Is life material?

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new world

Is life material?

Post02 Jun 2007

If living beings are made of non-living matter, then why do we say that the environment is made of two components:
    1) living world - animals, plants, bacteria etc &
    2) non-living world - atmosphere, soil, water etc.
If life is material, then the classification such as living & non-living is not scientific. Classification means something dffferent among the classified groups. As we classify as living & non-living, then there MUST BE some difference between them. And if life is material, then there would be no difference.

If life is material, then biology is nothing more than a pure branch of physics & chemistry.
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Post02 Jun 2007

I think it depends how you define living.

If it is defined as that which has consciousness, then for me it is the living soul within the body. Matter appears to be living because it is born, grows and dies all through cell division and DNA coding, therefore matter in it's biological form does appear to be living. Do plants, trees, vegetation have souls? If not, then it's another example of biological matter appearing to be living.

I think what is interesting is what is the point that joins living souls to non-living biological matter and by what means is it controlled. Thought power to electrical impulses to brain activity to body movement, I am not sure.

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