop looking at others and appreciate what you have. You may not have a car but you have 2 legs and can walk. Learn to think in the right way. Stop comparing yourself with others. Don’t become dependent. Don’t make anything or anyone your stick of support. Stand on your own feet and follow in the Father’s footsteps. Follow in His footsteps and you will earn multimillions at every step. To be able to do good actions, the heart has to be healthy. The heart also has to be in the right place. If you are having heart palpitations, will you be able to do anything?

If you don’t feel good in the head, if you have a headache, you also won’t be able to do good actions. Therefore, on a spiritual level as well a physical one, the heart and the head have to be healthy and strong. If you heart and head aren’t good, how can your hands work? In fact, it is Baba who has operated and keeps operating on our hearts to make them healthy. He takes away all the pain that the heart had accumulated through different births. He also operated on our intellects; He taught us how to remove all hatred. It is thanks to Him performing these operations that the heart and mind could become peaceful. He has taken away the sorrow and shown us how to be happy, how to be content.

Secondly, we have the power to tolerate. Previously we didn’t have this power and, when anyone said anything we didn’t like, the Brothers would react by getting into conflict, while the Sisters would cry. We constantly used to think that people should not say this, or not do that. Baba has taken us away from this by teaching us to do good actions and by showing us how not to look at others. Baba has shown us how to go beyond all desires and to remain content. The power to tolerate resides in the heart. Thirdly, we have courage. It is courage that makes the soul sweet. It is courage that allows us to do something immediately without having to spend time thinking about it. Patience is also needed in life. If there is no patience how will you ever become peaceful?

Today Baba said that we need to keep connecting to Him and receiving the current. Those who really practise being bodiless and having Yoga go beyond all desires. It is then that the soul really feels that Baba means everything to him. So ask yourself: what you really need in your life? Become complete with all virtues, leave all weakness, do good actions and everything will come to you automatically. You will be like a deity who is full of tolerance, patience and contentment. When you are like this, your home will become like a temple and you will be the living deity in it, remembering the Father, offering Bhog and reminding others to remember God.

Om Shanti

Dadi Janki 22.3.09 London by phone from Madhuban

Remain intoxicated with the experience of love from the Mother, Brahma. Happy Mother’s Day! Dadi has been with the teachers, sharing this morning’s Murli about love with great intoxication. It is Brahma Baba who gives us the experience of the Mother, taking us into his lap and giving us so much love. Shiv Baba is the Father and, as Dilaram (the Comforter of Hearts), we are able to sit in His Heart. It is when Brahma Baba and Shiv Baba are combined that we experience comfort. Who is it who has won our heart - who has conquered our hearts with honesty? The One with a true heart.

Dadi Janki and Dadi Gulzar have had a wonderful chit chat with the teachers. Dadi Gulzar was telling the teachers that they are ‘gurubhai’. When we keep the soul consciousness vision of brotherhood then we are able to see each other respectfully as ‘gurubhai’. Dadi Janki feels that she has never taught anyone, "I don’t have students as such ... everyone is a student and Dadi is a number one student". It is wonderful to be a student. Our head remains cool and everything remains unlimited.

We have such a wonderful Father, and Baba loves us constantly to listen to Him and do everything with Him. When we come in front of Baba, Baba embraces us and gives us so much love. In today’s Murli, Baba has said, "Consider yourself to be a child and you will remain safe from Maya". When we speak of Baba, who are we remembering - Shiv Baba, or Brahma Baba? In fact, we are remembering both as BapDada and, together with this, we remember the divine activities of Brahma Baba. Do I remember Baba or His Teachings?

It is so wonderful that Baba has created such a beautiful creation in Madhuban in three places (Pandav Bhavan, Gyan Sarovar and Shantivan) and so Dadi makes herself available in all three. Baba says that the true ‘gurubhai’ is the one who follows every direction. Constantly experience the treasure of happiness and do not keep it locked away in your locker - distribute it and it will increase.

[Jayminiben: Dadi is a world mother and everyone loves Dadi so much because she is a key for their life. Brahma Baba is the mother and Dadi is the Grandmother!] Om Shanti.
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post24 Mar 2009

Dadi Janki wrote:when we moved from Karachi it was what was put by others in Baba’s bhandara that was used. Previously we didn’t used to offer Bhog but, when we moved, we started the system of offering the food to Baba before using it ... Mama’s mother used to offer Bhog and go into trance.

