How to reveal a....???

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How to reveal a....???

Post07 Jan 2014

Reveal reveal reveal. True Believers

The committed members of a cult are true believers, as described by Eric Hoffer in his priceless little book, The True Believer, where he described the psychology of mass movements, which is what successful popular cults are. (See Hoffer's descriptions of hatred as a unifying force and effective cult doctrines.) Hoffer also said:
The less justified a man is in claiming excellence for his own self, the more ready he is to claim all excellence for his nation, his religion, his race, or his holy cause.

A man is likely to mind his business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people's business.

The True Believer, Eric Hoffer

Such true believers are characterized by an intense desire to believe in some great cause or some grandiose dogma, often with little or no rational or logical reason to believe such things. Such people are driven by a desire to believe more than by actual belief in something. They don't really believe, they just want to believe. (And often, they fear that something terrible will happen to them, like that they will go to Hell forever, if they don't believe, so they really want to believe.)
"You cannot convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep-seated need to believe."

== Carl Sagan
The phony prophet Arthur Bell set up a cult called Mankind United back in 1934. When he began to get into legal trouble for defrauding his followers, he made outrageous claims to divert attention:

The debonair cult leader was ready with new revelations. He told the [state legislative] committee that he could go into a trance and be whisked anywhere in the world. "Once I went to sleep in San Francisco and woke up aboard a British merchant vessel in the middle of the Atlantic," he explained.

Such public pronouncements by Bell did not scandalize his followers. The wily leader knew what he was about. The cult was now more than seven years old. The dilettantes and curious had deserted. Too, the peculiar law unique to all cult movements was fast at work: the more money, time and effort a cultist devotes to his Cause, the less concerned he is with the tenets and beliefs of the Cause. Bell's followers, by now, were so immersed in their dream and its fulfillment that he could have announced he was the Devil Incarnate and they'd have accepted it blandly.

- God Is A Millionaire, Richard Mathison, page 199.
William F. Olin wrote about how the more aware and thoughtful people in Synanon worried that it might turn into a fanatical cult of true believers (which it did):

After a break for aerobics, the Stew wrapped up the subject of religion with an examination of its possible dangers. Guy Endore was quoted from his book, Synanon, as warning against the eventuality of our zeal turning into "that horror of horrors, religious fanaticism." I couldn't agree with him more, offering my own thoughts on what I called the "true believer syndrome," where followers become automatons with numbed minds. They cannot distinguish symbols from the things symbolized — words become realities, the menu becomes the meal — and their only compass is a blind loyalty. In such a mental state, emotions can be so inflamed and polarized that the box of reason itself is flipped and nice people form lynch mobs. Impassioned self-rightousness does not allow for opposition — loyal or otherwise. Non-believers are infidels, dropouts are heretics, and critics are persecutors and, literally, damned enemies, while thugs and murderers who wear the right uniform become canonized as saints and martyrs. Too often in our history, holy causes have justified every conceivable excess in the name of all that's good — from Inquisition tortures and witchburnings to kamikaze attacks and Nazi ovens.

Escape From Utopia, William F. Olin, pages 210-211.

In Frank Buchman's Oxford Group cult, Peter Howard was a good example of a true believer. First, Howard was a street-fighting thug for Sir Oswald Mosley's New Party, which morphed into The British Union of Fascists. Then, when Peter Howard switched obsessions, from radical politics to radical religion, he joined Dr. Frank Buchman's Oxford Group, and Howard soon wrote a whole book of praise of Frank Buchman, talking about how wonderful Frank Buchman was, declaring that Frank Buchman couldn't possibly be a fraud or a charlatan, before Peter Howard had ever met Frank Buchman. Peter Howard just wanted to believe, so he did. Howard did not let a little thing like lack of any actual personal knowledge or experience with Frank Buchman get in the way of Howard's worshipping of his new favorite hero.

Peter Howard was also quick to attack "enemies" of the Oxford Group. Howard did not hesitate to call other people liars for telling the truth about Frank Buchman and his cult, and at the same time, Howard did not hesitate to tell lies for benefit of his newly-adopted cult. Peter Howard complained bitterly about all of the criticism that Frank Buchman and his organization received, and declared that such criticism came from the "morally defeated".

