Is this Justice? Written in the name of Om Radhe

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Is this Justice? Written in the name of Om Radhe

Post13 Jun 2007


apologies for the delay but, thanks to an incognito benefactor (not a BK), we know have a PDF copy of the book, "Is this Justice?" written in the name of Om Radhe. Full title;

"Is this Justice? Being an account of the founding of the Om Mandli & the Om Nivas and their suppression by application of the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1908" by Om Radhe, 1939; - 23 MB - 51 MB

Don't allow this to put anyone off reading this, there is plenty of good material even for BK followers, but one of the more salient points in this book is that the given age of Lekhraj Kripalani/Kirpalani contradicts "God's" the predictions. "God" says even in the Murlis the BKWSU published that he "enters when the Chariot is 60 years old".

On page 171, it is written that Lekhraj Khubchand Kripalani was 54 in 1938.

This has been discussed elsewhere, including an intermediatory excerpt from a BK Jagdish Chander book, where the BKWSU leadership are attempting to fudge the issue by saying he was "55 to 60" when "God" entered him. The BKWSU has, of course, resolved this by faking, or lying, Lekhraj Kirpalani's age on their websites or in their publications and changing his date of birth.

I find this remarkable. There are no two ways about it.
    Either "God" and the Murli is wrong.
    Or Lekhraj Kirpalani was not the Chariot.
    (Or, of course, it is not God at all but just some trickster spook - albeit however powerful - messing about with peoples' mind ...)
It has also been argued recently that the "60 years" was not literal but allegorical or metaphorical. That is to say that that 'symbolically', regardless of his age, Kripalani was at the spiritual age of retirement/renunciation. I do not see how the BKs can go this way though, because if one such pertinent fact is 'allegorical' or 'symbolic' ... then why cannot all the other equal pertinent facts be 'allegorical' or 'symbolic', e.g. 5,000 years, 84 births, 3 worlds etc?

There are other interesting elements, Numbered by the PDF's pages, on;
    page 125 ... Narain Shewakram is mentioned as the secretary to the Om Mandli Bhaibund Committee. The Anti-Party in BK terms.

    p 168 ... Hakibhai Kismatrai, the Sister of Lekhraj Kripalani is mentioned who I understand the PBKs believe is "Gita Mata", the wife of Shewkram, and the very first and very temporary Chariot/medium. I do not know this but merely report it as told.
Notes about the copying;

The original book, which is complete and in good condition, has been photocopied and then scanned. After scanning it has been hand-edited to remove the black borders. This accounts for the slightly irregular page sizes. There is one missing page only, to my knowledge, and this was a blank page in the original book. To the sweet children in the BKWSU ... no it has not been in any other way changed or edited. I also see there is one page still needing its border removed and so if you want a "best" version to print out, wait until tomorrow and I will correct it.

I did not want to disclose this before, because I was afraid that some zealot BK would go in and remove, deface or apply pressure on the institution that holds them to remove them - as they do with other media - but the original copies of these books, documents, letters and others are available in the archive of 'The India Office'. That is to say, the official archives of the government of the British Empire in India. However, I have also discovered that there is also other material elsewhere.

And I am pretty damned sure that the BKWSU thought that they had got off Scot free with their historical revisionism and that these would never come back to;
    a) haunt them and,
    b) clearly prove what a bunch of charlatans the leadership is
    c) the extent to which they will go to hide the truth.
Of course, to the faithful BK, this stuff will make no different, they will shrink back into their denial and think it does not matter. It is still "their Baba" and "their Seniors", and their world will fall apart if they are to doubt it. But I find this strangely contradictory behavior for the chosen "Instruments of God" in my book ... even the top 8 or 108 souls in the world ... but what do I know? My intellect is so obviously so impure that I am unable to understand that truth and lies are interchangeable and that lying to your followers is acceptable.

I do have more to say about it. I am very interested to read others' comments ... AND ESPECIALLY ... to read any supporting evidence that others can provide. I note that leading BKs and BK supporters in the West are aware of these and have covered them up. This material's existence has never been made public to my knowledge, and certainly not in my, or my associates' time in the BKWSU.