I guess that must have been Rochan Pokardas Rajwani, aged 45 according to the list of members.
terry wrote:Hey, I don't understand this last post ex-l. In the quote it says what you said, that they started offering after they moved from Karachi.

I hear you. I am sorry but without supporting evidence, I find it hard to believe what she says. I remember some references to food in the old books and biographies. It will take for me to check.

Some of the food related stuff is astonishing by worldly standards, e.g. Lekhraj Kirpalani gave the young girls money so that when they went home they did not eat their parents' food but only cooked and eat food bought by his money ... what an insult and provocation that must have been. Its like stealing other people's children.

I guess it all depends on how big an issue you consider the missing introduction of Shiva sometime after 1950. We are still no where nearer knowing how, who, where and when it happened. Without a God Shiva, you cant offer food to him ... how, when and why did that come about.
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post28 Jun 2009

Jayanti asks questions and Janki Kripalani answers them:
Question: What should I do when others are not content with me?

Answer: they are just testing you, so don’t let that tire you. If they are not able to be content with you, let someone else make them content. If souls are not content with me, let me take them to you, so that they become content.

So this is how they take responsability when they are confronted with people who are asking questions.
We are just testing them! So Janki's solution is to play a ping pong game with everyone. How wicked. (I got it from here: Dadi Janki Questions and Answers).

    Question: Dadi, I am not content with your behavior towards souls in emotional need.
    Answer: Well, if you're not content, go to Jayanti.
    Question: Jayanti, I am not content with your behavior towards souls in emotional need.
    Answer: Well, Dadi says I should not get tired when you are not content, so now that's your problem, go to someone else.
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post29 Jun 2009

What I get from that is that the game (and all yuktis), is all about gaining personal power and then holding onto it.

I notice from the BK Seva website you reference, they still repeat the same old twaddle ...
Then, in 1936, at the age of 60, when most of his colleagues were planning their retirement, Dada Lekhraj entered into the most active and fascinating phase of his life, during which he became known as Brahma Baba.

Lekhraj Kirpalani was not 60 in 1936, he was 52. He retired and started his satsangs in 1932 ... That comes from a book the BKs published in 1938 and yet I have seen BKs argue blind on the internet and "correct" it to the made up story. It says it all to me.
Question: What should I do when others are not content with me?

Answer: they are just testing you, so don’t let that tire you. If they are not able to be content with you, let someone else make them content. If souls are not content with me, let me take them to you, so that they become content. But I must never just let them be, thinking they are never going to be content.

So is she saying, if a problem arises, it is obviously the other person's problem because if they are a good BK, they will, e.g. be content as they are being screwed over or deluded? Its mind play, is not it.

I had this experience once with a BK who is now running one of their official businesses out of London. He had a habit of clearing his throat and spitting in the kitchen sink. I, naturally, took offense to this as I had to eat vegetables washed and prepared in that sink. I kept my cool and, finally, asked him politely not to saying that I thought it really was not a nice thing to do ...

What I got in return was exactly this kind of mind play about how it was all my problem and I should not be looking at him and judging etc (approximately). All is a saccharine sweet control manner. WTF. Frankly, I should have seen it all and quit the BKs then.


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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post15 Jul 2009

BKWSU wrote:Dadi Janki – 9th July 2009 – Om Shanti Bhavan - Check yourself right now!

Today is the special and unique day of the Satguru. These days will not come, return. Today will only return after 5,000 years. I have to look at myself clearly and see what transformation I have to bring. What change to I have to bring about in myself today – right now! As I change, Baba will make me transparent and I will reveal Him. I have to become as transparent, as clear as Baba is. Yes, later I will become a deity but it is at this time that I have to become an angel. Angels are clear, transparent, shining and free.. I have to become a complete Brahmin and remain in the awareness as I move around.

It has become a trend in this family to share about others weaknesses. As you see them and think about them you feel you need to share about their mistakes or weaknesses with others. However, the day is coming when Baba will tell you what you are like! At the end we will definitely have a vision of what we did. You may not even be aware of the mistakes you have made. Baba’s form will change; He is now the Mother, Father and Teacher and Friend. He is teaching us and making us similar to Himself in a very light manner.

