Influences of Besant, Theosophy & Freemasonry on Lekhraj Kirpalani?

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Post07 Sep 2007

Just to head back on topic, from a post to Sindh-l mailing list talking of the Sindhis of Hyderabad.
These Amils did not excercise any influence in the affairs of state after the partition of India. The Amils in business and zamindari did well in terms of material riches, while others were mostly working class professionals. Every family dutifully followed their traditional values of acquiring knowledge, and passing an ethical, cultured and honest life within their means no matter what circumstances were confronted. They weathered Italian style changes of governments (1947-58 ), the martial law ... (1958-69) and General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haque (1977-88 ), prejudiced democratic orders of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (1971-77) ... Bhutto and Nawaz Shariff (1988-99) and now ... Musharaf.

Throughout this period they have seen the systematic and gradual decline of social order in Hyderabad since 1947. Their once Paris of Sindh has been converted into a congested slum like settlement. The intellectual Hyderabad where people used to regularly visit Besant Lodge for theosophical discussions, walk hand in hand in Prem Park of cantonment area, enjoy evenings at Dialdas club, attend Sadhu Vaswani's satsangs in Miran Bai Girls High School, or Brahmu Mandir, get absolutely world class medical treatment in Civil Hospital Hyderabad, is only part of the faded memory of few living Amils in the city of their birth.

I would like to add more elsewhere, but I think there is a connection between Lekhraj Kirpalani and Dialdas Bulchand in whose Father's memory the Dialdas Club was founded. Both the Dialdas Club and the Besant Hall are currently threatened with demolition and re-development.

I have spoken to a member of the community that Lekhraj Kirpalani came from and can pretty much put a full stop onto any direct connection between the Theosophical Society and Om Mandli.

Lekhraj Kirpalani membership of the Bhaibund caste separated him almost entirely from the educated Amil and British. Although there were very active Theosophical Societies in Calcutta and Hyderabad and a Besant Lodge in Hyderbad which held regular meetings, these were almost entirely limited to the educated classes.

As a member of the merchant caste, it is suggested that Lekhraj Kirpalani would not have gone. The Bhaibunds talked and dressed differently and were into business.
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Post19 Sep 2007

Learning from the past rather being forced to repeating it. This piece could well be written about today and our treatment at the hands of the BKWSU? Swop the word "Masters" for "Dadis".

Although it would appear that the direct door of influence of the Theosophical Society is closed (Freemasonry remains open as it was widespread in Calcutta due to the influence of the British), this is an interesting lesson from Alice Bailey, an earlier channel and medium.
The Tibetan dismisses the Master's intervention

In the last part of Alice Bailey's autobiography, there are several passages, in which "the Tibetan" (her channelled entity) speaks about his books, and in that connection he seriously criticises the Theosophical Society and their descriptions of the (Ascended Spiritual) Masters:

"The Theosophical Society had taught the fact of the Masters, though H.P.Blavatsky (in her communications to the Esoteric Section) stated that she bitterly regretted so doing. This teaching was misinterpreted by the later theosophical leaders and they made certain basic mistakes. The Masters Whom they portrayed were characterised by an impossible infallibility because the Masters are Themselves evolving.

The teaching given endorsed an engrossing interest in self-development and an intense focussing on personal unfoldment and liberation. The people who were indicated as initiates and senior disciples were entirely mediocre people with no influence outside the Theosophical Society itself.

Complete devotion to the Masters was also emphasised - devotion to Their personalities, and these Masters were also shown as interfering with the organisation life of the various occult groups which claimed to be working under Their direction.

They were made responsible for the mistakes of the leaders of the groups who took refuge under such statements as: The Master has instructed me to say, etc., the Master wants the following work to be done, or the Master wants the membership to do thus and so.

Those who obeyed were regarded as good members; those who refused to be interested and obedient were looked upon as renegades. The freedom of the individual was constantly infringed and the weaknesses and ambitions of the leaders were alibied.

Knowing all this well, Alice Bailey refused to be a party to any such constantly recurring activity, for such is the history of practically all the known occult groups which attract the attention of the public. Even had I wanted to work in such a way (which no one affiliated with the
Hierarchy ever does), I would have found no collaboration from her.

The Unfinished Autobiography, p. 246.

"Complete devotion to the Dadis was also emphasised - devotion to Their personalities, and these Dadis were also shown as interfering with the organisation life of the various Raja Yoga centers which claimed to be working under Their direction.

