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Godly Education - the most important question

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2013
by Pink Panther
The BKWSU is not only dedicated to "Godly education" but claims clearly and explicitly to have God 'herself' as the very font of knowledge, head lecturer, curriculum advisor and chairman of the board of directors, as well as being available for consultations via "messenger" at regular intervals.

It is therefore most curious that, for such an institution, the single most important question that needs to be asked is not asked. And the related questions which consequentially need to be asked, not just once but repeatedly, are also neither asked nor examined dispassionately.

The single most important question one must ask, if one is considering studying at such a "university" that’s making such claims as the BKWSU, has to be:
    1. Is this God?
The next obvious related question is:
    2. If God exists, what defines "God"?
Then, as the cross reference - the ”control” question which tests the veracity and logic of both:

    a) Does my definition of God determine whether I accept it is or isn’t God,


    b) Does my acceptance or rejection determine my definition
i.e. does the answer to Q1 determine Q2, or vice versa?

What is fascinating (and I choose fascinating with full intention) about the way the BKWSU works is how it convinces people to forgo everything they have learnt in life experience - of how we should judge someone’s claim to authority - and gets people to flip that on its head, and change the definition to suit the claim.

Re: Godly Education - the most important question

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2013
by ex-l
My inner BK is panicking at the momentous scale of the questions you are putting towards it.

"Don't think ... don't question ... say Baba 10,000 times a day ... apply a full stop ..." and if all else fails, "Do more self-induced trance (BK raj Yoga)" and if even that does work, go and see a senior BK who will hypnotise you back into trance again.

As you say, the BKs turn everything upside down and say, "now this is the right way up!". You seen it yourself in discussion with some internet BKs where what are clearly completely subjective truth become re-labelled as the objective truth and 'understanding' is replaced with 'acceptance'.

One doesn't understand in BKism, one just accepts and is most rewarded for going along with any further modifications unquestioningly.

Truth is what the Dadis says even if is it false and contradictory to what they said before.

In essence, that concepts or facts of what they say is almost irrelevant in comparison to how they are being used and to what effect. As I've said before, it is all about 'expedience', not what is ... it is about what works best to help them achieve their goals, or simply upkeep their wealthy, income and simple material comforts.

It matters not what version of their "knowledge" they are currently teaching (it has changed, it will change again), what matters is how it effects the individuals subjected to it ... so it's more about how their beans fit into the preformed holes in our souls, the ones labelled "who am I?", "who is god?", "why is my life like this?","what is life all about?" ... the same holes or questions most of all of the other cults and religions plug in order to exploit.

Simple logic would appear to state that if this is God, and God is so much greater than I, how could I judge/conceive/grasp it? Surely to be able to "understand the mind of God" is to be greater than God?

A statistic I offer at this point is the old marketing ploy for margarine ...
    9 out of 10 housewives cannot tell the difference between butter and margarine!

    Surely, if 9 out of 10 housewives cannot tell the difference between butter and margarine
    ... given that the majority of Brahma Kumaris are just that ... it's a bit much to expect them to be able to tell the difference between gods and angels ... seraphim, cherubim, ophanim, dominions and powers, and whatever might exist ... or simple possessing spirit beings?

    ... Or their own imagination?
I mean, they're not exactly known for either their intellectual powers, nor intellectual integrity.

Wasn't part of Lekhraj Kirpalani's mental breakdown the typical expansive grandiosity of a narcissist or manic depressive? He being God Krishna, Vishnu and Narayan, indulging himself with his gopis from the 1930s right through to the 1950s?

Remember, there was no other god in the Brahma Kumaris until the mid to late 1950s.

Everyone want their tribal god or guru to be the god of all. They're just like football supporters. Or perhaps every jealous tribal god wants to be the number one god, and does so by denying the existence of all the other tribal gods? Or perhaps that's just how religious programming works? It only works ... or works the most profitably ... if you tell people there is only one god and yours is it.
    The Spiritual Monopolism of 'Baba the Clever Businessman'.
He was just like any other Indian businessman ... he saw a street of busy business raking it in and so he thought he'd start one long side theirs and make a bit too. A shop on the high street of every village is what he predicted they would become.

Of course, all that is entirely contradictory to Hinduism and Buddhism who learned that to accept all other gods and religions led to less conflicts and, hence, was better for the greater good. Which is another reason why BKs aren't Hindus ... they are just making a profit by raiding the wealth of Hinduism just like the Mohammad Ghaznavi their leader was obsessed with.