BK Ken O'Donnell, Inc.

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BK Ken O'Donnell, Inc.

Post14 Dec 2009

This one really belongs in the BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan topic.

I crossed the bridge of Brahma Kumari enlightenment a long time ago and came to realise that, since the time "God" Lekhraj's money ran out, the religion turned into the business of skillfully extracting money from adherents in order to financially support the leadership who had no jobs, no family and no other sources of income.

Since that time, in my opinion, it has grown into a kind of business franchise system for Hindi and Sindhi spinsters who, as sisters-in-charge of local centers, emulate the roles played by the old original ladies for their local audiences. And live off them. Licensed to do so for as long as they submissively follow the partyline ... and keep a commission, some money, for the headquarters coming in.

For men within the system, especially Western men, it is much harder to find such a role unless you have a private income or big amount to surrender (as per Charlie in Australia) ... or, latterly, can adopt well to the Brahma Kumaris secondary commerce of giving business and management advice to others. I will admit that running a multi-national, multi-million dollar covert 'End of the World' cult would give one skills that could be translated to Fortune 500 companies, as they do.

Into this mode has grown Brian Bacon/Oxford Leadership Academy "fellow" and "Guru" Ken O'Donnell. BK Brother Ken is now his own website (albeit with a Baba like motif) kenodonnell.net and franchise holder for the Brahma Kumaris front vivendovalores.org.br; the South American Living Values. It is said that he has now sold over 400,000 books which, if we make a modest assumption of 10% profit or commission, might add up to income of, say, $400,000 Dollars giving some idea of his "worth" to the organization .. if not himself. Plus consulting fees.

I wonder how he can "coaches individuals, teams, public figures, and executives to deal with the challenges of working in a complex world ... towards the issues that sustainable development brings" when for 30 years and more he has taught that the world is about to destroyed by nuclear bombs, and must in order for the Brahma Kumaris to inherit and rule a heaven on earth?

For we sincere old timers, who believed we were surrendering our all to "the highest sprit path", all the hypocrisy, dishonesty and conniving disappoints us ... but nothing more than the turning of religion into a business for a few based on the financial input and free labor of the many.

In our day, what passes today as "consulting" would have been given for free as "service" ... and to have used the BK networks for our mutual professional advancement would have been a sin. We were fools and did not see what the Sindhis were up to at all.

I hear the BKWSU is South America is a bit of an apartheid state between the richer fair skinned BKs and the poorer dark skinned Latinos for whom pilgrimage to Mount Abu etc is almost impossible, can anyone confirm?

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