The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post12 Jan 2018

Not unsurprisingly, the PBK women are now taking action against what must surely be their illegal detention ...
We are being kept forcibly in children's home, allege girls

The parents of 48 girls, who were sent to children’s home — Minda Bal Gram in Alipur after the raid at the ashrams of Adhyatmik Vishwa Vidyalaya — have moved the Delhi High Court seeking release of their daughters and other adult females.

The parents in the petition to the court have said that their daughters have been illegally detained despite them being adults, and are being subjected to mental torture. The petition also claims that the process of age verification of the girls is being delayed for unknown reasons.

The petition was moved by a mother of a 19-year old girl on behalf of other parents through advocate Amol Khokne which claims that she was an active follower of the ashram activities.

The hearing in the matter is on Friday. The girls have also written to the Chief Justice of India (CJI) that they are forcefully being kept in the children’s home by the Child Welfare Committee (CWC). In the handwritten letter to the CJI, the girls have mentioned that they are being subjected to questions that they are not aware of.

“When we asked the home staff to call our parents, they said that their identities will be verified first.” The girls said, in the letter, that they were brought to the children’s home on the assurance that they would be kept there just for a day but they had been there for over 13 days.

The petition claims that none of the girls detained was allowed to take their luggage and medicines with them. They complained of dirty bedsheets, shortage of water and soap for bathing and washing clothes.

The high court has now ordered the city government to send a team of doctors to examine each of the inmates at the ashram after the panel said many of the girls were sick and received no medical attention. It also directed the CWC chairperson to visit the premises and take steps in accordance with the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act.
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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post16 Jan 2018

The Foundation for Social Empowerment arrives on the "world stage" with a new 'template' website and a Facebook page.

My definition of "social work" does not include "trial by the media", so I am wondering if they are behind the coordination of the media campaign against Dev Dixit? 'Livelaw India' also has details of the latest legal proceedings in which the Foundation is represented by not one but 5 advocates. (In general, I find Indian legal proceedings impenetrably difficult to understand. Except, in this case, the case is against the Indian government, not the PBKs, and the Central Bureau of Investigation is to take steps to trace out the whereabouts of Virendra Dev Dixit. It appears to get anything done in India, you have to harass government officials with legal cases!).

Contact details;

Seema_Sharma.jpeg (32.36 KiB) Viewed 26265 times

Looking for a quality Social Worker you can depend on?

Well, look no further. We are Foundation for Social Empowerment, available where you need us, when you need us. We've been committed to being the best at what we do. In a short span of time, we've been able to get extremely good results in the very first project undertaken by us i.e. our fight against tainted Baba Virendra Dev Dixit and his organization "Adhyatmik Vishwavidyalaya"


We are a group of individuals from various walks of life, who have joined together as a group for helping children, the poor women, the aged and sick people, and to provide legal aid, education, medical care etc. to oppressed and downtrodden sections of society.

We would love the opportunity to work for the sections of the society who are helpless, oppressed, vulnerable and are suffering from various kind of atrocities. We are committed to helping the needy, in every possible manner we can.


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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post17 Jan 2018

I have zero confidence in this Seema Sharma NGO. Virendra Dev Dixit is their first case! Their web site is full of jargon that West typically uses when it wants to interfere in other countries. Recently the Government of India has started cracking down on foreign-funded NGOs. They may be looking at new ways to get back into business - which is what many do, take money to do the job of foreign interventionists.

In any case, Virendra Dev Dixit has been re-selling a modified version of BKism, without probably divulging the failed prophecies. So he may be in the wrong. TV anchors and NGO folks, of course, know very little. They insinuated drug abuse, rapes, confinement, etc but the purported "victims" shown on TV did not (they simply claimed wrong doings).

I am not giving Virendra Dev Dixit a clean chit, and most folks going to his centers are likely brainwashed, so even if they've been abused, they'll claim otherwise. And, as we know, all the "rescued" women will eventually claim they were there by their own will and this case will fall apart pretty quickly.

But that does not mean Virendra Dev Dixit's troubles will be over.
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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post18 Jan 2018

I am not defending whatever Virendra Dev Dixit is upto. I have no idea whether he is malevolent or "sincerely" deluded. But the manner in which all this is being carried out concerns me and raises numerous issues ... like what rights or alternatives do the unmarried adult females have?

These types of forced "cult interventions" were tried in the 1970s in the West but generally found to be unsuccessful or counter productive. They are not practised any more except, perhaps, in cases of child sex abuse.

Have whoever is involved any idea about what they are dealing with and offering any de-programming? I find it hard to believe it exists in India.

