Dadi Shanta Mani dead

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Dadi Shanta Mani dead

Post16 Jun 2010

To the precious jewels around the globe,

My dear lovely Sisters and Brothers,

Greetings in Baba's Yaad!

This is to inform the entire Brahmin clan that our most respected, beloved, sweet and silent Dadi Shanta Maniji, left her old Chariot and went into Baba's lap today (15 June 2010) at around 8.00pm in Global Hospital, Mount Abu. She was 87 years of age. For the past year or so, Dadiji's health had been fragile and for the past 5-6 days the Chariot was in coma. I returned to Shantivan last night from my 2-month foreign tour. There was a pull to come see Dadi quickly as it felt as though Dadi Shanta Mani was waiting for me. I came up the mountain this evening and went directly to the hospital to say the final goodbye... The relationship we have with each other in the Brahmin family is powerful and ever-lasting. We pay our humble respects to Dadiji for all that her glorious life stands for.

The Chariot was brought to Pandav Bhawan at around 10.10pm and is now placed in History Hall. All night bhatti will take place. Tomorrow, Wednesday 16 June, the Chariot will be decorated and taken on the final pilgrimage to Shantivan, then to Gyan Sarovar, and back to Pandav Bhawan. After the final round of the four pilgrimage places, the Chariot will be taken for cremation.

We request all centres and Brahmin family to be in powerful meditation and pay tribute to Dadi Shanta Mani, one of the original jewels of Baba's Yagya.

In Baba's loving Yaad,

B.K. Janki
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Re: Dadi Shanta Mani dead

Post16 Jun 2010

What on earth really does carrying a corpse around some buildings achieve!?!

Usual stuff ... weird and wooly language ("Chariot" for corpse or body), claims of Janki's wondrous divinity ("pulls" for psychic guidance), a military-like call to EVEN MORE MEDITATION for the benefit of the BKWSU leadership and another round of press and media and trying to pull VIPs to Abu to celebrate them. Overall, the effort is designed to reinforce the myth of the original members specialness which the next inline adherents can then capitalise on in their business.

What do we know about Shanta Mani? She was around 13 when the movement started, a child of some mother sucked into it all. Janki does not actually write these saccharine copy and paste PR notes, so who does?

Shanta Mani has had her name changed and so it is not possible to know which one, or even if, she is on the list of the Om Mandli, here. She was on the internal reform committee ... I wonder what ever happened to that?
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Re: Dadi Shanta Mani dead

Post17 Jun 2010

Very soon if not already there will be a Bhog (trance) message about her sitting with Prajapita Brahma in the sutble regions beyond the corporeal regions. The Subtle Regions are symbolised with a white light where dream like occurrences happen. Often these take the form of almost Peter Pan type scenarios, like sitting on golden mountains with all the Bramin family and stuff. It's quite probable the BKs will claim that she stays in the Subtle Regions with Brahma Baba for a week or so and will probably also visit all the BKs in the Subtle Regions at Amrit Vela before finally taking rebirth as a member of the Advance Party.

The Advance Party according to the original BK beliefs are; a group of people apparently unaware of their hugh significance in the ongoing drama plan. They will be brilliant shining examples of souls in bodies, or in plain English, people. They will easily obtain influential roles in the world and one day will become instrumental in the transformation of the world from the Confluence Age to Sat Yug through natural stored yoghurt power, they will be linked with the Supreme Soul through Prajapita Brahma (formerly Dada Lekraj who had a mustache) and will help in the enlightenment of all Kali Yug souls who then fly home like a swarm of mosquitos to the supreme abode or the Soul World where we then stay in a blissfull state until we are re-born into the eternal drama cycle which repeats identically every 5000 years,

She'll probably be described thus.

She was a lovely lady I thought, not egotistical, quite sweet really.


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Re: Dadi Shanta Mani dead

Post27 Jun 2010

Most recently I heard, in ORC Delhi class, that Dadi Shanta Mani's Sister came in the Yagya leaving her husband and two children behind. Afterwards her husband married and again produced two children. Later on his wife died and he again married third time and produced two children. Again his third wife also died ... so Dadi Shantamani's Sister felt mercy on him and she again went back to him ...

She was explaining it just to elaborate how the bondage of relationships pulls ... she came to Yagya leaving 2 children behind and went back to look after 6 children ... This is how Maya traps the weak souls ...

Perhaps she was telling this to warn young BKs sitting and listening, that they should never leave Baba ...
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Re: Dadi Shanta Mani dead

Post27 Jun 2010

because.parmeshwar wrote:Most recently I heard, in ORC Delhi class, that Dadi Shanta Mani's Sister came in the Yagya leaving her husband and two children behind ... so Dadi Shantamani's Sister felt mercy on him and she again went back to him ...

I think I would see it as being very noble and fulfilling one's responsibilities for her to have gone back to her husband.

The hardcore Brahma Kumaris Seniors are like some kind of female version of heartless Nazis. So many of them have left children and families behind.

Honestly, what kind of people are these?

IF ... big if ... it was all good, honest and true ... then perhaps it would be acceptable. But it is not. it is not all good, there is a culture of dishonest and there is a deeply untruthful corporate nature emerging from it.

Honestly, what kind of people are these?


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Re: Dadi Shanta Mani dead

Post28 Jun 2010

because.parmeshwar wrote: ... This is how Maya traps the weak souls ...

Perhaps she was telling this to warn young BKs sitting and listening, that they should never leave Baba ...

BKs learn to have disinterest in this world, friends and family. Love and care for children and family is seen as a punishment, a trap, Maya ? Now how sick can you be? I wondered why I felt sick today, now I know.

And if a BKs practise disinterest in this world, family and friends, the same will happen to them, how can you still be interested in someone who is not interested in you (that is when you know the hidden teachings, and know that BKs pretend to be interested while they are not). Well, Baba is right then by saying "you have no one in this word except the one". Well, I wonder why?

You have no one left in the end because of your own ( unhealthy) behaviour. How on earth can they preach love and world peace by showing and proving they are becoming and (some already are) the worst creatures on earth making good bad, and bad good. Show your true face BK and go fly into some high buildings, then the rest of the world knows how to deal with you and kick you right from the West back to India where you belong.

Today, rather then tomorrow! :shock:

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