Sir Herbert Spencer wrote about true believers way back in 1866. Here, he was describing people who stubbornly cling to the idea of divine creation of individual species, in spite of all evidence to the contrary:

Is it supposed that a new organism, when specially created, is created out of nothing?
Is it supposed that the matter of which the new organism consists, is not created for the occasion, but is taken out of its pre-existing forms and arranged into a new form? If so, we are met by the question — how is the re-arrangement effected?
And thus it is with all attempted ways of representing the process. The old Hebrew idea that God takes clay and moulds a new creature, as a potter might throw a vessel, is probably too grossly anthropomorphic to be accepted by any modern defender of the special-creation doctrine. But having abandoned this crude belief, what belief is he prepared to substitute? If a new organism is not thus produced, then in what way is a new organism produced? Or rather — in what way can a new organism be conceived to be produced? We will not ask for the ascertained mode, but will be content with a mode that can be consistently imagined. No such mode, however, is assignable. Those who entertain the proposition that each kind of organism results from divine interposition, do so because they refrain from translating words into thoughts. The case is one of those where men do not really believe, but rather believe they believe. For belief, properly so called, implies a mental representation of the thing believed; and no such mental representation is here possible.

Principles of Biology, Herbert Spencer, Volume 1, pages 336-337, London, 1864-1867.
True believers in cults have just such mental problems. They do not really believe in something as much as they believe that they believe. Or they even just wish that they believed. (And then they often wish that they believed even more strongly, with fewer doubts).

They insist that they believe without question, but they will not and can not calmly, rationally, discuss the pros and cons of their beliefs, because that could cast doubts on their "faith". They just won't (and cannot) allow any evidence to cast doubts on their beliefs, because if they do, their unexamined (and indefensible) belief structure could well fall apart. So they become dogmatic fanatics who will not tolerate any dissent, or any questioning of their beliefs, or any discussion of other ideas. And they are rarely open-minded to the idea that their beliefs may be less than 100% true.

The religious fanatic, for instance, wants to believe that he has a guaranteed ticket to Heaven, no matter whether he really does or not. He also wants to believe that he has all of the true answers to everything in life — he cannot bear to think that he might be wrong — so he often simply refuses to question his own beliefs:
    "I am right because I am right, so there."
    "My beliefs are all true and correct because I believe in the Word Of God, and anybody who disagrees with me doesn't believe in the Word Of God, so they are obviously wrong."
    "Our beliefs are correct because our Master has brought us the one and only true New Dispensation."
    "We Scientologists are right, and everybody else is wrong, because we have superior minds that have been made clear by LRH technology. (And I know that I did not waste the $100,000 that I gave to Scientology.) Everybody who disagrees with us is just evil and A Suppressive Person."
And, unfortunately, true believers do not really want to know the truth, in spite of their claims that they have "The Truth". They just want to continue to believe what they think they believe. Their attitude is, "I won't allow my opinions to be changed by mere facts", and "I don't need facts to believe".
Dear divine family,

Om Shanti.

Here is an article prepared by some Baba's children with a strong desire to reveal Baba, the Sermoniser of Gita, to the whole world. Please circulate this article amongst your friends, contact souls, and BKs.

THE SERMONISER OF THE Gita –WHO, WHAT,WHEN, WHY, HOW? - an invitation to know.


The Bhagavad Gita is one of the most popular scriptures which people have been reading and teaching daily with great devotion. Some of the verses of Gita are very well known. In one popular verse - Krishna says that he would incarnate in the world when there is a decline of righteousness and unrighteiousness prevails to establish dharma.

According to the cycles of time there are four main ages or epochs namely SatYuga, Tretayuga Dwapuryuga and then Kaliyuga.

It is believed that Shri Krishna sermonized the Gita in Dwapur Yuga.
The question that many people are asking is that- If Shri Krishna had sermonised the Gita in Dwapur Yuga to establish righteousness, the age that followed DwaparYuga is Kaliyuga. Everyone knows that Kaliyuga is full of unrighteousness, devilishness, and there is an all-round decline of moral and spiritual values. So if Krishna comes in Dwapur Yuga Kaliyuga should be better but it is not the case.

It is written in many scriptures that there is a time when there would be a great destruction of the humanity (pralaya)

Since time spins in a cyclic pattern according to the kaal chakra [wheel of time], when Kaliyuga ends, Sat Yuga, the Age of Righteousness or dharma, starts and the creation would be replete with all celestial degrees. There will be health, wealth, and happiness for every one in SatYuga and it would be veritable heaven on earth.

So, one may wonder whether God is going to incarnate now at the end of Kaliyug, and the Sermonize of Gita again and re-educate His children to become righteous.
It is more logical to think that He would incarnate at the end of Kaliyuga and the beginning of SatYuga or to be exact at the confluence or meeting of these two ages.

This period can be called the Confluence Age or Sangam Yuga which would be a fifth Age. So the five Ages woud be SatYuga, Tretayuga, Dwapuryuga, Kaliyuga and Sangam Yuga

Now, let us examine the aspect of what is the form and attributes of God, the only one who has the power to change this impure world.

