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Channeling and mediumship

PostPosted: 27 Mar 2009
by paulkershaw
Not that it's my place to do so perhaps, but I thought a separate thread for those wanting to share and answer Ray of Lights questions may be good (and keep the Dreams Narrated etc post on track too).

If no-one minds, I am posting a copy of her question here regarding the channeling of spirits her, and I am using this old thread as a motivation to deepen any possible discussion that occurs:-
Ray of Light wrote:Is there anyone else out there who has been channelling spirit energies willingly or unwittingly? I would like to hear your stories as I could use some help in this area. Thanks.

Re: Channeling and mediumship

PostPosted: 28 Mar 2009
by rayoflight
Thanks Paul. I think I am going to add a few more thoughts to this thread.

It dawned on me today that if we are all mirrors for each other, then perhaps this could also apply to channelling energies or entities. In the same way that like attracts like, maybe entities that use us for whatever reason, are also somehow vibrating at a similar frequency as we are. Could this be possible? If in my mind I hold beliefs about food, marriage, sex, money, family and philosophy that resemble the entity's, then perhaps we are attracting each other.

I often wondered why it seemed like I had taken sacred vows that I never used to believe in, in the past, yet I was following with the BKs. Today I realized that maybe the seed of those thoughts already existed in me in some form. For example, I met the BKs after I got divorced and I clearly remember thinking that there was no way I could ever get married again. The breakup was the seed to "coupling is bad." I can go through every single principle and find a "seed" that just sprouted when I met the BKs.

This then led me to a deeper understanding of why I had a love/hate relationship with the BKs. If an entity is attracted and decides to use you as his little plaything, then it would be certain that there would be a combination of both love and hate. The feelings of bliss we experience, we like, but the feelings of being controlled or taking vows that we may not have believed in, in the past, we don't like. At the same time, the discomfort is a sign that maybe you don't agree as much as you are made to think you agree because you are being influenced by the entity and of course by the justifications of why everything they say is right.

Of course, if there is no inner conflict, then there is no issue at hand, but to be able to distinguish between who is who and what is mine and what is not takes a fine tooth comb and lots of patience. In the meantime, we may even find ways to justify the discomfort because it's easier than figuring out who is who and what is mine and what is not. Does this make sense?

I think what I am getting at, is that like attracts like and with that realization comes my own responsibility in having chosen this path and/or attracting the entity, and having willingly donated my mind for spiritual research. This doesn't diminish the irresponsibility of the BKs, it just liberates me a little more.

Re: Channeling and mediumship

PostPosted: 28 Mar 2009
by ex-l
I think, however we understand these phenomena, you are heading in the right direction and making some deep points here.

Re: Channeling and mediumship

PostPosted: 28 Mar 2009
by rayoflight
Thanks, ex-l. I am beginning to get some clarity. There was a lot of emotion at first, but now that it has passed, I can see clearly now the rain has gone ♪.

Re: Channeling and mediumship

PostPosted: 28 Mar 2009
by tom
rayoflight wrote:s there anyone else out there who has been channelling spirit energies willingly or unwittingly? I would like to hear your stories as I could use some help in this area.

Have you seen the website of the Spiritual Science Research Foundation which was mentioned earlier in this forum elsewhere? In my humble opinion they may have some religious ideas based on Hindu origin but worth to read and if necessary worth to ask for advice.

Re: Channeling and mediumship

PostPosted: 28 Mar 2009
by rayoflight
Thanks tom. I hadn't visited this website yet but it looks interesting and certainly in regards to entity possession.

I find it interesting that they point to the location of the soul as being in the heart. I have heard this before, but after hearing from the BKs that it's in the third eye for so long I just naturally thought that's where it was. It makes more sense to me that it's in the heart though.