Conspiracy Theory (was The Deception of the BKs)

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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post03 May 2011

Mike26 wrote:Cease your disrespectful tone ... You are a moron in a coma mate.

Excuse me, Mike, but that is exactly the same sentiment the BKs have of non-believers!!! Kumbhakarna, the slumber of ignorance, vicious, buddhu shudras and all that ...

To be honest, swathes of copy and paste does not count for much around here. A simple sincerity does. Let's stick to your Brahma Kumari experiences, and find some common ground. Like Mr Green politely asked ...
Mr Green wrote:Were you (really) a practising BK?

Did you go to Murli every morning and Amrit Vela? (if so, for how long?)

Did you follow the principles and Maryadas?

Personally, I am not arguing against the conspiracy theory. I am asking what alternative you have to offer ... how are you guys going to run the world after you defeat the Dark Empire, and who is going to be boss ... Alex Jones, David Icke, Jeff Rense or Mel Gibson? It is a serious question. You want me to believe and become a follower. What I want to know is, say I sign up ... what is the deal? Religion offers heaven on earth, Marx for me to lose my chains, Conspiracy Theory is kind of wrapped up in backwoods American Libertarianism, is not it? The right to bear arms, eat beef burgers and all that.

As a religious and political form, it just does not seem to offer any positive proposals.
Mike26 wrote:Professor Carroll Quigley was hugely qualified to comment on these matters and had 25 years personal experience from the inside with these figures.
Carroll Quigley wrote:I am not an “insider” of these rich persons ... [the book] "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" insists that international bankers were a single bloc, were all powerful and remain so today. I, on the contrary, stated in my book that they were much divided, often fought among themselves, had great influence but not control of political life and were sharply reduced in power about 1931-1940, when they became less influential than monopolized industry.

From my position, I'd paraphrase Winston Churchill ...
Sir Winston Churchill wrote:"It has been said that Global Conspiracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried."

Or perhaps ...
"The best argument for the Global Conspiracy is a five minute conversation with the average Conspiracy Theorist."

As far as I can see, the reason the Global Conspiracy rules is because the Global Conspiracy delivers the best goods and services to the most people ... and no one else can. The best one can do is work to effect some positive influence at whatever level and area one is able.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post03 May 2011

No, Professor Carroll Quigley is not being paranoid, he is stating the obvious. Of course there are networks of powerful people running the world that is normal. Of course we aren't privy to their secrets, that is obvious.

But my friend your attempts to create links between them and the BKs!!!!!!!! is really laughable and paranoid. And as for the freemasons, your ignorant rantings are not even funny, they're just stupid.

You've shown yourself for what you really are, ignorant, uninformed, and not even well educated.

My "coma" as you put it is fine by me. I will be staying in it rather than converting to your cult of paranoia and self deceit.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post04 May 2011

Mr Green wrote:You've shown yourself for what you really are ...

But you are, of course, still welcome here.

If I were you Mike, I'd just wind it down a little and be yourself. There is no need to put on a front. There is no need to save the world any more.

That, for me, is what BKism is all about. It gives us a front, it makes us feel more special, more important, our lives more interesting ... but, really, at the end of it all, it is all empty and achieves nothing. One wakes up and discovers one has thrown one's life away on a mad hare race.

Unfortunately, so is much of the conspiracy theory stuff. Of course, there are grains of truth in it all. There are huge rocks too. But the bigger truth is, at the end of the day, it only puts food on the table for a few individuals and, for many, is what a friend of mine called, "bubble gum for the mind". Something for the mind to chew on endless, and make big bubbles, that does not nourish it.

We accept you for just being a normal, every day person. You don't need to be anyone or know nuttin'.

Rough as Mr Green's criticisms are, I think they too have a grain of truth. Much of the conspiracy theory cult has reality out of context for the lack of direct personal experience in any of these matters. The reality is far more boring than the movies.

(Hold on a moment ... I have the Rothschilds on the phone right now giving me directions of what to do next ...)
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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post04 May 2011

I did not mean to be unkind, but he did call me a moron


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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post04 May 2011

Your posts made me smile at least.

