Raksha Bhandan

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Raksha Bhandan

Post25 Aug 2010

From the topic http://www.brahmakumaris.info/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1895&hilit=Raksha+Bhandan
bansy wrote:Today (this week), will see many tying the red and gold threads and the promises from Brother to Sister and vice versa, and vows to God.

Whilst there may be many here with differing experiences, intellect, sanskars, etc do hope you take a little time to comtemplate that you all have made such a pledge from the depth of your heart, and where you now stand. What is your next step. Take some time to reconsider and renew how fortunate to have moved along this spiritual path, use the facility (instrument) of this forum, be aware how much spiritual energy you are able to give to others and also easily take too. Regardless of your background, colour creed caste sex or even "religion", find the time to reflect back on your own journey and redirect yourself.

So fasten your rakhi ties, sit back, and have a pleasant journey

The question still stands. And this ...

Why do some centers get a letter from "God" himself and others don't? I might be wrong so does anyone know? What is the Hindu tradition and what made BK out if it?
EME - 24-08-2010 + Rakhi Greetings.pdf
(552.59 KiB) Downloaded 452 times
(70.44 KiB) Downloaded 449 times
God's letter.pdf
(262.23 KiB) Downloaded 483 times

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