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Signs of end of the world

PostPosted: 20 Nov 2012
by ex.brahma
Following non-BK signs or some of them may indicate the eventual end of the world and accordingly humanity on earth, with no future cycles, golden or non- golden ages ...
    * Earth non-renewable and essential resources, such as: Oil, Gas, Minerals ..etc, get consumed and depleted, and can no longer cater for earth inhabitants needs.

    * Science reach its peak and satuaration stage, with no new inventions or technological breakthroughs.

    * Earth planet gets overcrowded and congested with its inhabitants. Agricultural products no longer sufficient to feed the people.

    * Severe pollution in the air, soil, and water, making it extremely difficult to live and survive.

    * Crazy climatic conditions and phenomena, including high rise in temperatures and melting of north and south pole ice.
How close are we to these signs ?