BK Environment Initiative

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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BK Environment Initiative

Post26 Jun 2009

More business for BKWSU

BK Environment Initiative

Workshop on Non-violence

Well this is interesting, how about their own violence, against PBK?

And "green" meditation?? I Thought they were meditating on Destruction. As said, "Those who have to perform the destruction need co-operation from you benefactor souls. They require the signal of your thoughts. Until you adopt the form of fire, you are not able to give the signal".
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post26 Jun 2009

Aha, I just saw the exact same website today. Google Alerts is a great tool :-).
jannisder wrote: I Thought they were meditaing on destruction.

Well, as I remember, hardly any meditations were specifically done with Destruction as a topic. This is about to happen anyway. However, I attended many bhatti's on establishing heaven on earth, the Golden Age, were the deities don't pick the fruits of the trees by themselves but the trees are bowing their branches towards them and the fruit will fall into their mouth. Ow, these kind of things made me laugh even during my days as a BK.
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Re: BK Environment Initiative

Post26 Jun 2009

What on earth do we make of this ... BKWSU Environment Initiative? Why are the Brahma Kumaris bothering about saving the planet!?!

For me, number one, it is just an opportunity to exploit something ... anything ... for the sake of their real agenda, which we have discussed at length, and use it to make high level contacts.

But is there more to it than that? Are they covering their bets just in case Destruction does not happen (again)? Is there a gradual sideshift going on? Is the hippy element within finally winning against the Bomb the World elements?

What is going on? Anyway ... business as usual ... we should contact the other delegates to alert them to who the Brahma Kumaris really are before the BKWSU positions itself as local coordinators for UN related environment events.

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Re: BK Environment Initiative

Post27 Jun 2009

This morning's Murli there was reference to "world change" ... no mention of Destruction.
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Re: BK Environment Initiative

Post27 Jun 2009

There are plenty of other Murli's where Destruction is mentioned and that it will happen by nuclear war, civil wars and floods ... 'rivers of blood will flow'. The whole idea is that this world as we know it will be destroyed, and it will happen because the BKs are purifying everything by having Yoga with Shiva, so heaven can be established were only BKs will have a happy life as deities for the next 2500 years. So this is the idea of transformation: destroying the old by creating the new.
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Re: BK Environment Initiative

Post27 Jun 2009

I am guessing that duty bound is hinting at something valuable and interesting ... evidence of more Murli re-writing. Destruction being removed and "world change" being replaced.

We have long suspected that the BKWSU leadership would go for a whitewashing of their Millenarianist philosophy ... their predictions of Destruction and Golden Aged creation failing yet again ... just as they have done in the public domain for a long time.

"Its not Destruction, its Transformation". Yeah, sure ... the "transformation" of 6,000,000,000 living people into dead bodies. The insane idiots ... who else on earth could deliver such a euphemism!?! I can just imagine a Brahma Kumar Joseph Goebbels telling the Jews, "Oh, don't worry now ... its not death, its only going to be a little Transformation".

You might not have read some of the older materials in the Library section, but we found stuff dated back to the 1930s and 40s where they were actually writing to the military telling them to enforce martial law and enact scorched earth policies to "purify" the world of all the devilish human beings.

I cannot for the life of me remember "world change" being written in the old days and we have quite a lot of the older Murli revisions in the Encyclopedia. The people to ask are the PBKs, they keep more original copies and pick up on the differences.

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Re: BK Environment Initiative

Post27 Jun 2009

It is the greatest fraud and hypocrisy of the BKWSU to declare themselves as "Environmentalist". All efforts in the BK teaching are towards making more Yoga in order to burn one's karma to achieve sooner the purifying of the five elements through destruction of the old world with bombs which are created by the scientists and are ready to use.

Dadi Janki has always ridiculed in her small group talks the BKs who are buying organic food, with an angry tone.
duty bound wrote:This morning's Murli there was reference to "world change" ... no mention of Destruction.

Since almost a decade in the 7 Days Courses and public lectures there is according to the decision of Madhuban HQ the firm changeover from "Destruction" into "Transformation". I heard since years many Seniors giving advise to the BK teachers about "word Destruction creates fear in people, use word 'Transformation' instead of it".
ex-l wrote:I cannot for the life of me remember "world change" being written in the old days and we have quite a lot of the older Murli revisions in the Encyclopedia.

I agree, I can not remember any word of "world-change" in the Murlis also. This must be the new policy and new duty of the Murli editors in Madhuban to change the words "Destruction" and "Transformation" to the words "world-change".
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Re: BK Environment Initiative

Post27 Jun 2009

I went to the BK Environment Initiative link and randomly landed on the following:
BKWSU wrote:Respect

Respect is one of the most important values for human beings and is essential in all its forms. Self respect comes first because when people don’t respect themselves they don’t know how to respect anything around them, whether it is other people, nature or any other form of life or relationship.