In general, I think that you get a good 'smell' of the BKWSU that pervades to this day. I will qualify that later.
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Post13 Jun 2007

Thank you ex-l.
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Post14 Jun 2007

One of the links may be broken. I will fix it tomorrow. Sorry ... but you ought to be able to read the first version, just not print it out so well.
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Post14 Jun 2007

Dear ex-l,

Thanks to you and the incognito benefactor for all the efforts that you have made to upload the book.



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Post14 Jun 2007

Thanks ex-l as always.

Incredible how much there is in this website.
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Post14 Jun 2007

Download fixed, a 50 MB printable version is up there.

I will look forward to reading your impressions and staring at the comparison of BKWSU official websites where it still says Lekhraj Kirpalani was 60 years old. According to this, Lekhraj Kirpalani did not start channelling Shiva Baba until 1944.

Credibility ... nil.
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Post15 Jun 2007

ex-l wrote:Download fixed, a 50 MB printable version is up there.

:) Thanks very much, i think i gave you lot of pressure for this book ...
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Post15 Jun 2007

50MB? damn 28Kbps dialup :lol:. I am lucky if I can d/l 3MB in a coupla hours ... woohoo :P.

But thanks for all your sustained efforts on our behalf, ex-l :).
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Post15 Jun 2007

zhuk wrote:50MB? damn 28Kbps dialup :lol:. I am lucky if I can d/l 3MB in a coupla hours ... woohoo :P.

A volunteer has come forward to put it into text only but it will take a few days. In the meanwhile, find your self a local library or internet cafe with fast internet.
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Post15 Jun 2007

Well, my connection normally runs at twice that speed ... just goes to hell when its raining ... bad line which Telstra refuses to admit to or fix, typically :roll:.
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Modern Indian History

Post11 Jul 2007

Just a short aside.

The author of this book, who I have to believe wrote it in Om Radhe's name, was corresponding with an Englishman called Taunton who was the area "Collector". The "Collector" was the British 'memsahib', the local 'big man'. The chief representative to the British Government of India and head of the area Civil Service, often quite young but intelligent.

In the writings the author even refers to the highly respect "ICS examination" relating the supreme education given by the Om Mandli. Sind had only been created as a province of its own, separated from Bombay region, in 1936. And this that I write here must have been playing on their minds also it is refered to in passing, or reacted against strongly. Strange perhaps for an organization that later was to adapt a no TV, no newspaper, no outside world.

The Indian Civil Service (ICS) of the British Raj were generally held in very high regard because of their reputation for being incorruptible and good administrators. The officer was revenue collector as well as dispenser of justice and included some of the brightest of minds requiring a classical, so therefore private, British education.

Around this time the British, who arrived in 1608 and as the 'East India Company' annexed the kingdom of Sind in 1843, were already moving towards a hand over and had targetted to have 50% Indian born officers in the ICS. Many Indian boys, and girls, were having British educations in Indian. For the Indian officers of the ICS, these years (1938/39) would be the last to be sent to Britain for the completion of their further education alongside British trainees. The Governor-General (called Viceroy when acting as representative to the nominally sovereign "princely states" or "native states") was headquartered in Calcutta, where we are told Lekhraj Kirpalani had some contact with lesser British Royalty..

In July 1942, the Indian National Congress had passed a resolution demanding complete independence from Britain. The draft proposed that if the British did not accede to the demands, massive civil disobedience would be launched. In August 1942 the Quit India Resolution was passed at the Bombay session of the All India Congress Committee (AICC) marking the start of what was the Quit India Movement.

The movement was to see massive, and initially peaceful demonstrations and denial of authority, undermining the British War effort. Large-scale protests and demonstrations were held all over the country. Workers remained absent en masse and strikes were called. The movement also saw widespread acts of sabotage, Indian under-ground organization carried out bomb attacks on allied supply convoys, government buildings were set on fire, electricity lines were disconnected and transport and communication lines were severed.

The movement soon became a leaderless act of defiance, with a number of acts that deviated from Gandhi's principle of non-violence. In large parts of the country, the local underground organizations took over the movement.

By 1943, it had petered out and the effects of WWII were being felt. Without consultation, Britain committed India and its resources to be an Allied power and 100,000s of individuals become involved in the War, both in Europe and the Far East against Japan. That takes us to the the date of the original "Divine Decrees" published on this website.

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