I am rather carefree of any concern about whether you believe what I am saying or doing is a front. I wonder how much either of you know about psychological fronts or the projection of fronts, facades and disguises. Apart from being part of the essential psychological make-up of the human being they play an important role in the maintenance of psychological integrity and self-preservation.What you fail to grasp is that my opinions, and the expression of my aspirations are the real me. They are deeply held convictions and passions which sit at the very core of me. I have never aspired to be in the facilitating role I am increasingly in. I have been ushered there by circumstance and the requests of others. I am in contact with hundreds of people a week, both face to face and by email disseminating information that helps puncture the cloud of ingnorance that has been fostered by the system and continues to be sustained. This is what I do every day of my life and I am glad to do it. I see the results of it.

It really is of no consequence or significance to me whether either of you accept or are in the lest bit interested in what I have said. I know literally thousands daily are waking up to these issues and themes in a profound way. That keeps me very busy. We can agree to differ and you two can continue to talk about those subjects you deem acceptable and sensible at least.

There is a world out there beyond the BK's as you all know too well, and I might add that some people go further than this after recovery and realise there is also another world of awareness, insight, and recognition well beyond that model of reality we have been caught in since birth. For me part of real spiritual awareness and development is being able to become aware of the bigger picture with regard to whats really happening around us, the way the world really operates and who orchestrates all that. That in itself is not only an education for a lot of people but is part of a much broader spiritual awakening which I am certain will eventuallly make a difference to this planet and how we live in the future. This is part of what Assagioli describes as 'mature spirituality'

You are free to disagree and that makes no difference to me. What I and many others see is a gerneral awakening taking place, a shift in human consciousness which is being fuled by access to information about how things really work and their part in it. This is happening world wide with people from every walk of life. This is an exciting times and one which is heralding change.

You call it conspiracy theory, I know it to be a genunine diesire on the part of sincere seekers to undestand their place in the world and what forces really determine the passage of their lives. Access to information that presents this larger picture is available for the first time in a way that alows people to put the peices together. To make the necessary connections so that the full picture comes into view. They need a little help with this process and thats were I fit in. So what I have said on this forum is a real expression of me and what I am about. I do not really need to debate them with you or anyone as they are no longer beliefs or hypotheses to be tested and confirmed - they are truths which have been verified.

You don't know me personally. You have no knowledge of who or what I am so you are certainly not in a position to comment. You go in for a bit of armchair psychology and seek to read between lines of text in a forum posting. Thats state of the art nonsense.

As for Mr Green you crticisms are just a rather inefectual tantrum I guess to my comment. Well done for getting it out there I say.

You two are a bit of a double act on this forum I notice and you seem to have pretty much a monopoly on it. That it detrimental to this forum I feel. I'd like to see more people commenting about topics and perhaps give them a chance to get involved. I can imagine the way you pair of jokers operate could appear a little off-putting and threatening to other members who might feel a bit concerned they would get slapped down for their comments or opnions by you two - because present a kind of 'I know more than you' approach. Perhaps this is not your intention but there are many out there with opinions which are just as valuable as yours. I'd like to think you certainly don't treat others the way you have responded to me. I am more than big enough with broad shoulders so its no sweat for me others might be effected more negatively though.

So after this at least I can leave these topics to one side with you two, and engage in discussion with others instead who might have more of an interest - remembering of course to keep the discussions within the acceptable boundaries of relevance you two have decided on on this forum. I am sure you will be quick to remind us if we stray over the boundary of what you reason to be relavant to matters BK if we do.

So I invite other people on this forum to engage in open minded discussion free from dismissive and narrow attitudes. I feel pretty sure, that just as I encounter every day on other forums and daily conversations, there are many out there with valuable contributions to make. So well done you two and now lets move on - its been fun and ... welcome to other interested commenters out there.


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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post04 May 2011

And by the way, the large posting I have managed to offer on the forum is despite having to maintain an extremely busy lecturing post. I feel sure at least some of what I have said have not been wasted.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post05 May 2011

Mike surely you can see that you are being dismissive of MY comments?

