Why are we here?

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bro neo


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Why are we here?

Post03 Sep 2007

A very important question to me, why are we alive and conscious here on this planet now? I have a few theories but what do you think?
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Post03 Sep 2007

No idea. Punishment? ... I liked one Buddhist school's concept that planet Earth was a sort of lunatic asylum for the realms and all the criminally insane (from a Dharmic point of view) ending up here until they sorted their **** out or to protect the rest of the system from us. A last chance, half-way house between the god realms and the lower hells.

So, its a cosmic lunatic asylum most are patients, the rest are are doctors, nurse and security details. Unfortunately, there are a lot of lunatics who THINK they are doctors.
    Can I take your pulse?
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Post03 Sep 2007

ex-l wrote:Unfortunately, there are a lot of lunatics who THINK they are doctors. Can I take your pulse?

OK! But tell me exactly what is it that specifically a doctor does make?

Is it specific Training / Intention / Science /Understanding/Belief System? Is there a difference between a Healer and/or Doctor? mmmmmmmm ...
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Post03 Sep 2007

paulkershaw wrote:OK! But tell me exactly what is it that specifically a doctor does make?

The main difference between the doctor and the inmate is that the doctor gets paid to be there.
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Mr Green


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Post03 Sep 2007

Give a monkey a brain and he'll tell you the answer to the universe.
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Post03 Sep 2007

mr green wrote:Give a monkey a brain and he'll tell you the answer to the universe.

And be many thousands times more unhappy with her life.
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Mr Green


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Post04 Sep 2007

ex-l wrote:And be many thousands times more unhappy with her life.

:lol: :lol: I haven't forgotten that champagne by the way. I am too Zen these days to want to know. My head hurts just trying to pay me bills :lol:.

But then how would I know the answers, no-one has ever told me them ... but I have seen good ways of living life on a personal level ... these maybe are answers in a way :?.
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bro neo


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Post27 Sep 2007

Interesting concept ex-l, first time I heard of it I believe. Definitely food for thought and a possibility. Too bad for the poor doctors though, who have no conscious recollection, from before birth, of what reality is beyond the material plane and the need to depend on the testament of others and the abstract information from their minds eye.

My thoughts now. Sleepless nights and years of contemplation have just recently brought me to my newest theory which makes the most sense to me. It does involve monkeys and brains.

I think animals do know the meaning of life, at least as far as they, as individuals are concerned. From what we know of how animal (wild animals anyway) brains and consciousness works, or what I have learned and think, wild animal’s modus operandis is about survival. Their individual survival, and the survival of their genes. In other words, to live and to mate.

The less social animals are born and then seek to survive by constant acquisition of food, water, shelter and then a mate to procreate. Most, also need to be cunning in avoiding predators. They do this until they die and this constant work-mission most probably obsesses their consciousness from dawn till dusk until they finally die.

For more social animals like monkeys, they are also driven by status within their social group or species. This, at least in part, intertwines with their obsession for the survival of their genes, which can be called lust. In a lot of social groups, only the alpha males get to mate, so to be less then the big cheese means the death of ones genes. This is perhaps the beginning of self reflection which is a characteristic usually only associated with Homo sapiens.

For these animals, and less complex forms of life (bacteria, plants etc.) who also seem to live to just survive and mate, the meaning of life does appear to be in the doing or being of them selves; the meaning of their life is the experience of their life. A purely spiritual theory I have is that perhaps some aspect of their abstract consciousness (soul) survives death and then is perhaps born again into the same species until they learn to master or at least become adept in those lessons of being-survival.

Humans are far more complex then all the other animals (I don’t know anything about dolphin and whale brains so can’t speak for them) and this is where the meaning of life gets messy, but I think I finally have a working thesis.

Humans are definitely social animals, our brains are hard wired as such. We cannot survive from birth unless we have other people to care for us in our helpless and dependent first years of life. We are born into social groups. Our family of origin is the primary, then we have a circle of relatives and peers, a community, a state, a government and also we belong to the global social society comprised of many diverse groups.

Survival is still the primary driving force behind humanity, of our selves as individuals, of our genes and our social group. Survival for humans is not as simple as food, shelter, sex and avoiding fatal injuries. Humans have to operate within our communities and in some way fulfill our primary needs within the framework of human society. We have to obey certain laws and codes of conduct which are predefined by our social groups and sometimes are in sharp contrast to the potentially obsessive desires of our primary instincts.