However, Baba’s form will change. He also has the form of the Satguru and the Supreme Judge merged within Him. If you follow the dictates of your own mind; that’s it for you. If you don’t follow His directions you wont’ feel that His hand is on you head. Be aware; if you are following your own dictates then you are only pleasing yourself. You will not please the Father and you will not bring benefit to yourself or others.

You will definitely receive the result of what you are doing and you will not receive a high status. You have left the highest teachings and are going on your own way. There is definitely a return for that. You will not experience that God’s hand of blessings on your head. If you want to be really true, then you will follow what Baba says and will become completely true and honest.

God has come to change a world that has no trace of truth. If you carry with your own falsehood then how can you have any effect on the world? How can you become God’s true helper? I should be so true that anyone who comes in my company feels that and is influenced by it. Such souls will not make effort just to show others; they will be very deep and their effort will come from deep within.

Some souls take a lot of time to bring benefit to the self. They only think about what they can get for their own self. They will think about travelling here and there, getting this and that. They will think of every method they can use to get something for their own selves. Be aware; if you are not moving forward spiritually now then you never will. This is the only chance. This is the only time to ascend. If you do not feel that you are progressing every day then what is the point of your spiritual life? What is your aim? I am speaking to you very honestly today. You may feel that you do not even want to listen to such things but these are the aspects of truth. These are the things that are going to come in front of you at the end.

I have to see what I will carry back with me to the land of peace and then to the land of happiness. What type of sanskaras am I accumulating that I will take back with me? I have to now feel myself to be a living, walking angel. I have to keep this aim. There should be nothing in my hands – angels don’t carry anything around with them. Some are hiding their money away, thinking they need this and that. Time is moving fast! Think of what you are here for, what are you really doing here.

Think of goldfish; how beautiful they look when they are swimming free in the ocean. We are the children of the Ocean of Knowledge. We should not trap ourselves in temporary matters. If I get trapped or trap others, what is the point of coming into the Confluence? Yes, I have left the iron age but now I am getting trapped in subtle chains here. Don’t be a fish that is trapped in a small bowl; the whole ocean is available to you. Think of the life of a fish in bowl and the life of a fish in the ocean. Baba is fully available to you when you free yourself. Be aware, the Supreme Justice will come in front of each one of us and you will see what you have done. Remain aware of the final time. If you are aware of this then you will be careful at the present time. Let me experience the happiness of a life in which you are liberated.

This is the day of the Satguru ... today is the day to free yourself completely. This is the Confluence, the most auspicious age, the age to become elevated. Now think what you have to do to claim a high status in the future. None of us are ordinary. There are 100’s of thousands of Brahmins but I have to become so special that I reveal to the world who is teaching me. Show the world how much you have attained. Depending on your attainment now, you will find God quickly in the Copper Age. According to your activity Baba will give you love or show you a stern eye. Don’t waste your time now making little mistakes. Some are so firm in following their own minds that even Dadi thinks that their way of behaving is in the drama.

Om Shanti
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post16 Jul 2009

This actually should be in a topic: stones from Dadi Janki. She's selling fear based thoughts. And well,
even Dadi thinks that their way of behaving is in the drama.

"Even Dadi" ... it says it all
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post17 Jul 2009

lokila wrote:"Even Dadi" ... it says it all

Well, of course!!! If Dadi thinks it ... it must be true! She is One of the 8 (albeit it with a re-written and whitewashed personal history) and I will never become one of them? How could she be wrong and I be right?
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Re: "Jewels from Dadi Janki" or stones? (Fear based teachings)

Post17 Jul 2009

I always found it especially arrogant when BKs like Janki refer to themselves as another person, they believe it's a sign of humility and soul consciousness.

You will hear some of the next rank bhagats trying the same thing too, I have heard Manju bhen from Ilford refer to herself as "Manju Bhen" ... nutters.
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Re: "Jewels from Dadi Janki" or stones? (Fear based teachings)

Post17 Jul 2009

Its also thought control. Its like teaching infants what to think. "Repeat after me ...".

