BKs are not Shaivite, why use the name of Shiva after 1950?

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BKs are not Shaivite, why use the name of Shiva after 1950?

Post30 Aug 2009

alladin wrote:We learned through the evidence produced on this Forum, that for many years after the BKWSU was established, there was no mention of Shiva as God. In those days, who was recognizing what then, just B/B as a guru?

One question, maybe someone can come up with an answer is ... why did they pick Shiva, out of the whole Hindu Olympus to play the role of the favorite God? Is he the most powerful and popular? Which criteria did they use? Is he the candidate that can get most votes?

Why Shiva ... why start to use the name of Shiva for God after 1950?

Good question. As you say, for the first 20 year or so the Brahmakumaris worshiped Lekhraj Kirpalani as Prajapati God Brahma the Gita Inventor and there was no other god. There was only the impersonal divine light. That is calculating it from 1932, when Lekhraj Kirpalani retired and started Om Mandli to the point where they introduced Shiva at a personal god or spirit doing all the wonders at some point after 1950.

We do not know the details of by whom, how, why, where or when the BK introduced Shiva but it seems to have coincide with their move to Madhuban and one of their regular self re-inventions. Its a wonder why no BK has managed to come back here and give us a straight answer. Has no BK or asked the Seniors for an explanation?

I do not know the answer. Perhaps Shiva was the only Hindu god that they had not incorporated by that point and they wanted to appeal to the Shaivites as well as the Vaishnavites? They had already sucked up Krishna, Narayan, Lakshmi, Vishnu. Perhaps it was all just part of their supremacist megalomania?

The Shiva they chose was not the obvious one because normally Shiva is seen as what the BKs call Shankar. The blue yogi sitting in the Himalayas. In the early days, certainly, they used all the same old religious devotional images ... now I realise that they were just being used to suck simple Hindus, just as all the corporate consulting and Eckhart Tolle is used to suck the simple Westerners in today. Mr Green informed us they were chucking out all the Hindu stuff in London center ... I am sure it is still being used full swing in India.

So, I do not know ... the floor is open to someone more enlightened than I.



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Re: BKs are not Shaivite, why use the name of Shiva after 1950?

Post31 Aug 2009

I do not know if anyone is going to come forward to announce themselves more enlightened than you ex-l !!

Unless, perhaps Mr. Green might put his angelic foot forward? With his harp, of course.
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Re: BKs are not Shaivite, why use the name of Shiva after 1950?

Post31 Aug 2009

I am afraid that I am not enlightened at all starchild and that I wasted many years of my life, at first walking in the opposite direction of enlightenment, as I followed the Brahma Kumari leadership, and then waiting for myself to heal having lost my way, blinded myself and broken many bones falling.

Please allow me to refuse such a notion.

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