"2012" - a new film about the end of the world

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"2012" - a new film about the end of the world

Post07 Nov 2009

When Roland Emmerich, the famous Hollywood disaster movie director of "Independence Day" and "The Day After Tomorrow" was interviewed a few months ago about his latest end-of-the-world movie "2012", he was asked, "Why do you like killing the world?" His response: "It makes for a good story."

Yep, the oldest good story in the book, and one milked by the BKSWU for all it is worth!

The movie shows many religious icon buildings being destroyed all over the world in graphic detail ... but not the Muslim Kaaba in Mecca. The director was also reportedly approached by people hoping to get their famous landmarks trashed, like Taiwan's Taipei 101, which is the tallest completed building in the world. There's no word yet if that structure will meet the same on-screen fate as the Vatican and the White House. I wonder if some ex-BKs asked him to show Madhuban collapsing into a gaping hole in 2012?

The movie "2012" opens nationwide in the US on November 13. You can see excellent trailers here: The One Place on Earth Not Destroyed in '2012'
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Re: "2012" - a new film about the end of the world

Post07 Nov 2009

When I first saw the trailer I thought, "this will please the BKWSO" because they will watch it and think, "see, I told you we were right" ... but I hated it.

Humans have a fear instinct that some people like to exploit for their own benefit, like Roland Emmerich and the BKWSO.


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Re: "2012" - a new film about the end of the world

Post09 Nov 2009

Why the World Will NOT End in 2012: Nasa Scientist Debunks Conspiracy Theories
"I note that my desk calendar ends much sooner, on December 31 2009, but I do not interpret this as a prediction of Armageddon. It is just the beginning of a new year."
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Re: "2012" - a new film about the end of the world

Post09 Nov 2009

I watched some trailer of 2012 too. Do you call that a "movie"?
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Re: "2012" - a new film about the end of the world

Post15 Nov 2009

Here is an opposing view on 2012:



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Re: "2012" - a new film about the end of the world

Post15 Nov 2009

Ooh, so many spelling mistakes, it's a bit hard to take seriously. I'd like to read the article it is based on - but I couldn't find a Journal of Nature, Science and Technology listed anywhere. All I found was a news article about the way that doomsday cultists have inferred their own meaning onto the Mayan calendar: From: Mayan myth

In fact, the link between global catastrophe and Mayan calendar-based prophecy is largely fiction. Ads for "2012" begin with the phrase, 'The Mayans warned us', though of course the Mayans did not 'warn' anyone - they simply had a calendar system that happens to 'end' in 2012, much as the way the Gregorian calendar on my office wall 'ends' on Dec. 31. The Mayans never said the world would end that year, and modern Mayans have shown irritation with how their culture has been co-opted into pop culture notions and Hollywood blockbuster film promotions.

UPDATE: The purported source seems to be the Dutch NWT Natuurwetenschap & Techniek). Link to full translation of article: Link to original article in Dutch: here, original, here.

Looks like the BKs will be revising the date of Destruction yet again ...
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Re: "2012" - a new film about the end of the world

Post15 Nov 2009

audacity wrote:Looks like the BKs will be revising the date of Destruction yet again....

Precisely what I thought too. LOL.

This news about 2012 is not new. There is a lot of information on the internet about how the Mayans chose this date and how its relevance today may not be accurate at all. Everything as we know, is based on interpretation ... and hype is the most contagious way of spreading information, be it true or false.
Ooh, so many spelling mistakes, it's a bit hard to take seriously.

Yes, many typos, but if you've seen how many typos show up on this forum, you might disregard a lot of valuable information here too ;).

If we all had to master English (today's global language) before posting our points of view, most non-English people in the world would probably stay mum!
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Re: "2012" - a new film about the end of the world

Post16 Nov 2009

Look out for the topic thread, here It's the End of the World as we know it ... Again.

The End of the World is nothing new. It is dishonest of the BKWSU leadership to keep promoting it ... and allowing their adherent followers to keep filling their minds with nonsense ... whilst hiding all their leadership's and god spirit's failed predictions in the past. It is one of the strangeness of Brahma Kumarism that they have adopted the Judeo-Christian monotheistic god AND millenarianism (imminent and desirable Destruction of the world). It does not come from Hinduism.

    What newcomers to the BKWSU MUST realise is that NONE of this is new to the world ... NOR to the BK movement. The BK leadership has been spinning the same plates, whilst raking in the money, allow their followers to talk about the same New Agey type of stuff for ... DECADES.

    Do not base your life on it. Do not let it enter into your mind
Interesting to see the Mayan's speak out about this film maker ... the Jews, such as him, have been making money, never mind religions (... aka Jesus and Christianity), out of the End of the World or apocalypse for a very, very, very long time!!!

As for Hollywood ... as long as it makes money, they would produce a film about anything. I am equally sure movie impregnate vulnerable minds and warp their sense of reality.
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Re: "2012" - a new film about the end of the world

Post16 Nov 2009

ex-l wrote:The End of the World is nothing new.

It is the oldest trick in the book to create fear and paranoia in people.
the Jews, such as him, have been making money...

I have many Jewish friends and this is a generalised stereotype most definitely NOT based in truth. The seed of early WWII hate was envy of a group of people who seemed to know how to make money, but it was an excuse for ethnic cleasning to camouflage immeasurable arrogance and race superiority. The envy turned to hate and murder of six million Jews. There is no room for this here. Perhaps you need to make more Jewish friends.
As for Hollywood ... as long as it makes money, they would produce a film about anything.