They were made responsible for the mistakes of the leaders of the centers who took refuge under such statements as: Dadi has instructed me to say, etc., Dadi wants the following work to be done, or Dadi wants the membership to do thus and so.

Those who obeyed were regarded as good members; those who refused to be interested and obedient were looked upon as renegades. The freedom of the individual was constantly infringed and the weaknesses and ambitions of the leaders were alibied.
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Re: Influences of Besant, Theosophy & Freemasonry on Lekhraj Kir

Post30 Sep 2008

It would be interesting to compare dates for the activity of the theosophical society in India with that of DL.

wikipedia wrote:As early as 1889, Blavatsky had told a group of Theosophical students that the real purpose of establishing the Society was to prepare humanity for the reception of the World Teacher when he appeared again on earth. This was repeated again more publicly by Besant in 1896, five years after Blavatsky's death ...

Soon after Besant's inheritance of the presidency, in 1909, Leadbeater discovered Jiddu Krishnamurti on the private beach that was attached to the society's headquarters at Adyar. Krishnamurti had been living there with his Father and Brother for a few months prior to this. This discovery started years of upheaval in the Theosophical Society in Adyar, as the boy was proposed as the incarnate vessel for the Christ.
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Re: Influences of Besant, Theosophy & Freemasonry on Lekhraj Kir

Post01 Oct 2008

there are several passages, in which "the Tibetan" (her channelled entity) speaks about his books

For further reference for those who may have interest in it "The Tibetan", as mentioned here-in, goes by the name of Djwhal Khul, he is an ascended master and still channels through various mediums as of this date. I believe he is a member of what is known as a Grand Master within the Great Brotherhood of Light, (12 ascended masters who have formed an association) in order to bring about certain changes in humanities consciousness and awareness through the use of cosmic light rays which each one specialises in. (To my understanding Alice Bailey was his only channel at the time of her life).

The rays can be described as vibrational frequencies of Divine Unfolding Light emanating from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. They bring with them particular qualities, colours, and sonic vibrations that are integrated within our various energy bodies, and allow us to be conscious of ourselves as these magical Beings of Light. They further assist in the activation of the dormant DNA, and the awakening to our multidimensional memories. As such, the influence of the rays can take us into a deeper understanding of our Light work, as well as giving insight into particular behavioral patterns we may still be integrating.

Alice Bailey, through her trance channelings with Djwhal Khul, brought through much information on the first seven rays, and in recent years this has been expanded upon by authors and Spiritual facilitators such as Dr. Stone, Brain Grattan, and Janet McClure, to name a few. Since August 7, 1972, there has been an additional five higher rays available to Humanity. The five rays, rays eight to twelve, carry a higher vibration of Source Light. They do not have the level of dualities that exist within the first seven rays, and are having an amazing influence on the anchoring and activating of our own wonderful Higher Light and in the actualization of our true nature as Master Beings of Love and Light.

These twelve great rays spiral forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, Overlighted by the Twelve Directors at a Multi-Universal level, and move through each preceding dimension until they enter our Solar system. These rays bask the sacred and non-sacred Planets in our Solar system, and then spiral onto Earth, considered a sacred Planet, and into the second ray department of Love-Wisdom in Shamballa. They then spiral outward from the second ray department of Love-Wisdom into all ray departments, with a focused stream of Light radiating through the seventh ray department, and then into sacred vortices in and around the Earth.

During the first Harmonic Convergence, between August 15-17, 1987, and the unprecedented Light activities experienced at this time, six Cosmic rays were partially anchored onto the Earth through the Overlighting of the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis. At this time, a Galactic portal through this quadrant of the Galaxy was reopened, which allowed the six Cosmic rays to come pouring forth onto the Earth plane. The six Cosmic rays, which were withdrawn just prior to the Fall of Atlantis, are Service rays; and were not completely anchored onto the Earth until April 23, 1994.