Ditto, are they just being dragged out and attempted to be forced back into BKism by their families or the BKs?

And what are the morals of the situation?

I am all for female emancipation, equality and rights but find it hard to believe they have anything to do with this ... it reads more like old school patriarchy and caste re-asserting itself.

Nor do I even think that treating Virendra Dev Dixit as a criminal is the answer either ... I suppose, ultimately, he could be called a victim of BKism too.

As with BKism, either what he claims is absolutely true ... which it is not ... or it is a deeply entrenched and potenitally dangerous delusion, a vehicle for his own mental illness.

Do I think it is just about sex? No, not at all. It's much more than that. On top of which, it's now appears to be acting as some kind of catalyst for Indian society on the whole and raising its issues with sex, sexual morality, and even sexual jealousy.

Can what has happened be called "rape"? I don't know ... I think that is too harsh a word for it. It could be argued to involve 'undue influences' but it's in that broad grey ambiguous area where without their being force or aggression no great harm has happened.

I tend to think the cry of "rape" is just a way of the victims or their families to claim back some honour in a situation largely caused by their stupidity or naivety.

Correct me if I am wrong.
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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post18 Jan 2018

Or, to put it in another way,
    a) how bad does BKism have to be to choose PBKism as a better alternative? Or,

    a) how bad does your life have to be to choose PBKism or BKism as a better alternative?
Generally, I used to be defensive of individuals engaging with cults as I recognised that they most of them did so in order to escape an unhappy existence, whether on an individual, familial, or societal basis.

Cult adherence is often seen as a sort of temporary mask individuals choose to wear while they cut unhappy ties, or do whatever growth or personal development they require, in order to change themselves. And then once the work is finished ... they tend to leave of their own accord. As we did.

But can we, or even the New Delhi middle classes, say that of women in poor communities in India? Do they have the alternatives or liberties that we do? If not, what are they supposed to do, just go back and submit their families and whatever society doles out to them ... presumably unwanted, undervalued and unmarriable now?
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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post19 Jan 2018

Another slightly more erudite spin that both 'gets it' but yet misses the point, or rather is steered past it by the Brahma Kumaris. Of course, what the author misses the most, due not just to a lack of knowledge in the topic but the Brahma Kumaris long term and expensive investment into whitewashing and PR, is that 80 years ago, the exact same accusations, activities and uproar was being made by characters such as himself about Brahma Kumari founder Lekhraj Kirpalani.

How skilled in blinding non-BKs the BKs are.
Con man Virender Dev Dixit: Devil of modern India by Dr. Ramesh C Raina Editor in Chief

18 January 2018

Indian scriptures have elaborately written about difference between real Guru and a fake Guru. Definitions and explanations are so vast that even a common man can understand the comparison easily. Our Rishis were wise enough to explain the Guru topic, maybe they had insights and forecasting of the deeds of the people in Kalyuga. Hindu Dharma has been taken for granted by the people often. India is a faith driven country and people blindly start following a Guru. Many such cases have surfaced earlier also may it be Ram Rahim, Rampal ,Bapu Asha Ram, Nithyananda , Phalhari Baba or Ravana; they not only cheated people but were involved in sexual harassment of women followers in their Ashrams, property grabbing, frauds and crimes. The latest name in this notorious list is Virender Dev Dixit Baba a 75 years old con man.

First of all, these fake Gurus wear Bhagva dress and then use Baba or Maharaj title. Most of them are married and have families. Their modus operandi is clear they start with a small Ashram and then hire few people for security, and Ashram management. Faith driven people mostly women are mobilized to their Ashrams on the pretext of doing miracles for their children and for their families. They become disciples and keep on visiting the Ashram on regular basis. Word of mouth is spread, and the volume of disciples keep on increasing. Once these fake gurus earn the trust of these blind folded devotees they start playing emotional games with them like extracting money, exploiting them sexually and grabbing their properties. These fake gurus do not belong to a traditional Ashrams and they have no mysticism within them, people without knowing their past and present embrace them, die for them and surrender their families including their daughters.

The horrific story of Virender Dev Dixit surfaced recently in media. Dixit a self-styled Guru was a disciple of the world renowned Spiritual organization Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya forty years back in Gujarat. Due to his suspicious character and contrary to the Brahma Kumaris code of conduct, Dixit was thrown out of the organization. He decided to take revenge of his insult and planned to launch a parallel organization on the lines of Brahma Kumaris. He used original properties and merchandise of the organization like Logos, pictures of the founder Dada Lekhraj ji, banners and Raj Yoga technique.

