What happened to the bkwsuwatch.com?

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What happened to the bkwsuwatch.com?

Post26 Oct 2014

It vanished by the end of last year. The last snapshot of "old" bkwsuwatch.com made by the archive.org is from the October 2013.

The domain is still active, but at the moment there is some blog about healthy lifestyle.

By the way, I incidentally noticed the site aboutaboutbrahmakumaris.com which from the first view is in the "under construction" phase, but a week or two ago, when you subscribed their RSS channel you could have the access to the more than five active subpages. One of them was "Suicide" where the second part was an exact copy of "Suicide - a tragic outcome" originated from the bkwsuwatch.com with Ranjana Patel certificate of death as well.

At the moment, all of the five accessible only via RSS channel (or when you enter the subpage url manually) subpages of aboutaboutbrahmakumaris.com redirect to home page.

Can anybody tell me what happened to the "old" bkwsuwatch.com? And maybe a little more about aboutaboutbrahmakumaris.com?

I will be very grateful.
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Re: What happened to the bkwsuwatch.com?

Post26 Oct 2014

raistlin75 wrote:Can anybody tell me what happened to the "old" bkwsuwatch.com?

I remember hearing that Pete, who ran bkwsuwatch.com, had had enough and wanted to move on. He has wife, a young family and business to run, and said he hardly thinks of the BKs any more.

I forgot about it shutting down and did not make a copy. The BKs can celebrate "winning" that battle.

There is a famous Woody Allen quote that goes,
Eighty percent of success is showing up.

I think the BKs have learned another one, when it comes to beating critics
99 percent of success is just carrying on after they have given up.

Running a cult is a money earner and a great way to encourage people to surrender to you and work for nothing. Of sucking energy up.

Saving people from them takes energy and is a little bit harder.

I can understand why he moved on and is now investing his soul into his own family and world. Pete was great. Very outspoken, had a closer relations with the inner circle, saw a lot of crap and challenged them directly. But, what can you do ... fighting BKs is like fighting drug addicts ... the drug primarily being "ego".


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Re: What happened to the bkwsuwatch.com?

Post27 Oct 2014

I see. I have never met Pete but for his courage to run a bkwsuwatch.com and exposing all this dirt in public, it would be a great honour to me if I ever have the opportunity to meet him and shake his hand.

For me his site, and especially the article about Ranjana's death whom from the comments I assumed Pete knew very well personally, was like hitting in the head with the club. It was painful and very shocking experience but necessary to get rid of blindness of "ignorance" the BKs cast on me.

And I am really thankful to him, and I suppose as well as many unaware BKs and ex-BKs so far or just ordinary people who were dealing only with the soft, PR "bright" side of the BKWSU and had no idea about the "dark" side.

I understand his decision. I wish him all the best.

Come on, ex-l. The BKs sometimes win a battle, but thanks to the internet their end is imminent and they won't win the war. If one blog is closed, appear two or more replacing it.

The BKWSU became a colossus on legs made of clay (lies, cheats and crimes) that begins to tremble and shake. And eventually it will start to collapse. It's only a question of time.

Perhaps the BKs are able to control the press, tv, and other media but it is impossible to them to control the whole internet.


Re: What happened to the bkwsuwatch.com?

Post29 Oct 2014

Does anyone know if the BKs are registered as a "Cult/Sect" with any organisation that lists such bodies? That would be helpfull to know.

Whatever 'win' they may have, it only serves as an impetus and catalyst for us to strengthen our purpose to expose the truth behind the facade even more. when one door shuts another door will open.

The "old Paradigm" is falling apart ... no doubt about that ... worldwide ... everything corrupt, greed, abuse of power, denying individuals their basic human right etc, all these thing have no power over the populations any longer!! As long as the people recognise what is happening and have the courage and hope to make a stand! ... The power has always been with us ... know we can truly know that for real.

They only things that will be able to remain in this great shift on human consciousness, is truth, equality, love for all, a brotherhood of man, we are all One consciousness. Nothing of the old dark ways and energies will be able to remain. But usually they don't let go easily and hang on to the death, as their Ego Empire is threatened and eventually shaken to the ground to dust. Great. Om Shanti.

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