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Re: The practice of letter writing to Baba

Post12 Jan 2008

yogi108 wrote:2. I have seen in front of my own eyes (a Sister-in-charge was handed a letter by a student which she had written to BapDada. She promptly opened and read the letter once the student left, and all this was happening in front of a few other students).

How senior was this Sister? I think that is atrocious breach of trust. Many others, academics, have written about how a lack of privacy towards students by an non-transparent leadership is core to systemic abuse within cults.

On these forums, others have remarked about letters being sent back from Madhuband or main centers to local centers. its that old 'balance of probability' factor again; if it happens once, twice, three times in as many continents and decades ... then we can assume it is fairly universal, used and consciously practised.

Its an idiotic suggestion to follow and evidence of the idiotic states Brahma Kumari followers are put into. A good practise (confession), sadly but typically abused. It is also ridiculous projection to consider "your answer" comes in the next days Murli. The Murlis have so much fluff in them, they are the perfect "fortune cookie".
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a matter of survival

Post13 Jan 2008

I think that is atrocious breach of trust. Many others, academics, have written about how a lack of privacy towards students by an non-transparent leadership is core to systemic abuse within cults. On these forums, others have remarked about letters being sent back from Madhuband or main centers to local centers. its that old 'balance of probability' factor again; if it happens once, twice, three times in as many continents and decades ... then we can assume it is fairly universal, used and consciously practised.

If you were unlucky enough to be the victim of this breach of trust ... or even heard about that happening to someone you know ... my God, what a blow to your heart and your trust this can be!!

Well, I think it is universal and common. The sooner a BK learns how to keep the mouth shut, the better. Such a crooked system that instead of rewarding your honesty, demands it but actually punishes it; making you regret to have said anything (especially complaints about sisters-in-charge!). So, you don't do it again and become streetsmart.

About the "fortune cookie"; the other day, an ex-BK asked me why I still read Murlis. I gave her some reasonable reasons, one is that reading at home from books, you don't have to get up and travel in the cold and dark to the center early morning. That's real torture and a test for loyalty and effort making!! :roll: In the end I said there is also, apart from interesting, valuable points and answers I find in Murlis, some superstitious, good luck practise in maintaining that discipline, I confess! :wink:
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Post17 Jan 2008

One way of checking this is to write a detailed letter to the Big Guy and send it off to Madhuban. Of course, don't sign your real name but the name of someone you want to get rid of, and one who is stealing your limelight.

Now sit back and watch the results.

All karma free as its in the name of survival in Gyan of course. Hey, I am learning to play this game. My eyes have opened.

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