Since his intensions were rusty he could not retain originality of the processes. He posed without practice and spiritual powers as an alternative to Brahma Kumaris. He deployed agents near Brahma Kumaris Centers across India and misguided the young and newly joined followers of Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya. Most of them were young girls. He was running his organization in the name of Adhyatimik Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya. People also know him by Shankar Party. Things were smooth for Vireder Dixit till Dec mid when a NGO filed case of sexual harassment, unlawful retention in his Ashrams across India.

On the complaint of the NGO; Women's Commission and Delhi High court ordered enquiry and police raids were conducted in his Rohini based Ashram. According to the eye witnesses and reports his Rohini Ashram was fully sealed with seven metal gates, chains and locks. After breaking the locks police along with commission people reached the main hall and were surprised to see how poorly small girls were treated and drug addicted in the hall. Most of the girls were unconscious and mum.

The investigations carried out by the Delhi police has revealed many facts about Virender Dixit and his deeds. He was involved in flesh trade, drug addiction, sexual harassment of teenage girls and property grabbing. Various Ashrams of Virender Dixit have been raided so far but he remains absconding till date. Police is after him and may catch his neck shortly.

I also investigated the story and invited Spokesperson Multi Media Brahma Kumaris Mount Abu BK Aditi ji to CMH Global studio, according to her there is no association between Virender Dixit or his organization Adhyatimik Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya and Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya. He said that Brahma Kumaris Faruqqabad center had complained against Viredner Dixit earlier and action was taken by the police then. She said that the main objective of Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya is celibacy. Celibacy in actions, words and mind. Those who follow complete celibacy are the real students of the Brahma Kumaris. She added that Viredner Dixit was not adhering to the celibacy rather was sexually exploiting the women and young girls, so his claim is false and fake. Therefore, he must be punished for his guilt's and misdeeds on immediate basis.


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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post20 Jan 2018

BKs have nicely distanced themselves from Virendra Dev Dixit, both on TV and in print, so that they don't get tainted. Of course, that is also the truth - after his initial contact with BKs, Virendra Dev Dixit has gone off on his own.

This piece by Ramesh Raina reads more like a hatchet job than journalism. Why go after small-potato Virendra Dev Dixit? Why so quick to clear BKs? Even on TV, the anchor was quick to clear the BKs. Something is cooking, but I cannot figure out what. Did the BKs take out Virendra Dev Dixit? If yes, why? In the last 10 years he was becoming less and less of a "nuisance" to them. Did missionaries target Virendra Dev Dixit? But there are bigger fish to fry. Maybe he was within easy reach.
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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post20 Jan 2018

Arbit wrote:Something is cooking, but I cannot figure out what.

Yes, indeed. That is my feeling and why I am sticking with the story.

What is strange is how universally identical all the reports are, and on the basis of unsubstantiated claims, no evidence and no 'other side' to the reports.

I find it hard not to think it has been well coordinated, and the operators have taken cues from this site's criticism of the BKs, eg we criticise BKs using the university term, they do; we criticise BKs using big expensive cars (the white Rolls Royce), they do; we criticise BKs child abuse cover up, they make their's up; we criticise BKs adopting the/authentic Vedic philosophy to their own ends, they do etc etc etc.

I would not be surprised to find the ex-PBK Vishnu Party people involved in it. They were on here and hassling us with their 1998 smear campaign against Virendra Dev Dixit and turned up again in this case. They were "advocates", and probably the biggest sh*tbags I've had the misfortune to encounter in the BK world ... the Father, of course, claiming himself to be the supreme of supreme teachings "clarifying" BK, PBK and Vedantic teachings. Same game all over again ...

There's a smell of ... sort of ... middle class/bourgeois/busibody fake moral superiority or reactionary bullying going on ... I cant quite define what it is and I am interested in your views. As you say Virendra Dev Dixit is seriously small fry in the greater picture of things in India, and I find it disgusting when a mob of police are used as "enforcers" and dropped on the PBK women to deal with ... as if they are organized criminals.

I'd guess many the actual officers and their superiors are on some kind of kickbacks and corruption, and involved in or using real human trafficked prostitution, and know damned fine where real crimes and abuses are going on.
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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post20 Jan 2018

Is this a PBK answer to all the accusations?

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Pink Panther

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Re: Virendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post21 Jan 2018

no 'other side' to the reports.

Small cults tend not talk to media, unless they are seeking to promote themselves. They lack the sophistication and resources and community identification that bigger groups can muster. They retreat into themselves. The Australian Royal Commission into institutional child sexual abuse saw the big players have their spokespeople out in the media repeatedly - the Catholic and Anglican Churches, government orphanages etc ...

