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Post04 Feb 2007

ex-l wrote: I have questions I do not have answers for.
    One is what this pressure is on my forehead/pineal gland, what does it mean and why is it still there like the mark of The Beast years after I left ever time I start to tune in to BK subjects?
    Or that tickle on the back of the head? Now the latter, from a real yogic/psychic point of view, would be related to the 6th and 7th of the 9 or more chakras ... but I do not know if it is just chakras or something to do with Shiva/BKWSU.
if I am feeling things, what does it mean.

The pressure on the forehead is connected with the "third eye". If it comes when you tune into BK subjects it probably means the third eye was opened by a BK yogi. You can close it if you know how. It is your chakra. Make the firm affirmation to close it. You could use it as an opportunity to see clearly into non-BK matters - up to you.

The tickle on the back of the head is much more serious. It is the activation of a little known chakra called the Alta Major or the "Well of Dreams". It is associated with fear, terror, adrenaline rush, and the reticular part of the brain (which is the old reptilian brain). Again you can close this chakra, which is outside the physical body around the place where the skull and spine connect, or you can view it as an opportunity. It is a big opportunity because it is the only place from which the human can access things which were previously unknown. Usually we can only create from what we already know.

Opening of this chakra means that you will be able to create completely new things for yourself (which is why it is called the well of dreams), but it may take some years to manifest them, as the energy has to be filtered down through the lower chakras before you can understand it and bring it into reality. I have seen this chakra open in BKs before, Howiemac has his Alta Major open, but he is able to close it at will. A good source of information about this important chakra is the book -
    "You Are Becoming a Galactic Human" by Virginia Essene, Sheldon Nidle.
Energy is energy. You can use it as you will. This type of adrenaline/reptilian energy is difficult because to use it fully you will have to go through the fear and the terror. If you are willing to do this then you will be able to access alternative realities.

In all the trainings for the High Initiates in the Western Tradition, fear was the tool used most widely. So, in a sense, the BKs, with their use of fear, are giving us a big opportunity to evolve to a higher level of universal love. This is part of the soul's journey. If I were you, I would not waste this opportunity, but be prepared and do it consciously. There are no rules in this field. You are the rule maker. There is plenty of information and help if you get stuck.
ex-l wrote:Sadly, one of the by-products of doing Gyan, and I think this is kind of fair as few appreciate WHAT a training it is, that one is left not trusting and believing in other non-BK individuals that might actually be able to help you in this area. More later ...

This is the fear and terror I was talking about kicking in. To move forward you will have to start to trust again and accept help.

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