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Testimonio de Ana

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2012
by maria
Cuando dentro de la secta comienzas a darte cuenta del doble discurso, de la presion a que te someten...del engaño tambien te das cuenta de que estas solo...terrorificamente solo. Tienes miedo, dudas, confusion y no puedes confiar en nadie porque cuando intentas comunicarte con alguien dentro aunque haya cierta simpatia...te respondera con frases hechas basadas en la doctrina. El estres aumenta po rque sientes que estas caminando por un campo minado y rodeado de enemigos, aquellos que creias que eran tus hermanos del vuelven en espias esperando que caigas para señalarte. Esta competencia enfermiza que van generando es una forma de aislamiento. Entonces comienzas a preguntarte si el afuera sera tan tu familia es tu enemiga realmente...y buscas informacion y te das cuenta que no eres el unico y que no estas solo. Das los primeros pasos temeroso ...sientes miedo a que te persigan, a equivocarte...estas confundido. Sin embargo hay una parte de ti que la secta no pudo tocar...una parte sana aun y te aferras a ella como a un salvavidas...y te salva la vida.

Re: Testimonio de Ana

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2012
by maria
Anna wrote:
When inside the Brahma Kumaris sect you begin to realize the double standard and the pressure to undergo ... you also realize the deception and that you're all alone ... horribly alone you have fear, doubt, confusion and you cannot trust anyone because when you try to communicate with someone inside who has some sympathy will respond with phrases based on the BK doctrine.

Stress increases you feel like you are walking through a minefield and surrounded by enemies, those you thought were your soul Brothers become spies hoping to stick you when you fall. This sickly competition they generate is a form of insulation.

Then you start to wonder if the outside be really so bad, if your family is really your enemy and you start looking for information and you realize you're not alone and you're not alone. The first step is fearful you fear that you feel persecuted, making mistakes . You are confused. However there is a part of you that the sect could not play and that is a healthy part of you and clings to you like a lifeline ... and saves your life.