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Cult Leader jailed

PostPosted: 04 Dec 2015
by Mr Green

Re: Cult Leader jailed

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2015
by Pink Panther
Wow! Quite a story of extreme cognitive dissonance - Maoist worker’s collective and a leader claiming supernatural power!

Its an insight into human nature that even people who believe in equality to the extreme - if I can put it that way - still manage to fall into the trap of surrendering to leaders in whom they invest magical powers.

The cult of personality of Mao himself, the 3 generations of Kims in North Korea, Stalin - all examples of George Orwell’s archetypal "Big Brother” in ”1984”. If even educated leftist secularists enter such a ”folie a plusieurs” (collective madness, madness that draws in others - a great term) what hope for barely educated pubescent sindhi teenagers or idealistic spiritual youth looking for a teacher?

The photo of the group shows mainly women of south asian appearance (even if faces are blurred). The cultural baggage maybe at play in the guru structure he set up. There is a definite alpha-male dynamic happening here, same as with the BKs although they, like many spiritual groups, play off the sublimation of the ”sexual” or energetic flame of the charismatic leader.

Meanwhile in Australia, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse continues, now well over a year. All manner of organisations, small and large, church and state and commune etc are being investigated as to how they respond/responded to abuses they knew about. ... The Catholic church is currently back in the spotlight, with the former most senior Australian Archbishop, Cardinal Pell who is now in charge of the Vatican finances, about to be recalled for further questioning about events all say he definitely knew about.

Re: Cult Leader jailed

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2015
by ex-l
The buzz word of the day is "self-radicalising". In short, individuals brainwashing themselves via the internet etc without needing a guru figure. Typically applied to Islamites such as the recent shooter in San Bernardino.

More understanding of how it works, what kind of mindset required needed.

Re: Cult Leader jailed

PostPosted: 15 Dec 2015
by jann
Easy ... from zero to hero!