You've haven't replied to any of them!
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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post07 May 2011

Amazing ...

    • Some guy walks into a room not even introducing himself,
    • Expects to be allowed to launch huge copy and paste monologue about things he really does not know and cannot prove without asking if anyone else does know anything,
    • Refuses to respond to any reasonable and relevant questions and discussion regarding the ongoing discussion, (e.g. how much of a BK were you Mike?),
    ... Criticises everyone and then leaves.
God know what he "lectures" in but I fear for the young people of today if "lecturers" cannot even spell or do basic punctuation (BKs not BK's).

Mike, would you like to try and start again?

Try logging into the "Newcomers" forum and posting your introduction; why you are here, what you want to give and what you hope to find etc?

As a rule, it is better to ask people what they know and think first, learning a little about what is going on, before clambering upon your soapbox ... and keep 'on topic'.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post07 May 2011

unashamed self promotion always leaves me feeling a bit queasy, his posts seem to be mainly about how great he is and how much he is in demand in the world!!!!!!!!!!

I agree ex-l I certainly wouldn't want any child of mine to be 'taught' anything by such a mindless show-off who hasn't even a basic grasp of the English language!
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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post08 Jun 2011

Conspiracy goes mainstream. You can tell it is all over by the time Aunty Beeb picks up on it. ... Bilderberg mystery: Why do people believe in cabals?

The Conspiracy is that there is a conspiracy BEHIND the conspiracy running the conspiracy to make people think that the fake conspiracy is the really the real Conspiracy when in fact the real Conspiracy really is secret but conspiring to create a cover conspiracy to pull out all the Conspiracy Theorists, round them up and convert them to Brahma Kumarism ... and remember what happened at Jonestown!

If ever there was a cult being set up to be ritually poisoned en masse ... boy, it's the Brahma Kumaris. Remember where you read that first.

This has been a party political broadcast on behalf of the Freeamasons ... Illuminati ... Trilateral Commission ... Monster Raving ex-BK Loony Party.

Now, seriously, I thought a few interesting things were written in the articles, especially around the need to believe in higher powers.
BBC wrote:The conspiracy theorists may get overexcited but they have a point, says Prof Andrew Kakabadse, co-author of new book Bilderberg People. "It's much smarter than conspiracy," says Prof Kakabadse. "This is moulding the way people think so that it seems like there's no alternative to what is happening." The agenda the group has is to bring together the political elites on both right and left, let them mix in relaxed, luxurious surroundings with business leaders, and let the ideas fizz.

It may seem like a glorified dinner party but that is to miss the point. "When you've been to enough dinner parties you see a theme emerging," he says. The theme at Bilderberg is to bolster a consensus around free market Western capitalism and its interests around the globe, he says. "Is this all leading to the start of the ruling the world idea? In one sense yes. There's a very strong move to have a One World government in the mould of free market Western capitalism."

Degree of nefariousness

Conventional critiques of alienated people seeking order in a chaotic world may well be true. But there's more to it than that, McConnachie argues. "The other explanation is more dangerous. That they are precisely right - they just over-egg the way they articulate it." The Bilderberg Group matches up to how a global conspiracy would work - a secretive body attempting to shape the direction of the world, he suggests.

"The only difference is the degree of nefariousness," he says. "They tend to see this cabal as outright evil. When things are more nuanced than that." For all the tales of lizards running the world, we all owe a debt to conspiracy theorists, McConnachie argues. "Occasionally you have to give credit to conspiracy theorists who raise issues that the mainstream press has ignored. It's only recently that the media has picked up on the Bilderbergers. Would the media be running stories if there weren't these wild allegations flying around?"

But Aaronovitch disagrees. Believing in cabals leads to certain groups being victimised and obstructs a rational view of the world.

"To have a strong belief in the Bilderberg Group means believing in a fantasy," he says. "It suggests that there are people - like God - acting as a higher power. And it replaces the intolerable thought that there's nothing at work at all, that the world is chaotic. It may be a form of therapy but it has people believing in an anti-scientific message."


