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7 Days Course

PostPosted: 08 Feb 2007
by proy
Knowledge - The 7 day course.

A lot of people are saying that in the 7 day course the first day, or the first two days, are enough for them. That is the lesson on the Soul, and the lesson on God. I would say they are probably enough for anybody.

Anything beyond that is not knowledge at all, and never can be. It is information. If you choose to believe this information then it becomes faith, and ultimately dogma. The soul can be experienced, it can be known. So that part of the teaching can rightfully be called knowledge if, and it is a big if, you have experienced your own soul. The same goes for the lesson on God. It is possible to experience God, although it is rare, and so it could be called knowledge.

In short "The Knowledge" as the 7 day course (maybe plus the advanced course) is called is no such thing. It is, after lesson two, all BK dogma, taken on trust and faith. This is a big error. I am not being pedantic. To know is very different from to believe or to have faith, or to follow dogma.

The reason I have posted this in the psychic dimensions thread is because to know your own soul and to know god is a psychic ability we all have in potential. From Karma onwards it is not knowledge, it is faith.

True, if you have faith in something it will be real for you, but only for you. We are all self-sovereign. What we believe becomes fact for us. If you believe in karma then it will be true for you, but not for me. The same goes for The Tree, and The Cycle. If you believe in an endless identically repeating cycle it will be true - true for you, not for me. You will come back over and over again and repeat your actions if you believe you will. I will not. It is your choice, and my choice is mine.

On a psychic level of experience I know I am a soul, I know there is God, or the Infinite Source, and I know that I have lived many times and that I will live again. I know all these things because I, personally, have experienced them. I experience my soul, I experience the vacuum field, I remember some of my past lives, I know how to manifest my future lives. These future lives will not necessarily even be on this planet or in this dimension. They certainly will not be a repeat of my past lives. Been there, done that, too boring to repeat it. I am going into new adventures, into experiences I have not had yet, but that I desire very much. Knowing comes from experience, and that knowing leads on to further experiences.

You do not get knowledge from taking evening classes, though you may be woken up by them. You get knowledge through your own personal experience. More later ...

Any comments or questions?

Do I need to outline what the 7 day course is or can I assume that we all know that?