BK Kathryn Hendry, BKWSU Sucking up to Royalty ... again

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BK Kathryn Hendry, BKWSU Sucking up to Royalty ... again

Post13 Apr 2010

The leaders of the BKWSU worship royalty because they want to become it.

From: Scottish Parliament Wednesday 13 February 2002. The Brahma Kumaris get to zap the Parliament of Scotland doing what they do the most ... faux sincerity and sucking up to Royalty whose actions entirely contradict their teachings and disciplines. In this case, the Princess Margaret of England, known for her drunkenness, enjoyment of wealth and privileges, and numerous sexual infidelities or affairs.

Also known as, the Queen of England's Sister, she snorted coke, puffed on cannabis, smoked her way to lung cancer, called the Irish "pigs" and Dr. Cheddi Jagan, the President of Guyana, "everything I despise ... He's black, he's married to a Jew and furthermore, she's American."

In one case she (Margaret not Kathryn) was even connected with notorious London gangster John Bindon, a violent thug turned actor who was imprisoned for living off the earnings of a prostitute. The relationship was believed to have been secretly photographed and hushed up by the M15 secret services.

Why on earth should anyone have to send "sympathy and love to the soul of Her Royal Highness" and English Royal Family (let alone the Scots who were murdered and oppressed by them for Centuries) and what benefit is there in doing so!?!
On resuming— Time for Reflection

The Deputy Presiding Officer (Mr George Reid): Good afternoon. The leader of today's time for reflection is Ms Kathryn Hendry, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University representative of the Scottish Inter Faith Council.

Ms Kathryn Hendry (Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University Representative, Scottish Inter Faith Council): Om Shanti. That is a greeting of peace. "Om" means "I am a soul" and "shanti" means "my original nature is peace".

Peace is a great gift. Everyone is striving for it in the world today—within the self, in the home and the family, on the street or in our world in general. Sometimes we can feel a little hopeless, not knowing what to do to bring peace into our relations. Each and every one of us can start by bringing peace into the self.

The Scottish Parliament has created this time for reflection. It is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to use a few moments to reconnect with the peace that lies below the surface of feelings and emotions—the peace that lies within—and to experience the peace that comes from a connection with the Supreme Soul, God.

I want members to try something—to follow me on a journey inwards. Sit comfortably in your chairs. Just relax. Feel all your muscles sinking into the chair. Feel all your weight pressing down on the chair. For a few moments, you do not have to do anything or go anywhere. Allow yourself to be here in the present.

Using the eye of your mind, imagine a shining spark of light radiating in the centre of your forehead. That is the place where thoughts come from; it is the position of I, the soul. The true nature of I, the soul, is peace, love and truth.

Choose a thought—a thought of peace. Allow that feeling to flow through your whole being, like a soothing balm that flows through you and out into the atmosphere. Hold on to that thought and enjoy the feeling of peace. From that position of peace, I can allow my mind to reach out towards the Supreme Soul, God, the source of all treasures, of peace, love and truth. In that place of peace, I realise that this is what I am. I am a being of peace. This is my true nature.

When I remember that, I become aware of the power of my thinking. I realise that

    When I sow a thought,
    I reap a feeling.
    When I sow a feeling,
    I reap a word or an action.
    When I sow a word or an action,
    I reap my character.
    When I sow my character,
    I reap my destiny.
The power of thinking is the greatest power that we have. Therefore, I must learn to keep my mind peaceful. It is from that position of peace that I am able to experience the vibrations of peace and love that flow from the Supreme Soul, God, who is the source of all the powers and treasures that I need to sustain me throughout the day.

I ask members to stay in an atmosphere of peace and to send vibrations of peace, sympathy and love to the soul of Her Royal Highness the Princess Margaret and to all members of the royal family.

Om Shanti.


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Re: BK Kathryn Hendry on sucking up to Royal Drunken Sluts

Post13 Apr 2010

So where does the meditating on Destruction comes in?
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Re: BK Kathryn Hendry on sucking up to Royal Drunken Sluts

Post13 Apr 2010

I don't know ... back in the center after they have done the 7 Days Course.

But ... logically ... why "vibrations of peace, sympathy and love" to someone like Princess Margaret and not child sex abuse victims, human rights abuse victims, victims of political persecution, little old lady innocent victims of crimes, truly virtuous individuals and so on ... what is so divine for the "Followers of the Lord of the Poor", to suck up to her of all people? What is it all about?

The Brahma Kumaris are royalist. They are in love with Royalty ... presumably on the grounds that they want and believe they they are going to be royals in their next life ... all of them!?! My only guess it is a sort of impregnation of the concept of hierarchy and royalty into their follower minds so that the leaders can play at being kings and queens, or even Emperors in the case of Janki Kripalani, in this life.

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