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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post08 Jun 2011


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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post14 Jun 2011

Glad to hear it Jann

I see people waking up and leaving behind their Disney land view of how the world works and who is working it every day. Most are not ready to look at it for a lot of reasons. The picture of the world presented by instruments of the state, the corporate controlled media, sanitized history books, the education system, and the corporate body is a fairy tale which begins to crack as soon as people have means to seriously question it. The means of discovering the real picture is founded on acquiring information about those events which official stories largely omitt, ignore and distort. Just as the BKWSU seeks to oppose those who want to discover the real picture of BK history and events, so the governments of all countries and those that control them do the same.

The BKs are simply adopting a universal and ancient device well known to every regime. The other tactic used by regimes and promoted among the population to discredit those who question their accounts is ridicule. It is such a well worn and trite cliche to simply refer to any view which questions the biased media propoganda or 'official' mouthpeices as 'conspiracy theorists'. In fact this kind of juvenille reactionism is promoted by the globalists as a rule so that anyone questioning the system is ridiculed, their views trivialized, and their characters assassinated.

This tactic is very reminisent of most dictatorships that have and still exist as a means of labelling dissenters and anyone challenging their authority. You might have heard of comments by the previous president George Bush calling for people who dispute official government accounts not to be tolerated. Some in the Obama camp have even muted the idea of arresting people who hold alternative theories on events like 911 and making provision for a new psychiatric disorder characterised by disobediance and distrust of authority. Despite the juvenille nature of this tactic, it has proved very effective in the past as a way of depriving people of a platform of influence and shutting them up.

However, there is one big difference today, and that is the well worn tactic is not working anymore. Thousands, tens of thousands, hundred of thousands are waking up and questioning the bigger picture. People have access to information which contests official versions espoused to insult our intelligence.The reason why the Bilderberg issue is being highlighed even in mainstream media now is because of the influence of hundreds of alternative radio, TV, and internet based shows which every day are informing people about what is really happening out there.

The reputable ones back up their presentations with access and links to hundreds of original documents, witness reports, government reports etc. which allows people to verify the information for themselves. Mainstream news shows are rapidly losing their audiences so some are being forced for the sake of ratings to deal with controversial issues and figures. Most of them still try to steer an ambiguous path often treating these figures and the information they present in a ridiculing or dismissive manner which is exactly what they are ordered to do. Its a mixed bag. The benefit is it brings the issues to public attention, the downside is that the way the subject is treated is still about employing the usual tactic of ridicule and trivialization.

If you were not aware of this already, the government and government agencies such as security services deliberately set up web-sites dealing with the most outrageous conspiracy theories they can think of. This serves a few purposes. Firstly it discredits all the other sincere researchers who are giving accurate and compelling information about the bigger picture. The effect is to lump all those who hold alternative and even well-informed views about events which challenge official stories as simple wacko conspiracy theorists. The strategy is simply one of disinformation and confusion. People wanting to understand the truth confronted by this ocean of wild and unsubstantiated information are left confused and mostly give up looking for the truth. Another reason for these sites is to attract those people who are questioning government accounts and gather their details through subscription and logging their IP addresses. I cannot prove this claim but I believe it is occuring.

But again, these tactics are not working as they did before. For example ten years ago if you mentioned the Bilderberg group to anyone people would laugh and see the claim as paranoid conspiracy theory.. Most official bodies denied flatly it even existed. Now the public know it does exist although its function is debated. The existence of this group and claims that those who attend the Bilderberg meetings come from Royal families, international banks, governments and former governments, leaders of multinational corporations was previously met with abject ridicule. Now many know about it because due to the tireless efforts of certain individuals the 'fact' of its existence was exposed to the public. So here you have one of many claims previously labelled as conspiracy theory exposed as fact not fiction.

People not only know about this group but acknowledge the group's existence was being kept secret from the public all this time by governments and other parties. Further to this, the meetings of the Bilderberg group are conducted in secret, and even if you believe that there is such a thing as democracy in Western countries (another myth) secret meetings involving government ministers are anti-democratic and even legislated against in US law (I foget the name of the Act in question but you can look it up). Their agenda is not clear but most of us would be curious to know what such powerful people are talking about and why it must be kept secret from the population? Sure they publish a fake agenda to feign openess but I am sure no one is fooled by that.