A proper upbringing usually sorts all this out, as our distinctively human brain has the ability to be programmed as we grow up and to actually control our instinctive desires. When we are brought up in an environment(family) where rules are not well defined, are in contrast to the dominating social group (the ruling party or person of the land), or are just not properly educated, loved and cared for, our programming can be skewed and ‘dysfunctional’. As adults, as we must survive in the more a more complex and vast social order. Without the proper programming and education we fail or fall short of achieving a moderate to high status and level of security and survival within the society.

Backtracking a little, without a nurturing and empowering upbringing we can also have serious hardware or software problems: anywhere from sever mental disorders to self esteem problems, lacking ‘appropriate’ assertive and receptive skills, social interaction skills, unhealthy lifestyle habits, etc. Our program can be so dysfunctional that we may even totally reject, suppress, or become possessed by our primary instinct for survival. An example of an extreme is where people commit suicide. Another example are people who kill others within their own society (not out of self defense or injustice, but because of program problems or to satisfy primal instincts).

People lucky enough to have an empowering and loving upbringing most likely will grow up to be thriving members of society with healthy friends and family and succeed, so to speak, as a human being by achieving a adept level of being as a Homo sapien. They are naturals; humans who just know how to live with charisma and passion and are surrounded by love. They solve their problems and achieve their goals with the help of others within their community. Finally, they create their own families which gives them love and joy. My spiritual theory is that after this adeptness level of being human is attained they can then move on to a more complex life form, wither it be on another planet or perhaps in another dimension.

As for me and I believe the majority of the worlds population who have hardware or software problems with our brains, acquiring an adept level of experience in going to be a lot more difficult and complicated. I think those of us who have these issues need to first and foremost fix the computer (brain(s) and programming); we need to achieve a level of self mastery.

What I mean by self mastery is that we must learn to manage successfully all the complex abstract and biochemical realities of being a human being. Understanding and managing our bodies, thinking, and emotions; healing and learning to love our own bodies, minds and hearts. After this level of self management or mastery is achieved we can then fulfill our mission of being successful in society.

Mastering the self, in my experience, is a life’s mission in and of itself. It requires so much, and I don’t know if it’s possible to do alone, and I don’t think it can be done by depending on others entirely either (BK experience, barf). Well maybe really depending on others will solve the problem for some people, if they’re not deep thinkers like some of us ex-BKs. Many reformed 12-step fanatics or born again this or that might get to live in love, so long as they don’t start to doubt what others want them to believe.

It takes a Herculean effort of both help from others and helping the self. Learning from others and sorting the true, false, and maybe from what they give us and what we get and doing the same with self management and introspective exploration.

Some spiritual philosophies say that highly evolved spiritual beings take a fall, just so they can learn more and become greater deities. The ‘fallen’ humans are just great beings looking to be greater. Wouldn’t that be nice

So it’s a simple as that. :D

In a word, love is the meaning of life. When we are in love, loved by others or a special someone, or absorbed in doing something we love, we’re less likely to think about why we are here. We’re just engaged in enjoying how great life is. For some of us love is not enough, their must also be truth. In fact truth may be much more important then love, but then again it’s a love for truth, and I for one believe truth will lead me to love.

Unfortunately, for most of us, love doesn’t come easy. Just to get to this point for a lot of us takes complex, endless work. Perhaps even for the monkeys, it takes lifetimes before one finally gets to be the alpha male (or in some species the alpha females). This for me is what makes sense with what empirical information I have had access to thus far.

It would be far simpler to say just the experience of being is the purpose of life, but I don’t think this is the case. As in nature we have winners and losers, triumphs and failures, so I think just to be, what ever it may be is not why we are here.

As you have read this, I appreciate your input. This could very well be my personal meaning of life and not yours, it could be incomplete or just bad arithmetic, "Houston, we may have a problem…”. Then again I could be right and have finally cracked the code to the meaning of life for us all. 8)

"The unexamined life is not worth living for a human being." (ho de anexetastos bios ou biôtos anthrôpôi)- Socrates

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