The small fry - Jehovah's Witnesses, Exclusive Brethren, Mangrove Mountain Satyananda Yoga Ashram etc put out simple statements - either of apology or ”we are dealing with it internally” - then they’re not heard from again. They withdraw back into their closed communities, possibly after expelling either the culprit or, more often than not, the whistleblowers or victims.

Big cults that are almost mainstream have learnt to play the PR game and develop contacts and connections with VIPs, celebrities, local authorities, government with whom they can scratch each others backs.

They know how to scapegoat individuals or blame others when misdemeanours or crimes that have a systemic origin or systemic cover up arise - "that's not the cult thats the individual, all religions have rogues ... " etc.

Look at TM, Scientology, Hare Krisna, BKs, and others. Big cults aiming to become mainstream religions the way Christianity did.

All have had their fair share of crimes ranging from petty crime exploitation and abuse, to murder. Yet somehow they manage, partly through having become "normalised” in society and having cooperative people willing top speak up for them, partly through sophisticated PR, been able to avoid wide spread vilification. And they have a big enough base of loyal followers/resources to keep them together and prevent complete disintegration.

BKs know that if PBKs can be seen to be the bad side of BKs, then they are the good side. I agree with what you said in the earlier post ex-l, that these news reporters would do well to look at the long term history of the BKs to see the parallels, and inquire into the bigger institution.
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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post21 Jan 2018

That's absolutely true. The Game of Life is all about the acquisition and sustenance of power, and religion, as well as wealth, is two ways to do it. Remember who the BKs used to openly call themselves, a "Religio-Political Movement"?

In my opinion, this thing is not even about the sex ... it's about the PBKs challenge to the religious authority of the BKWSU leaders ... and hence their political power based on the management of worldly (financial) resources ... their eating into the grassroots foundations of their pyramidic power structure.

It's known that the BK leadership monitors, studies and borrows (steals) some of the ideas Virendra Dev Dixit throws up (funnily enough, I was reading one of their documents here and it shows how they were into organic and yogic farming *before* the BKs got into it and advertised it).

Then, into your last equation, we have to fit that most PBKs were BKs who left because they were abused by the BKWSU, or because they disagreed with the BK leaders money, power raking and self-comfort making. They are the victims who wish to remain within BKism but have been further victimised by the BKWSU.

Here you can add in some "family psychology" of the dysfunctional family turning on the those members who defy or rebel against the established dysfunctional order ... of outcasting etc.

• With regard Virendra Dev Dixit's asbconding, remember that in the past the BKs have kidnapped, beaten up and dumped PBK followers.

It's about power over the BK movement based on who has the right to define the teachings, Virendra Dev Dixit claiming to be the now authentic master using and offering to make sense of the original complete Murli teachings, not the BKs whitewashed, revised, edited out versions.

I am pretty sure the same story has played out in most religions. Orthodox versus liberal or louche interpretations.

(None of this means I recommend PBKism or consider Virendra Dev Dixit's teachings to be 'true' ...).

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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post23 Jan 2018

Ex-I, You hit the nail on the head. It is political empowerment in a theocratic sense for BKSO; for them it is a quest for global dominance.
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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post23 Jan 2018

... Or at least however big a slice of the 'Global Dominance Pie' (GDP) they can get!

I was reading over the original Public Interest Litigation and cannot really work out what is going on beyond,
    a) It's intention is to draw the attention of the official bodies bundled in with Virendra Dev Dixit and the AIVV, and force them to "do something", and
    b) It's some kind of nuisance case.
It is making a lot of very serious criminal accusations ... which should really be police matters ... without providing any evidence, e.g. I cannot see how Virendra Dev Dixit is "running a sex racket under the garb of a spiritual organization" or human trafficking.

Noticing that this site is coming up in search results for the AIVV now, there was a similar case in 2011 and one in 1998.
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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post27 Jan 2018

Police investigation of 'Godman' Virendra Dev Dixit expands to Rajasthan.

The police spoke with 72 girls and enquired about whether they were staying there forcibly. As per the police, the girls mentioned that they were staying there out of their own wish and without any pressure.

All the girls staying at the Abu road centre were less than 18 years of age.
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Re: Virendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post28 Jan 2018

ex-l wrote:All the girls staying at the Abu road centre were less than 18 years of age.

At what age does a child become free to leave its home without parental permission in Rajasthan?

In NSW, Australia, the age of sexual consent is 16 but the age of legal consent, for independently being able to e.g. sign legal documents like contracts and bank accounts etc without parental/guardian permission, is 18.

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