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abrahma kumar

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Post27 May 2007

At the risk of 'outing' myself I can cofirm that i personally observed an incident in which someone close to the SS advised another student that it would be ill-advised to be seen getting too close to SPARC activities or participating in its classes.

Of course, I could be lying through my teeth - but if any BK can confirm that SPARC activities ARE 'mainstream' BKWSU, I'll eat my hat.

They appear to be scientists, mathematicians, engineers and the like who have come across a spiritual path in which they foresee a way to collaborate with other scientists so that Vimans etc will be a reality? They want to measure everything scientifically. For instance, why Baba says it is necessary to have 8 hours remembrance? Why is Amrit Vela at 4am? How to measure the impact of traffic control in our daily timetable? In other words, they feel that by supporting Gyan with scientific measures and proofs, Godly Knowledge will be accepted by a much wider segment of humanity.

I am not saying that it is useless to examine these things but it is not mainstream BKWSU. SPARC group efforts may de-mistify aspects of Gyan (rightly so) but the side-affect will be that for the majority of students, this will make Gyan 'dry' and without 'soul'.

Anyway, someone has to make the rockets and other 'weapons of mass construction'.

If SPARC is to become mainstrean then it will have to search amongst its members for able communicators.

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