Confluence Age was only 40 years ... now 70 years later!

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Confluence Age was only 40 years ... now 70 years later!

Post21 Mar 2010

Thanks to user pururavan, original photos proving that the Brahma Kumaris and their god used to teach that the Confluence Age was only 40 years long.

Over decades, the Brahma Kumaris have successively increased the period of the "Destruction" of the world since their early 1930s predictions that it would happening during WWII. 1950, then 1976 became firm dates ... then in the 1980s, the BKWSU taught that Destruction would take 50 years and the creation of Heaven on earth another 50s.

That failing, the predictions ... and the Murlis which they tell followers are the word of god ... were then changed to 50 to 60 years for Destruction in the mid-1980s. This also failed. It is now more than 70 years since the establishment of their cult and they are still reaping the financial rewards of keeping vulnerable individuals in the thrall of an End of the World which is just about to happen, promising them wealth and high status in heaven for their free labor and financial donations now.

Of course, this is not disclosed nor explained to their newcomers who are still kept under the spell of Destruction happening within 2 to 3 years.

During one such prediction of Destruction, the 1976 one, the leadership under Janki Kripalani bought a freehold property in London with donors' money. The Brahma Kumaris have since been accused of taking many such properties from families of followers. In India, they have sought government funds and land to build on. They now own a multi-million Pound international property portfolio ... why if Destruction is going to happen in 2 to 3 years?




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Re: Confluence Age was only 40 years ... now 70 years later!

Post06 Apr 2010

Does not every BK centre become a little island to picnic on for the Godly family while the rest of the world disappears under the oceans?

That is what I was told :D :D.
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Re: Confluence Age was only 40 years ... now 70 years later!

Post06 Apr 2010

That is correct Jan. Initially, the Brahma Kumaris and their god spirit taught that the whole world sinks below the oceans except for a Pre-Partition India which they had pictured with Krishna standing on it surrounded by sea. Then, as centers emerged around the world, they taught as you say that each plot of land where a center stood would remain into the future Golden Age as an island where the would be reincarnated BKs would fly in their nuclear powered, thought controlled, gold and jewel encrusted flying machines to have picnics on when heaven on earth appeared.

Psychologically, if one is to apply very basic analysis, you can see how the image appealed to the Anti-West and intense but backwards Indian nationalism of Lekhraj Kirpalani and the early BKs. Sub-consciously wishing to annihilate that which he could not adopt to, e.g. British rule of India, changes in societal values etc, Lekhraj Kirpalani externalized all their negativity and projected into these visions and dreams. And then based a religion on it that sucked in others.

At that time, he first believed it would happen in less than 12 years ... then 40 as about ... then 50 ... then 50 to 60 ... and it is now more than 70 years and they "celebrate" their continued existence ... their failure and their god spirit's failure in reality. Amazing.

Even moreso when you consider that this heaven on earth was going to have only less than 400 people in it and the "Father of Humanity" had not a thought about including the rest of the world!!!

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