2. WHO - Shri Krishna or God Shiva?

Some people call God 'Ishwar', some call Him Jehova, while some call him 'Allah', but He and His form remain the same.

1) God is one who is accepted by all,
2) God is the Supreme,
3) God is beyond all bondages of action,
4) God is omniscient,
5) God is boundless or unlimited in all His attributes.

God is the Father, mother, friend, preceptor / guide, teacher and protector of all souls. He is the only one who has no parents, guide, teacher or protector above Him.

Unlike human souls, God doesn't come into The Cycle of birth and death. Hence He is called ' Ajanma' (One who doesn't take birth). It is said in the Gita, “I am 'Mahakaal ' (the great death ]. Death can never approach me.”

Upon taking birth, humans are bound to act and get the fruit of their actions. God, however, is 'Akarta' (one who does not perform any action) and 'Abhokta' (one who doesn't experience the result of any action).

God is said to be 'Trikaldarshi' (one who knows the three aspects of time – the past, present and future).
God is described as Trilokinath or Lord of the Three Worlds.

He is also described as Trinetri or one with ‘three eyes’. He bestows The Knowledge of the third eye on humans.

3. Who is the Supreme Soul ? What did He do?

God Shiva is referred to as Paramatma [Param+atma -the Supreme Soul], while all the other gods and goddesses in the Hindu pantheon are called devi devatas or deities. That is why the prayer, Brahma devaaya namah, Vishnu devaaya namah, Shankar devaaya namah…, ends with Shiv paramaatmaaya namah.

The Supreme Soul never takes birth as humas do humans, He however takes a divine birth to salvage humanity He takes a divine birth. By divine birth is meant that He does not come into the womb of a mother; He enters the body of a human being whom He names Prajapita Brahma. He uses the organ of the mouth of this individual called Brahma to speak. He give The Knowledge to create the new world or SatYuga.

Since His birth is divine and spiritual, God is the One who does not have parents. That's why the word 'Shambhu' is suffixed to Shiva. 'Shambhu' is short for 'Swayambhu' – the One who is self created. The Supreme Soul has no Father or mother, friend or relative, preceptor or protector. He is also described as the One who is beyond The Cycle of birth and death.

It is said that Lord Rama himself made and worshipped a Shiva lingam in Rameswaram before defeating Ravan. Sri Krishna worshipped the Shiva lingam at Gopeshwar. Similarly, it is said that on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, before the war started, all the five Pandavs and Krishna worshipped Lord Shiva as Sthaneshwar(Lord of the Place) to gain powers. It is described in the scriptures that whenever the deities faced any problems, they used to rush to Lord Shiva for help.

We see pictures depicting Mahadev, Shankar, doing tapasya in front of a ShivaLingam. It means that deity Shankar and Shiva are two separate entities.

Shankar has a subtle body whereas Shiva is nirakar or incorporeal meaning He does not have a sublte or gross bodily form.
Maha dev Shankar is not worshipped in the form of a lingam;
The Lingam is called Shiva lingam not Shankar lingam. Shankar is shown wearing a crescent moon, a snake around his neck, and river Ganges flowing from his head.

The conclusion that can be drawn is that

Rama, Sri Krishna, and Shankar are deities whereas Shiva is Parmatma or the Supreme Soul.

God Shiva is incorporeal; He is a Point of Light, or Jyoti Bindu. For the purpose of worship devotees use a Shiva lingum as it is not practical to worship a bindi or Jyoti bindu, Shiva’s true form.

The Supreme Soul, Supreme Father Shiva is the Creator of the three murthis of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahadev Shankar. God Shiva creates the New world through Brahma, sustains that world through Vishnu, and carries out destruction of the Iron Aged world through Shankar.

God is described as Satyam, Shivam , Sundaram or the TRUTH, the BENEFACTOR, and as BEAUTIFUL.

God is the Truth, God is the Benefactor, God is beautiful (constantly pure). He is Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram.

4 - The descent of Shiv Paramatma at Sangam Yuga, according to scriptures –

If the spiritual secrets behind the festival of Shivratri are understood, world transformation will take place easily. Shivratri is not a festival for just Shaivites. If one studies ancient civilizations and cultures it becomes apparent that Shivratri is a festival for all souls of the world.

For example, in the Mahabharata it's written – “When this world plunged into clutches of darkness and vicious proliferation, an egg-like form of light descended and established a new world order. The light uttered a few words and gave divine birth to Prajapita Brahma.”

In the Manu smriti, it is mentioned that in the very beginning of creation, a point of light manifested itself, and its brilliance was like that of a thousand suns.

