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What is the main purpose of your study

PostPosted: 06 Oct 2006
by bansy
To BKs and PBKs,

What is your aim, what is your objective ?

This is a question I've been asked by someone who I also hope will also give his or her comment.

Re: What is the main purpose of your study

PostPosted: 06 Oct 2006
by bkdimok
bansy wrote:This is a question I've been asked by someone who I also hope will also give his or her comment.

I'll give my comment with pleasure.

For me the main purpose is to become Bapsaman i.e. equal to God. It is true that there are deferents between human soul and Supreme Soul. We have bad sanskars for 2500 years every Cycle, He -do not have ever. We do become inpure for 2500 years, He -do not ever. So now we once again have an opportunity to become 100% pure, to attain all perfect qualities, which are our true nature indeed. In order to achieve that stage we must have an Etalon. ShivBaba is our Etalon. So I want to become as pure as God, and want to become an embodiment of ShivBaba's qualities.

With regards.
BK Dimok

PostPosted: 06 Oct 2006
by bansy
For me the main purpose is to become Bapsaman

That's a good enough purpose.
Though I am not really 100% sure what "Bapsaman" means. I can try to be "like" God, but can I be "equal" to God; to be God-like, but not be a God. After all, once we achieve perfection and enter Golden Age, we immediately start to lose power/degrade (albeit slowly), whereas God remains constant.

Anyone have a clearer idea of "Bapsaman" ?

On my part, I simply want to cleanse my soul, i.e purify myself, so it is used in a worthwhile way. I'll let the final condition and state of my soul be as it comes to be and leave everything in God's hands to decide what or who or where I go after this too. The only obstacle is therefore myself.

There are probably many other similar reasons, will see what other Brothers and Sisters say.

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2006
by bkdimok
bansy wrote: to be God-like, but not be a God.

That's what I mean. God is God. Human soul is human soul. But we have many in common. For example we can achieve 100% pure stage (karmatit stage). Also we can become an embodiments of virtues, which Baba has.
On my part, I simply want to cleanse my soul

Maybe you wanted to say "to cleanse me, soul"? :D
There are probably many other similar reasons, will see what other Brothers and Sisters say.

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2006
by arjun
Sister Bansy,
Omshanti. I agree with what BKDimOK has written in his first reply. In addition to that I wish to state that Bap Samaan means becoming Shri Lakshmi and Shri Narayan.

Now, BKs also wish to become Lakshmi and Narayan, but in their next birth. But we PBKs wish to become Lakshmi and Narayan like deities in this birth itself. For that ShivBaba is practically teaching us Godly knowledge and RajYoga in this Purushottam Sangamyug (Auspicious Confluence Age).
With regards,

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2006
by bansy
Revised Sakar Murli 07 October 2007 (today) from BKs :

"the number one subject in this study is purity".

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2006
by bansy
Omshanti. I agree with what BKDimOK has written in his first reply. In addition to that I wish to state that Bap Samaan means becoming Shri Lakshmi and Shri Narayan. Now, BKs also wish to become Lakshmi and Narayan, but in their next birth. But we PBKs wish to become Lakshmi and Narayan like deities in this birth itself.

Dear Arjunbhai and BKDimOK Bhai,

Yes, I sort of understand this point, but at the same time I don't understand it. The reason is that we cannot measure ourselves to be in a state or condition like God or Lakshmi & Narayan. These are our "ideal" condition but the end is unlimited, an infinity. So in a sense, as long as we are alive in this body, we can not attain that state of perfection.

We simple souls like to place all the conditions in front of us to aim for, but as it is unlimited we will not reach it whilst we try to even think of it, as it cannot be measured, although from a detached view other souls may feel you've achieve a very elevated status or even near nirvana, mukti and jeevanmukti, but that itself is also a trapping.

Thus if you wish to be like Lakshmi and Narayan or even a Godlike deity, you are almost falling into the Bhakti trap of having to worship the deity you wish to be. However, if you aim at your inner beauty and innate values without comparison, you can leave the rest as according to drama and your role, and just leave it to God. (Is this what is meant by "surrender"?). The moment you have one state or condition in your mind, there is also the presence of the other opposite state or condition.

Anyway, whatever the aims a BK or PBK soul sets for oneself, I am sure all Brothers and Sisters are making good effort to understand oneself for the betterment of oneself and the world in general, and to judge little on others of their efforts in as much as their own.


Aim of our study.

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2006
by shivsena
Dear bansy Bhai.

According to me, the main aim of our study rests in just two words: to know who is 'Alaf bap (Ram ShivBaba) and get our inheritance from Him numberwise.


PostPosted: 07 Oct 2006
by john
My main aims are:

To understand the absolute truth about life, God and the universe.

Have a 'true' relationship with God

Become as happy, peaceful, blissful, loveful, powerful as I possibly can.

PostPosted: 09 Oct 2006
by sparkal
God says that WE are greater, so why are souls aiming so low? :wink:

I am light. So that is my aim. I am oure consciousness and have an original eternal nature, that is my simple aim.

Harry Tuttle - spiritual engineer