This year there are big protests in St. Moritz, the location of the Bilderberg meeting and even Swiss officials have questioned the legality of the meeting. This has helped to highlight the issue more. It's sometimes amusing to witness people in mainstream media questioning the stabilty of those that believe in Cabals. People should really know their history because organisations, corporations, agencies, oil companies, and many others have been working as cabals for a long time. When recent news reports on the radio questioned the forthcoming hikes in energy prices they referred to evidence from independent agencies who had found that energy companies had been working together in concert, in organised unison, to fix proces and control the market. Are people really so dumb to imagine that cabals do not exist in other spheres and within the highest echolons of society?

So questioning the stability of people who believe in cabals is the same tactic being used again to discredit their claims and portray them as weird conspiracy theorists. So what a minute, the existence of the Bilderberg group turned out to be fact not conspiracy theory, the most powerful people on the planet attending the meetings turns out to be fact not conspiracy theory, but to suggest they are a cabal manipulating world events IS a conspiracy theory - yes, it definately is - no doubt about it! Let's see how long this claim lasts before information to substantiate it starts to accrue and the claim is upgraded from conspiracy theory to wooops - fact. Surely people can see through the blantant and infantile tactics used to discredit those who look for the truth.

Just a year ago people would laugh at the notion that plans were being muted to put Lithium in our drinking water. People were considered certifiable if they made such a claim. I mean who would believe governments would take an idea like Lithium in the water seriously. Within the last few weeks scientists in New York published details of research they had conducted in Japan, indicating that in areas of Japan where there were higher levels of lithium naturally occuring in water, the rates of suicide among the population had fallen compared to those areas where the Lithium levels in water were lower. They are reccomending the introduction of lithium into water supplies as a counter to both suicidality in people but also against the looming pandemic of depression being predicted by the WHO. This recommendation comes a year or so after officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA in the US recommended putting lithium in water supplies at times of national emergency, terrorist attack or national disaster in order to counter the normal human tendency to panic at time of crisis. Since this information has emerged those shouting 'conspiracy theorists' have gone strangely silent and rather red-faced.

What people discover once they begin to investigate the bigger picture rather than taking official government accounts as gospel is that virutally everything, and I do mean everything we have been told about how the world operates, who operates it, our part in the process and the claim that humans have real freedom is the most monsterous set of lies ever devised. The stark realisation that we are governed by people who are totally corrupt, ruthless, sadistic, exploitative, psychopathic with no real value for human welfare arrives quickly. We are slaves while unaware that just another form of slavery has engulfed us.

This time it is economic slavery, debt slavery, tax slavery from birth to death, a slave to a capitalist comsumer based, aquisition driven system run by ruthless individuals tirelessly working to exploit us and milk us dry. The system is one that serves a small elite group who control and direct the flow of our lives without us ever being aware of it. They con us into believing they work for or interests and are interested in our future when really all they want is to maintain a system which is designed to disadvantage the many while benefitting a tiny minority and their progeny. They designed it this way and pla to keep it this way.

Some people would rather not know these things, or prefer to dismiss these views even in the face of evidence. In practice about half want to investigate and learn while the other half prefer to stay in the camp of the laughing ignorant. A proportion in the latter group are scared to wake up to what is really happening. They fear the very beliefs and values on whoch their psychological stability depends will be undermined. They are frightened to accept that they have been indoctrinated into a world view based on lies, deception and fairy tales. They question how they will live if all they believed in is false and leaders cannot be trusted. Some are just too arrogant to consider they could be wrong, these people assume they have a good grasp of how things really work already. It would shame and embarass them - their ego's could not bare the humiliation of it. The truth is these people should be left alone to remain within the comfort of their delusions.