These Cosmic rays hold the highest quotient of Source Light, and are a combination of all twelve rays through the appropriate co-creative Councils of Twelve, with an additional focus on one or more of these rays, brought about through the appropriate Monadic modules at each dimensional level. In other words, there is a collective Higher Light focus at each dimensional level on one or more of the rays, which in this system of energy, is represented by the fourth to the ninth dimensions. The first Cosmic ray, for example, is a combination of all twelve rays with a Monadic focus on the second ray of Love-Wisdom, which creates the thirteenth ray of Solar Service. The second Cosmic ray, the fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service, is a combination of all twelve rays with a Monadic focus on the eighth ray of Transcendence, and so on. The six Cosmic rays, rays thirteen to eighteen, are each represented by specific Chohans: Helios and Vesta, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, the Brotherhood of the Light, and Mother/Father God, and emanate from the Sun, the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, Orion and a Spiritual portal through Omega Orion respectively.

The Cosmic rays can best be understood as a bridge between the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy, represented by the Ascended Masters, Overlighted by Lord Buddha and Sanat Kumara, the Archangels and Mighty Elohim, and the Cosmic Spiritual Hierarchy, represented in this instance primarily by Christed ET’s, and the Order of Melchizedek, who have been involved in the forward evolution of Humanity for eons of time. The Cosmic rays bring with it the ability to integrate aspects of our multidimensional Selves, and further to this, allow us to step into the infinite and eternal Now through the Immortal understanding of our true nature.

OK, now why did not Dada Lekhraj / Brahma Baba teach this? "Repeat after me, you are a tiny point of light, you are a soul" ????????
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Re: Influences of Besant, Theosophy & Freemasonry on Lekhraj Kir

Post07 Oct 2008

Speaking as a freemason and an instrument, may I commend a book called "The Hiram Key" to anyone that may be interested in a little Swardarshanchakradari Nirsankalpsamahdi to include this other ancient fraternity.

Hiram Abif was the architect to King Solomon's temple and the book detail's an anthology of religion by two "Royal Arch Chapter" Freemasons, (Prince Philip's lodge I believe, from memory). The key conclusion drawn at the end of the book was as Baba has stated, "The Somnath temple was the first ever built". So, as with all spinning of The Cycle, we may see penultimate truths from The Murli connected to anything and everything, should we so choose. Just like most things (and particularly as profound in reach as the nature of religion and Freemasonry), it is open to good and evil (Live). May I further commend to anyone interested in such fascinating aspects to The Cycle the co-authors following tome "Solomon's Power Brokers". This then demonstrates (described on the cover as being, The secrets of Freemasonry, the church & the Illuminati) in great detail from Somnath to present day world controllers waiting to fight over the hair whilst we look forward to the butter.

To my unlimited way of churning, it all stems from the us, no not America ... "US !". Golden Aged Souls and Silver Aged Souls i.e., Mercy based souls versus justice based warrior souls. The whole duality, East West, Juda/Christian Muslim, worshipper vs manipulator of worshippers (or Gnostic type seeker), etc etc. It starts and finishes one way or another with us.

As with every single dynamic in this eternal world drama there is the Yin Yang, the varying degrees of Sato, Rajo, Tamo forms that exist often in the same environment. As far as Brahma Baba's connection to Freemasonry, I am willing to bet it was much like my experience. I was pointed to an obscure book in a small second hand book shop in the Blue Mountains here in the land of Oz. I passed it on to a few of the brethren around the time of coming home to Baba's Gyan. Oh, surprise after Four or Five years in Gyan this little book I got to read and share was in the foyer of "The Grand Lodge" when we attended a BK public programme at The Grand Lodge in Sydney. It was now in B5 hardback form re-released and at the top of the best seller list.

The Lord moves in Mysterious ways some say ... Shiv Baba Yaad, Sneh, Preet & Pyar I say! Not to mention it's a lovely view sitting atop my coiled up tail. Love Hanuman number ... ?

Double Om Shanti sweetest brethren lot's of Godly love to you all from the other "Star Chamber !"


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Re: Influences of Besant, Theosophy & Freemasonry on Lekhraj Kir

Post09 May 2010

Alistair Crowley (1875-1947) used Patañjali’s Yoga Sutras and Vivekananda’s Raja Yoga, The Hatha Yoga Pradīpika and the Śiva Samhitā as a basis of his Book Four, The Book of Law.

Timeline - Modern Yoga in Britain
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Re: Influences of Besant, Theosophy & Freemasonry on Lekhraj Kir

Post10 May 2010

Hi. Suzanne Newcomme's study on Yoga in the UK is good ... she also worked for Eileen Barker's INFORM organization and I think was sincere ... but Crowley's connection is to a different kind of Raja Yoga than the Brahma Kumaris teach.

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