Is America ripe for spiritualbabble?

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reforming BK

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Is America ripe for spiritualbabble?

Post10 May 2007

Is America ripe for spiritualbabble?

With the right marketing, the right words, someone with the right look and confidence can go on for hours, say nothing in particular but still leave the audience suitably impressed.
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Re: Is America ripe for spiritualbabble?

Post10 May 2007

john wrote:Is America ripe for spiritualbabble?

You probably mean something more serious but I kind of like this one; Anti-Demon Psycrystals.

Basically you have a choice of;

    Anti-Communist Demons PCs - which expunge the anti-spiritual Demons that are the core of Communism
    Anti-Golem Demons PCs - which reverse all effects and powers of Jewish Demons
    Binder of Demons PCs - that reprograms demons to strike back at only those working for the Source of all Evil, useful for transporting Occultists, illuminati to the True Hell while still alive to leave Zombies in their place,
    And for David Icke;
    Anti-Hell PCs - that enables the user to automatically place all illuminati, Occultists in the True Hell, leaving a Zombie that wrecks the New World Order. Frees trapped Souls from Purgatory and lets them go to the Light
Only 70 Dollar shot of the whole package for a round $ 1000 + £100 P&P. I am had better not pick too many fronts to fight on at one time ...

I just can work out why the seller does not just use them to get the job done instead of selling for others to do it!?!
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Re: Is America ripe for spiritualbabble?

Post14 May 2007

There is no such place as America. There are many Americas. I am wary of over generalized collective nouns but, yes, I know what you mean.

There is a strong emphasis on money or "Prosperity Consciousness". This is evident right through "The Secret" (Know the Secret, Drive a Humvee) to Black and African targetted churches (Meet Jesus, Get a Mercedes) ... God is obviously Jeremy Clarkson and like motor vehicles, or is that the other way around? For me it seems to recycle the drug of the 'American Dream' and defies basic physics and environmentalism (finite material resources). But that, they would say, is a losers mentality. I am afraid America is too deeply entrenched in Armageddon coming along to take care of all their problems. Even Gore gets to be an "environmentalist" while consuing 21 times the amount of an avagerage Americans energy.

There are many Americas, and the land has produced some very fine critical minds, but I think the one you talk of is the predominant cult of our day. Both the materialist one and the New Agey one. The New Age is big business there. There are established lecture circuits, product development agents, trainers, mutli-level marketed enlightenment schools Mammon could not care whether you want to buy God or a new pair of the latest trainers, she knows how to do it best. For me, America is like being in a movie. Nothing is quite real. It all feels so "on the surface". The peope are frighteningly undereducated. In my opinion, the "real" history of America is "Myth (Columbus to Hollywood), Murder (The First Nations until today) and Masonry (the Anglo-American establishment)".

From a BK point of view, they would shake their heads and say, "New souls having their Golden Age" dismissively. (Then why suck up to it?) I have heard it many a time. But I think there are old families, dynasties behind it all.

Using ancient wisdom to acquire material goods ...
Some website wrote:This Templar Secret of Prosperity Has NOTHING to do with money or being rich! This Templar secret has to do with being in a balanced and centered state. When you are balanced, centered and doing what God sent you to Earth to do, everything you need will be provided TO YOU, at the exact time, and not one second sooner!

This Templar Prosperity symbol is NOT about getting rich, it is about having WHAT you need to do WHAT you volunteered to do before you came to Earth! WARNING: NOT EVERYONE WILL GET THE RESULTS THEY DESIRE BY USING THIS SYMBOL ... But everyone WILL get exactly WHAT they NEED! Before you ACQUIRE this symbol and begin using it, you should ask yourself if your motives for acquiring wealth are in alignment with YOUR higher will and THE HIGHER WILL! This symbol WORKS for everyone!

But sometimes it is first necessary to bring the person into balance on all levels. This aspect of the symbol will bring different results in each person. And some people may not like the initial stages!

If you are currently well off and are using your money in the WRONG way ... this symbol will make sure you have NO money. That way you cannot USE it in the WRONG way! As a result, your excess wealth will NOT cause any damage to yourself OR others!

If you allow your HIGHER WILL to guide you, this symbol will provide you with the health, wealth and wisdom to perform the mission on Earth you were sent to do! The research on this symbol started in 1984. The final piece of the puzzle was given in 1994, but it took many more years before I figured it out. This is the first time the symbol has been put on cups, T-shirts, caps, hats, tote bags, etc.

The webpage that explained the symbol further was deleted by AOL. I have not yet found the time to redo it. The journey that finally led to the creation of the symbol you see on this page took fourteen very long years.

Many of those years were spent just trying to stay alive. The CIA and the FBI had hit orders out on me.

Cash registers are at the far end of the room ...

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