God made man or man made God

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God made man or man made God

Post15 Jun 2007

OK, as wide as the spectrum can get.

Did God make us His children, or did we make Him our God ?

Actually this was a question asked to me by a Buddhist (who is really quite open to other religions), but I was not sure how to reply as I needed to take a bit more time to think about it.

This could be moved to the All & Everything subforum.
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Post16 Jun 2007

I'd then ask: If G-d did not make us - then who are we? :shock:


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Post16 Jun 2007

If our souls have and always been here, so there was no need to create ?

(I don't think anyone will have a full answer, but I am just trying to get back to my friend about how much or little we really know).
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abrahma kumar

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Re: God made man or man made God

Post17 Jun 2007

bansy wrote:OK, as wide as the spectrum can get. Did God make us His children, or did we make Him our God? Actually this was a question asked to me by a Buddhist (who is really quite open to other religions), but I was not sure how to reply as I needed to take a bit more time to think about it. This could be moved to the All & Everything subforum.

Couldn't one way of approaching that (?) be based on
    (1) Supreme Soul and souls always ARE;
    (2) It is the nature of the Supreme Soul to to serve as Parent, Teacher and Guide of souls;
    (3) It is within the nature of souls to seek/experience relationship with Supreme Soul;
    (4) It is in the drama of each soul that there will be an optimum moment of "us His children / Him our God" consciousness from which (moment) the journey toward soul/God consciousness begins?
So ultimately i suppose that it is a mutually 'purpose-fulfilling' exercise in which there ought to be ONLY benefit.
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Re: God made man or man made God

Post17 Jun 2007

bansy wrote:OK, as wide as the spectrum can get. Did God make us His children, or did we make Him our God ?

How broad is it, really?

Myself and many others do not particularly experience or cultivate a relationship with an external higher power. Speaking as one of this group, I can see that some people in the world have chosen a God. For others, God entered their lives through family and culture. Still others feel God came directly to them. As BKs say, "God came to us while we were sitting at home."

So both experiences are around, as well as that of people who doesn't especially seek or hunger for such, and other experiences that are not easily categorized.

Why should such questions be either/or? The way the question is formulated I'd guess the questioner is eager and idealistic.


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Post17 Jun 2007

If God made man ...
    why do we have to fight everything that is natural? (as in Murli?)
    Fight all your feelings, ignore the body, make you feel dirty and die alive?
    Of course, that is only for the chosen one's (BKs)
    A God that Love's its children, will it put up all beloved children with all the weakness coming forward from this giving body and life?
    Wanting you to make effort that is mostly impossible and let you suffer over it?
God, as BKWSU explains it is made by man! Worst, it is made by old age frustrated virgins.
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Re: God made man or man made God

Post17 Jun 2007

joel wrote:
bansy wrote:OK, as wide as the spectrum can get. Did God make us His children, or did we make Him our God ?
How broad is it, really?

Life itself would be (is!) mysterious, magical enough. There is no shortage of magic in my opinion that there needs to be an abstract godlike or presidential intention. Abundant already without a benevolent Giver of Reward.

The BKWSU gathers all knowledge about Baba, yet being about Baba a kind of love-fest that even the most bookish of BK men cannot completely escape. A lovefest of mutual validation accompanied by miracles ... it's enough for some people to feel it is God who calls himself God.

Yet there is love without the lovefest, purity without the celibacy, non-violence without the vegetarism, anger without destructiveness, intimacy without losing oneself.

Funny BKWSUs are so concerned about you losing yourself to a "human being" and they are so interested in you "surrendering (losing) yourself" to God.
    "Take my bags and baggage!"

    "With pleasure, my child!"

    "My mind, body and wealth!"

    "With pleasure my child, for your future 84 lives, money in the bank."
BKWSUs combine love or the eternal family with a keen sense of gain and loss in worldly affairs. They would be equally magic even if their founder weren't God Himself.

If there is a God, I don't believe he plays favorites. Might may make right, but not God. The BKWSU are no more chosen than the Jews. It is obvious that the world is Godlessly chaotic, but that is not necessarily bad. It is not God who gave permission for fragmentation bombs and nuclear weapons. Nor God who supplies plastic shopping bags. A moment of tenderness between lovers, between a mother and her child. The delicate fullness of life, absent nothing, is available to everyone, not just those who put their hands together. How suspicious a group of people who just stare and don't touch each other. They sound dry, strait-laced.

I am rambling on as usual, but later, mark my works, you'll be selling printouts of these posts on e-Bay

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abrahma kumar

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Post17 Jun 2007

Offering my services as your publicity agent, sir. No task too big and none small enough. ;)

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