The big joke is that she really thinks that she is so important. Who really is Janki Kripalani? Why is not she enlightened enough to be mature, honest and truthful about her past, the failure of the Brahma Kumari movement and its transformation into a self-important, money sucking, property investment scam?

Something she has been central to.

I specifically write "scam". For 30 odd years ... since the purchase of Tennyson Road freehold in 1976 - THE SAME YEAR THEIR GOD SAID THE WORLD WAS GOING TO END ... they have been conning people with "End of the World" predictions to take their money and invest it in property.

They have not been doing "service" or "charity". They have been doing "social climbing". Using followers' money to fly all over the world sucking up to rich people and VIPs.

Any good BK that HAS done charity has generally had to start it and do it AGAINST the will of the Seniors and at the risk of being socially ostracised within the BK "Family" ... ho ho ho "family".


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Re: "Jewels from Dadi Janki" or stones? (Fear based teachings)

Post18 Jul 2009

I do not even dare to say that BKs are sending Hitler quotes around. Do they know who Hitler is??
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Re: "Jewels from Dadi Janki" or stones? (Fear based teachings)

Post18 Jul 2009

jannisder wrote:Do they know who Hitler is??

I am sure he was a great "self management leader" :shock: until he lost the plot and then, as some BK at their Mansion house retreat was quoted as saying by The Telegraph, "decided to help the Jews settle their karma".

I have never heard of this, do you have any evidence? Really, "quotes" are worth nothing. It is actions that count.


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Re: "Jewels from Dadi Janki" or stones? (Fear based teachings)

Post24 Jul 2009

Sent to me with other quotations from some great names collected by "creative" and dedicated BKs? Titled as "Very Nice Wordings" !!!

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Re: "Jewels from Dadi Janki" or stones? (Fear based teachings)

Post24 Jul 2009

I am speechless ... I just do not get it ... do they have any idea what it means? Surely, the person who made it was joking!?!

Hitler committed suicide in a bunker, after marrying his mistress and killing his beloved dog Blondi, to save himself from invading Russians ... are the BKs suggesting they do the same?

I could see "winners not having to explain" as certainly a Kripalani Family motto. This is the weirdest thing I have ever seen. It is utterly beyond me.


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Re: "Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

Post26 Jul 2009

Today Baba Says, “Sweet children, this eternal drama continues to turn; it continues to tick away. The parts of no two souls can be the same. Understand this accurately and remain constantly cheerful.”

We the Children of God are Checkers and Makers: Today I am calm, composed and cheerful ... witnessing every scene in Drama as the most beneficial.

“We all now have to bring newness as the New Age is coming. Science is trying to do this, but will fail, yet silence will pass. What is silence? Silence is being cheerful. Please pay attention to being cheerful. Of course, many things will happen, but this is the drama; it’s the game. Baba has told us: Watch the drama and play the game - be the detached observer in the audience and also play our part. This is the wonderful Confluence Age.

A sensible person asked Dadi, "Should I have an intellect that has disinterest?" How can I imbibe what Baba is saying to me, if the intellect does not have disinterest in other things! Baba doesn’t get on at all with people who are attracted to possessions, people or situations. If there’s even the slightest attachment, Baba will say, "OK, do what you want. If you have attachment for anything, it means you don’t recognise Baba". Keep remembering the things Baba says.

There’s never a time when Dadi isn’t remembering three or four things Baba has said. The things others say are forgotten, but the things Baba says carry me forward. The time for moving or even leaping forward is over; it is time to fly.

There’s a song Dadi likes very much; It is a slippery path. We have to move forward with caution. Sometimes we fall, then have to climb up again, so we have to be careful. It is a deep matter about why we fall. Those who don’t blame others never fall. They walk carefully. They value time. Who are the most elevated, even amongst the Brahmins?”

- Beloved Dadi Janki Ji
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Re: "Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

Post26 Jul 2009

As usual, Dadi Janki Kripalani boasting about herself as a means of mind control ... "There’s never a time when Dadi isn’t remembering three or four things Baba has said".

This is from the woman that tells followers "not to think" and say "Baba" tens of thousands of times a day.

Technically, I think it is actually impossible to remember 3 or 4 things at once, I think the mind pretty much thinks of one thing at one time.

So what is the point of thoughtless repeating slugs from the Murlis like empty mantras?

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