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PostPosted: 06 Jun 2006
by andrey
I suppose Baba would say, Please do clarify your question. I don’t know the answer. Only he can know. I suppose Shiv the Supreme Soul is ever alone. He is Father to all souls. Still maybe he has only one child – Prajapita. This child himself cannot love anyone else because he is under the control of Shiv, but from another point of view he has a counterpart. But I should not become a retranslator. If one is interested in such a deep aspects of knowledge, one should have the courage to ask directly the deep Ocean of knowledge.

PostPosted: 08 Jun 2006
by andrey
I suppose the only real soul mate - the mate of the soul can only be ShivBaba and no one else, because everyone else will dupe you a little bit. In the vayakt Vanis it is said yes, one may take supoort for namesake, of a companion, of the familly, but if we make someone else / a human being/ our true support of the intellect we will not succeed. If we love only one, this love can be complete and can make us complete.

PostPosted: 08 Jun 2006
by joel
Andrey wrote:I suppose the only real soul mate - the mate of the soul can only be ShivBaba and no one else, because everyone else will dupe you a little bit. In the vayakt Vanis it is said yes, one may take supoort for namesake, of a companion, of the familly, but if we make someone else / a human being/ our true support of the intellect we will not succeed. If we love only one, this love can be complete and can make us complete.

Hi Andrey,

I think it is a dangerous thing to suppose that everyone will tend to dupe you, dangerous in that it can become a justification to yield to the fear of intimacy and withdraw from intimacy. Lacking intimacy can be desolate as death, except for a very few unusual (not necessarily virtuous) people. No man or womyn, even with full faith in God, is an island. Georgia O'keefe was highly independent of the expectations of others--she did not conform; made decisions for herself. Yet relationship was a deep part of her life. And she was celibate for most if not all her life.

Perhaps you can become complete by loving God. In which case I think you'll find yourself intimate with a great many people while being able to maintain your inner sense of self and integrity. Dadi Kumarka is self-revealing and intimate without losing herself. My own case, detaching from others and focusing from God, I found myself, crippled, unable to be loving in the spontaneous way I wanted. My intellect was always in the way, expecting to be able to predict in a way that hamstrung my ability to respond to be spontaneously, trusting my instincts, including that to touch someone's hand or approach toward a hug.

Neediness aggravated by witholding prevented me from giving. Fear that I couldn't distinguish between affection and sexual attraction also prevented me from giving. Arjun once told me (can I say this?) he has no problem hugging people, maybe he has no intimacy issues eiither. Generally a key consideration is there is risk in opening oneself to another person. Learning to accept risk and vulnerability enables one to grow.

"I don't want to hurt others and I don't want to be hurt. i want to avoid such risks of Iron-Aged relationships." That was a toxic crystallization of fear-as-dogma that kept me isolated. I don't mean to project this on you; writing primarily about myself.


PostPosted: 09 Jun 2006
by andrey
Yes, there are the negative and the positive pole of the wires. Electricity goes when they meet.

But it is not a matter of anything physical, whether one associates with others or touches them, one should not touch anyone else with the intellect. Or it is like the prostitute that whoever likes to make her belong to him she submits. No, we don’t have anything to offer to others or like to take anything from them. We receive everything from one only.

Yes, we all take support of the earth. Nobody hangs in the air, but whilst we walk over the earth our intellect should be up in the sky, isn’t it. Nobody lives alone, but inside, whom do we belong to? And what a risk we are about to take. We always think we will be duped, we’ll lose something, but the risk is not to belong to someone physically. We fear losing all supports internally and committing oneself to one only. This risk is worth taking.

Baba says we should Follow Brahma in doing. Yes we have to think as to what to be put into practice. But with a pure heart we should put everything into practice. With a baby like intellect we should follow – open your mouth, yes ... like this, now take the spoon inside ... yes now chew. Remember me alone – should this be put into practice or not?