Scientology expose on TV

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reforming BK

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Scientology expose on TV

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Re: Scientology expose on TV

Post13 May 2007

This is remarkable. What is going on here is that the Scientologists have a "technique" whereby they believe that anyone accusing them is only doing it because they have something to hide. There can be no element of "public interest" or "self defense". The investigate any weakness that invidiual might have and exploit it to destroy them as an opponent to their expansion and avoid answering any of the issues that they might be raising. In the same way, some BKs seem to think that anyone questioning them, or elements within them, are "Anti-BKs" and motivated by "hatred".

The because have their own "Black Shirts"; Scientology Security Guys. Its not gone as far as this, yet, but the BKWSU have kept files on people. There was one incident on xBKChat where a "banished" BK, someone (Hanuman) who still considers themself loyalty to Shiva Baba, had a letter they had sent to Baba in Madhuban sent back to their local center-in-charge. I heard that there was also another recent incident whereby individuals coming to a BK political event, e.g. with politicians, were having cameras etc taken off them by BK "security".

Referring to the other threads about the women married to BKs, Bruce Hines, an auditor of 30 years in the Church of Scientology when asked about Nicole Kidman losing interest in Church, "could she have remained Mrs Tom Cruise and not been a Scientologist?". He answered, " In my opinion, no. Their view of life would be so at odds with each other, I do not think they could have a very meaningful relationship."

From, "Some crazy scientology stuff"

If you want to know waht their inner teachings are, is the place to start. Normally it costs $10,000s if not $100,000s to find out.
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reforming BK

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Re: Scientology expose on TV

Post14 May 2007

ex-l wrote:If you want to know waht their inner teachings are, is the place to start. Normally it costs $10,000s if not $100,000s to find out

Apparently when Tom Cruise found this out he lost it a bit.
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Re: Scientology expose on TV

Post14 May 2007

john wrote:Apparently when Tom Cruise found this out he lost it a bit.

"Ah yes ... the old 'lost it when you heard about Xenu' engram ... Well, that will cost you another $35,000 to fix, sir!".

Do you mean, he lost it when he found out he could have found out for free, or he lost it because he could not believe he had been led along for so long and it was utterly whacked out? Here is the famous banned cartoon version that explains what the Scientologists really believe ...Tom Cruise wont come out of the closet ... Scientology and South Park edition
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Re: Scientology expose on TV

Post15 May 2007

ex-l wrote:Here is the famous banned cartoon version that explains what the Scientologists really believe ...Tom Cruise wont come out of the closet ... Scientology and South Park edition

That is a pretty accurate acount from South Park, they've researched well.
Another interesting aspect is how they are trying to take over clearwater.

Apparently tom cruise was courting posh and becks to join up. Apparently his efforts were scotched when 'posh' told him she doen't believe in paying for religion. Woooh almost makes you proud to be british :lol:

Having said that I've now purchased a Dianetics book from ebay, it was from Scientologies ebay shop(going cheap), the very next day I received two unsolicited emails(spam).

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