An International Men's Day

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An International Men's Day

Post01 Jul 2011

I'd like to propose an international mens day.

The plight of woman and womens rights around the world is a just and noble one with still a long way to go in some areas. However, the plight of many males around the world is just as significant. for example the levels of domestic abuse reports coming from men has rocketed in the last 2 decades as more men overcome the stigmatizing effect of reporting such abuse.

In addition to this the legions of young men in many countries being press ganged as boys into armies or sold as slaves is shocking. Then of course the issue of mens rights access their children after divorce or separation is one of the greatest sources of injustice today. The law still unfairly favours women in this respect and is grossly unfair. I have worked with many men in this position and the pain experienced by this kind of situation is beyond words.

Many men today carry a kind of internalized guilt stemming from the notion of men in the past as repressive agents against female freedoms. A kind of unconscious guilt by association i.e. from simply being of male gender.

In addition to this, the suicide rates and depressive illness among males around the world is truly shocking. There is reason to suspect that at least some if not the larger majority of these problems stem from the profound identity problems and confusions created by our scoieties changing perceptions and expectations of males in the 21st century. Role conflicts, identify crisis, internalized guilt, blurring of gender boundaries, confusing messages from the education system and media, the diminishing value afforded to men by a society that rather than simply facilitating the empowerment of women is in many ways fostering a matriarchal society.

I have organised several mens groups in which men feel able to talk about these issues freely and the evidence for the above points are clear.

There are an increasing number of psychologists and others organising male re-connection groups designed to help males re-establish contact with the important values and qualities of 'maleness'. Another aim is to nurture male self-esteem and bring us back to a pride in ourselves as men of great worth. Some have called for a re-instatement of the intiation rites and passages created by our ancestors which aid safe passage from boyhood to adulthood through the support of experienced elders.

Though the struggle by woman for their pride and worth is well known the struggle of many men today is perhaps less well known.

We must not forget either that many organisation in the past such as the Frankfurt school of philosophers and academics, the socialist Macy group, the Rhodes and Milner groups and others constructed an agenda which aimed to cause conflict and entragement between men and woman and the family unit. This was one of their goals toward destroying and degrading Western society. If you do the research as many have you will also find the involvement of organisations like the CIA and other government agencies in oganisation of early feminist movement in Europe and the USA. Even many feminist are unaware of the role these shadowy organisations has played.

The erosion of cohesion and strength drawn from the harmoneous relationships between genders and the family, and ommunity has to a large extent been orchestrated by figures and agencies who have no interest in the rights of men or woman. Their policy is one of division, strife and conflict.

The role of woman in the BK movement it seemed to me clearly revered woman above men, and relogated males to secondary roles. Rather than redressing imbalances between role and status of men and woman it has simply fueled another distortion.

I am reminded of the great psychotherapist Roberto Assagioli who suggested that the harmony between men and women was won not by seeking to be the same or do the same, but by reconciliation and acceptence of each genders beautiful and unique differences.

amen to that!
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Re: An International MENS Day

Post01 Jul 2011

Mike26 wrote:I'd like to propose an international mens day ...

OK, as long as it sticks to simple proposals like,

    "Free Beer at the weekend", or
    "Every man should have a hot, young partner"

and it is not a vehicle for more ridiculous Conspiracy Theory twaddle like ...
We must not forget either that many organisation in the past such as the Frankfurt school of philosophers and academics, the socialist Macy group, the Rhodes and Milner groups and others constructed an agenda which aimed to cause conflict and entragement between men and woman and the family unit. This was one of their goals toward destroying and degrading Western society. If you do the research as many have you will also find the involvement of organisations like the CIA and other government agencies in oganisation of early feminist movement in Europe and the USA. Even many feminist are unaware of the role these shadowy organisations has played.


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Re: An International MENS Day

Post01 Jul 2011

Both your coments were amusing for slightly different reasons ...

Twaddle you say ... I wonder how informed you are about some of these points to feel so qualified to dismiss it in such a fashion. Education is a wonderful thing I'd highly recommend it. The information is out there for you to go away and learn about. up to you.

Only this morning two colleagues approached me having researched the involvement of Wall street Bankers in the first and second world wars, the Russian revolution, and others wars financing both sides and seeking to perpetuate conflicts secretly to make money from all sides for as long as possible. To begin with both thought the idea was a conspiracy theory only to find education a compelling experience.

Stick that in your conspiracy theory twaddle pipe and smoke it. !!

As for the first comments I am not really surprised by them.

I am really enjoying some of these exchanges - great stuff!
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Mr Green


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Re: An International MENS Day

Post04 Jul 2011

free beer every night not just the weekend

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