Likewise, in the Dharma Samhita part of Shivpuran, it is stated that at the end of Kaliyug, during the time of destruction, a magnificent light (Jyotirling) revealed itself and it was blindingly luminous and radiant.

Further, it is said that the light was eternal and it never decreased or increased in size, and that the world was created through this light.

When God Shiva descends at confluence of kaliyuga and SatYuga, or Sangam yuga He gives The Knowledge that Time moves in a cyclic pattern and that all the 4 ages (SatYuga , Treta, Dwapar,and Kaliyug) get repeated every cycle or Kalpa. A Kalpa is of 5000 years duration.

The 100 year period between the end of Kaliyuga and the beginning of SatYuga is called the Sangam yuga or Confluence Age. It is the most auspicious age because God comes on earth at that time. In fact it is the most elevated age because man becomes elevate and so it is called also Purshotam sangam yuga.

When God Shiva comes, He sermonises Gita, and establishes the Original Eternal Deity Religion (Adi Sanatan Devi- Devata Dharm). This is the religion that gets continued in Satyug and Treta yug. God’s descent and incarnation on earth is known as Shivratri or Shiv jayanti. Since He sermonizes the Gita it is also the birth of the Gita.

Not only Hindus, but Jews, Christians and Muslims also believe in an incorporeal God. There are Shiva temples in every nook and corner of India. He is venerated as Vishwanath in the east (Kashi), Amarnath in the north, Rameshwar in the south, Somnath in the West, Mahakaleshwar in Ujjain, Kedarnath in the Himalayas, Vaidyanath in Bihar, Omkarnath in Madhya Pradesh, Bhuvaneshwar and Dwarka. In Nepal, Shiva is worshipped as Pashupatinath.

The ancient names of God such as 'Shuin' in Babylon, 'Seva' or 'Sevajya' in Syria, Egypt and Fiji, 'Sibru' in the land occupied by the progeny of Abraham and Jehova are not too different from the Sanskrit word 'Shiva', which, according to some scholars, is the confluence of two phonetic parts,'shi' and 'va', meaning redeemer and liberator from sins and sufferings.

From the above, it may be inferred that Supreme Soul Shiva has done something praiseworthy for the betterment of the whole world and hence He is remembered by people of all cultures and religions in different ways.

The Supreme Soul, God, incarnates in Sangamyug and educates human beings on how to lead a pure and elevated life. His sermons are called Shrimat. It is the real Gita sermonised by God Himself that becomes instrumental in establishing a new world order, a new religion called Adi Sanatana Devi devata Dharm (The Original Eternal Deity Religion)..

5. Is Gita originally a part of Mahabarat?

Students of Sanskrit literature are well aware that the original name of epic Mahabharat was Jai Sanhita which contained around 5000 shlokas (verses). Some more writers went on adding to it and it was later re-named Bharat Samhita, keeping in view that it was the story of this great country called Bharat. Many more writers subsequently added more matter and it became quite voluminous in size. Then its name was changed to Mahabharat.

In Gita, there are 700 Sanskrit verses contained within 18 chapters, divided into three sections each consisting of six chapters. They are Karma Yoga-- the Yoga of actions. Bhakti Yoga-- the Yoga of devotion and Jnana Yoga-- the Yoga of knowledge. From Gita one can learn accurate and fundamental knowledge about God, the ultimate truth, creation, birth and death, the results of actions, the eternal soul, liberation and the purpose as well as the goal of human life.

Some scholars opine that Gita was originally a separate granth which was later on included in Mahabharat. They contend that in most parts of Gita, there is no mention of any physical war. What is dealt in it is a spiritual war --mention of soul, God, nature, birth, re-birth, action or karma, devotion, virtues and vices, salvation, etc.

Mahabharat is an epic, it is not a history book. Dr.S.Radhakrishnan, an eminent philosopher (ex president of India) , also had, in his book on Gita, written – “We do not know the name of the author of the Gita; so also the names of the authors of almost all ancient books of Bharat are unknown.”

6. What is the time now in the time cycle?

Presently, we are in Sangam Yuga. God Shiva has descended on earth and has been teaching the ancient Raj Yoga. His elevated versions are called Shrimat. God is sermonising Gita once again in this Kalpa during this Sangam Yuga.

Brahma Kumaris have been spreading His teachings since 75 years. This Raja Yoga course is given free of charge. There are already around 8,500 Brahma Kumaris centres in 134 countries. Brahma Kumaris Organisation has been working with the United Nations for world peace and upliftment of humanity for more than 30 years and received many awards.

You are all welcome to learn this Raj Yoga and to establish a link with the Supreme Soul who is the Ocean of Knowledge and World Almighty Authority.

Om Shanti.

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