Practising the value of respect is a personal commitment and it requires the individual to reflect about it and develop a personal desire to be respectful.The following workshops are designed to create a safe space for individuals to think about themselves regarding their attitude towards a) respect for themselves as well as b) respect for the environment.

Famous quotes for reflection on the subject:

    “When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you“ Lao Tzu
    “When we show our respect for other living things, they respond with respect for us” Native American Proverb

Once again, the epitomy of hypocrisy, for they don't know **** about respect. It is the marketing ploy to pull a person in. It's so attractive is it not?

    Words, words, words ...
I get the feeling that they are learning from us rather than teaching us and that is why adjustments are made.


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Re: BK Environment Initiative

Post28 Jun 2009

"Monkey see monkey do?
Common Purpose ... But To What End ...?

It’s likely that you’ve never heard of an organisation called Common Purpose, unless that is you are a ‘leader’ or aspire to be one.

Orwellian Consent ... this is getting more fun everyday. I shall sign-up for the BK Environment Initiative see what it is about.
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Re: BK Environment Initiative

Post28 Jun 2009

rayoflight wrote:Once again, the epitomy of hypocrisy, for they don't know **** about respect. It is the marketing ploy to pull a person in ...
I get the feeling that they are learning from us rather than teaching us and that is why adjustments are made.

Yes, that is the model I am working to at present .. "the They" of the BK world not being just the Janki and Jayanti Kripalanis, but also the spirit entities that are working through the Brahma Kumaris.

Honesty towards others is surely the bottomline of "respect". So, like everything else, "respect" in the BK lexicon takes on a new meaning. Or rather an old meaning ... "don't let the Shudras in on the secret".

What disgusts me more is the way they cherry pick other philosophers for sound bites to re-affirmation their own ideas ... because their own gurus are not good enough. Another level of deceit to suggest they actually "study" spirituality.

Wasn't it Lao Tzu who said, "The Way that can speak its own name is not the true Way (Tao)". Tell that to Shiva Baba and the trumpet blowing "God Brahma" (Lekhraj Kirpalani).
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Re: BK Environment Initiative

Post28 Jun 2009

ex-l wrote:What disgusts me more is the way they cherry pick other philosophers for sound bites to re-affirmation their own ideas ... because their own gurus are not good enough.

I did not know how to put that into words, so thank you. Quoting other philosophers struck me as strange, but I think you are right - their gurus are not good enough.

I remember how I used to devour the BK books because they were feeding me somehow. But it was such a lonely passion as my friends (all non-BK at the time) never "got" the intensity of the energy I was feeling from these books and CDs. But I was taken, so I kept on going. Lonely as it was.
"the They" of the BK world not being just the Janki and Jayanti Kripalanis, but also the spirit entities that are working through the Brahma Kumaris.

You know by now, ex-l, that I totally agree that the BK organization is exactly as you've described in the above quote. At times, I find it unbelievable that such an organization exists but my experience with them has helped me fine tune my BS meter. It was already good before, but now it is even much better. Please do not read into this as me giving them any credit whatsoever. It was by my own will, and my own mind, that I was able to dig a tunnel out of that prison.

I think that this kind of experience is very sobering. If I did not have my feet on the ground before, I do now. If I was naive before, I no longer am. If I was too open, I am now less so. And finally, but probably most importantly, if I needed to be loved, I no longer need it or search for it from religious cults.
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Re: BK Environment Initiative

Post29 Jun 2009

Ha! A long time ago I said ... the BKWSU cured me of ever wanting to be a guru. Watching close up the life of gurus (like Janki or Jayanti or any of the wannabes), and all that it entailed ... I realize that it was not a life that I ever wanted for me.

If this was the pinnacle of human experience, and these were the supreme manifestations of humanity ... which is what they sell it and them to be ... you can count me out. 70 years of conforming to ... whose ... norm, for what? To be good at deceiving people, bullshitting to fairly meaningless elements of political bureaucracies and having no conscience of taking money and property off people!?!

Yes, again, digging my way out has not only refined by BS meter but improved my mental self-defences too.

Will any BK tell me what the BKs want to "save the world" or increase "environmental sustainability"?

I see it too on the BKWSU Scientist and Engineer Wing website ... does anyone care to unpick the BK double talk here? For example, "to create sustainable future" ... do they mean before the imminent and desirable Nuclear Holocaust or after!?!
BKWSU wrote:To work for the removal of superstitions, blind faith and ignorance from the Society ...

To stimulate a new kind of thinking among Scientists & Technologists to pursue the common goal of human survival , happiness and prosperity.

To motivate Scientists & Technologists to use their talent and energy for the preservation of environment and for the betterment of the quality of life on earth by coupling of Scientific capabilities with Moral Values.

To inspire the Scientific Community to use technology and Scientific achievements to create sustainable future.

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