When the actions of governments in countires like the UK and the US bring us ever closer to a police state, closer to a totally surveilled population, rigidly controlled by increasingly absurd and draconian laws, moving us towards new carbon taxes, spiralling food prices, devaluation of currency, with domination of our lives from Europe as our rights and freedoms are taken away then some of these people will be forced to recognise the real agenda. When the agenda of these globalists becomes so patently clear because its in your face everday effecting how you live; when its in your street and your neighbourhood distressing your children; when the food you eat is making you ill because of GMO, radiation, aluminium or because it is now so nutritionally deficient it cannot nourish you, then even the most dense denier will be forced to concede the truth of what is happening.

I've given a lot in this reply to the forum in the hope that at least a few out there will be helped to wake up and go and investigate for yourselves. Don't conform to camp of those who simply scream conspiracy theorist. Its an easy cop out and a rather silly one. I have tried to inform people on this forum about these topics before and a few people saw fit to attack me as a response. If none of it makes sense to you then just be safe and dismiss it. No harm done. No need to get into futile debates about it. If on the other hand you can keep an open mind then go and do your own research and find out the bigger picture for yourself.


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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post14 Jun 2011

PS. for those a bit anal about correct spelling and you know who you are. As I rushed the reply due to lack of time I put it through the spell checker only to find the unchecked version was uploaded. Try your best to calm yourself over the spelling issue :)


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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post14 Jun 2011

But Aaronovitch disagrees. Believing in cabals leads to certain groups being victimised and obstructs a rational view of the world.
To have a strong belief in the Bilderberg Group means believing in a fantasy," he says. "It suggests that there are people - like God - acting as a higher power. And it replaces the intolerable thought that there's nothing at work at all, that the world is chaotic. It may be a form of therapy but it has people believing in an anti-scientific message.

What abject nonsense. It is the ochestrated mass deception of the population, the systematic distortion of events and false reporting that obstructs the develoment of a rational world view. The countless fantasies sold as true accounts of real events to the public by governments that construct belief in fantasies.

These comments are simply trying to use plausible psycho-babble to throw people off the scent and promote orthodox scientic views as the preferred perspective on the world. This guys comments are as dismissive as Freud's notion that human spiritual longings and notions of God were nothing more than the unconscious desires for relationship with the ideal human parent.

It's amusing how they roll out the vetted scientists to espouse such crap.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post15 Jun 2011

I tend to agree a bit with Aaronovitch. This conspiracy stuff is kind of stuck in the same place as cult religion, a binary fight between "believers" and "deniers" in which The Conspiracy™ takes the place of The Devil as the root of all evil. There are few 'millenarianist messiahs' making a buck out of selling Revelations-type books and offering simplistic paths to heaven ... and a lot of consumers. You're just kind of like the disgruntled BK sitting at the back of their morning class.

I don't see "The Conspiracy" as the problem. The problem I see is ... so who else is there to run the show and how? The Brahma Kumaris are working away in their way towards that end ... even though it means the nuclear bomb powered annihilation of the rest of us.

    Wave a magic wand and the conspiracist cabal disappears ... who is going to run the world ... to feed it ... control population ... protect women's rights?

    I think what undercut your theory was the idea that the BKWSU's strings are being pulled by the Illuminati rather than their spooks.
Let's be honest, in the first place, 99% of the people are happy with conspiracy, or aspiring towards a Conspiracy Run Lifestyle™. For 80% of humanity who live on less than $10 a day ... what difference is regime change going to make ... once you have worked out HOW to change the regime? I think the robots are far more likely to rebel when you tell them you are going to be taking away all their consumer goods and leading them back to some Proudhonist heaven.

It is Animal Farm, the Bolshevik dream, all over again ... "yes, you will die poor, hungry, overworked and uneducated ... but at least you will die poor, hungry, uneducated, overworked and "Free from the Conspiracy™". Conspiracy Theorists consist of a tiny percentage of a fairly elite world class who think THEY should be running the show from their armchairs ... without any experience or doing the work to own it.

What would be more 'on topic' for this forum is to look at how far in 70 years the Brahma Kumaris have gotten towards their aim of ruling the world, and by using what tools.

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