Hollywood is a business conglomerate and its goal is to make money. It has never tried to be anything else and certainly never pretended to be holier than thou. Supeficial maybe, but certainly not saintly.

The BKWSO on the other hand, promotes itself in an angelic way but camouflages an agenda of a different kind completely. They have been making money off the "End of the World" formula in an unethical way. Whether we like Hollywood films or not, they at least do not hide their agenda.
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Re: "2012" - a new film about the end of the world

Post16 Nov 2009

ex-l wrote:Interesting to see the Mayan's speak out about this film maker ... the Jews, such as him, have been making money, never mind religions (... aka Jesus and Christianity), out of the End of the World or apocalypse for a very, very, very long time!!!

ex-l, this is a bundle of very primitive, very wrong, quick fixed comments. As if this forum is against Jews who are money making, against filmmaker Jews and against religions, especially Christianity created by a Jew!!! :oops:
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Re: "2012" - a new film about the end of the world

Post16 Nov 2009

As you both should have expected by now, I was making an informed statement far deeper than the obvious position you have reacted against.

As far as I can see, all formalised religions are money making machines (for and by their priest castes), have cultic elements, suppress and exploit their follower more than lead them to emancipation ... and, sadly, Judaism cannot escape that criticism.

    Right or wrong?
Millenarianism has been an oft revived part of Judaism from its beginning. There has always been the great expectation of the Messiah from the time of Moses ... the Babylonian Captivity ... in Palestine under the Greeks and Syrians ... and, of course, I was making a joke at the expense of the early Christians ... including Jesus ... who were actually Jews. Judea at the time of Christ was awaiting the return of their King Messiah and the Holocaustic Destruction of their Roman overlords. That is 2 to 5,000 (?) years worth of millenarianism!

The point I tried to make is that for Hinduism, it was always 100,000s of years away. It was the Abrahamic tradition that had it tomorrow or within this life.

How and why did Lekhraj Kirpalani pick up and adopt monotheism and the Apocalypse ... and himself claim to the the Messiah in person for the first 20 years or so before introducing Shiva? Is the adoration of Lekhraj Kirpalani by the BKs not Christ-like? They have made him their 'Christ' far more than their Krishna.

Perhaps your Jewish friends are secular, enlightened Jews who do not believe in either the tribal or Messianic aspects of their culture/religion any more? Nor might they follow or agree with the principles of the Zionist movement. Of course, there are many Jews such as that. And there are many that know nothing and care nothing about their own religion, as with any religion. Personally, I don't believe in a "Jewish conspiracy to take over the world" ...

    A "Brama Kumari conspiracy to inherit over the world"? For sure! That is exactly what they say. "First India, tomorrow the World." A 2,500 Year 'Reich'.
But ... the 6 million figure is as 'mythic in value' as all the Brahma Kumaris' numbers. The Holocaust Industry is definitely making money and power out of that "Destruction" (read: The Holocaust Industry by Norman Finkelstein. Noam Chomsky and Raul Hilberg both praised it) and the model has been exported elsewhere, e.g. to Asia. If that offends ... argue it out with Finkelstein and Hilberg, not me. This director, and a very Jewish Hollywood one cannot deny, has made $100,000,000s out of Apocalypse movies reinforcing - or exploiting - the archetype into the collective mind of the West.

"Destruction" is the religion of Christian and Judaism[/b] (note the BK use of the term). So why did Lekhraj Kirpalani take up a Judeo-Christian device? Was it something he picked up from British Christian Missionaries in Sind? Remember, he did not even know of Judaism by the early posters and call it Islam instead.[/b]

And I am sorry but if you knew anything about the director (Roland Emmerich), I do not think you would be bothered about morality or "religiosity" any more than he is. He is far more outspoken, and outrageous, than I am. Mind you. He was willing to destroy Christian symbols in his film but frightened away from destroying Islamic ones. There is some controversy about that.
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Re: "2012" - a new film about the end of the world

Post23 Nov 2009

There is another element that the Brahma Kumaris have in common with, or adopted from, the monotheistic Abrahamic tradition (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and that is the self-belief that they are the Chosen Race and superior over other tribes (even if the relationships between those religions have varied from mutual mistrust ... to hatred, war and persecution!)

This is all in a very stark contrast to the generally pluralistic and polytheistic nature of Hinduism (accepting the validity of other religious paths).

Yes, I know there is some debate over what the covenant meant ... and that this is a very simple summary ... but the history of tribalism and tribal wars in the Middle East goes on to this day. Sometimes I wonder if the Brahma Kumaris' god, ShivaBaba or BapDada ... whether real or archetypal ... is just another one of these same 'tribal-gods-gone-mad-on-world-domination' and destruction.

As it says in the Old Testament, "I the Lord thy God am a Jealous God ... a consuming fire ... a jealous God ... and ye shall have no other God but me ... lest the anger of the LORD thy God be kindled against thee and destroy thee from off the face of the earth (Deuteronomy 6:14-15).

Talk about "fear-based teachings"!!! Are the Brahma Kumaris just not playing the same game? Is theirs not the same spiritual level of tribal god or archetype?

It is perhaps worth stating that the Buddha is also to have promoted his teachings as the only true ones but from as early as the 'Edicts' of the Buddhist Emperor Ashoka (272 to 231 before Christ), religious tolerance was official promoted within Buddhism.

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