America Meditating

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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America Meditating

Post07 Jun 2012

The BKWSO has a new service programme ... America Meditating ... with a nod to BK Guru Mike George and his "aha moment!".

The BKs are also slowly infesting Huffington Post with Sister Jenna and Anthony Strano already using it to publicise themselves. I don't know how these things work and cannot comment as ... someone has already had me blocked! Was it something I said?


This event, titled "America Meditating - Pause for Peace”, is part of the Brahma Kumaris 12-year celebration of Dadi Prakashmani Day to foster peace and happiness within each individual.


To foster peace and happiness within each individual through meditation beginning from the Nation's Capital and spreading throughout the World.

Company Overview

Meditation Museum: This small unique Museum invites visitors to enhance the quality of their thoughts, their lives and the world around them. The museum is specifically designed to bring us back to a knowledge of our true selves and our responsibility to humanity. Our hope is that everyone who experiences the museum finds his or her own authentic meaning for life. http://WWW.MEDITATIONMUSEUM.ORG


The America Meditating encourages everyone to:

I. PAUSE - at 7am and 7pm throughout the day for a few minutes everyday wherever you are to find meaning, purpose and calm your mind. Focus your thoughts behind your eyes where your "being" resides as a subtle point of energy

II. THINK - It's time to let go...forget your name...gender, forget your role...title...religion...culture...language...even the body. Now, ask the self from within, " How do I feel?

III. EXPERIENCE - Allow the feeling to emerge naturally and savor the "aha" moment from your meditation, as the experience invigorates you, take it with you as you move throughout the day. Remember, in order to stabilise in your original nature of peace, become pure in your thoughts. Where there is purity, there is peace, happiness, prosperity, and love.

IV. SHARE - Your experience with a friend, a colleague, a loved one, a family member, or the world by posting your experiences on our America Meditating facebook Remember, your peace can change someones anger into love.

America Meditating won't stop there, we will send you regular messages of meditation practices and personal stories, as well as organize events where we gather to enhance the experience of peace, happiness and self realization through a variety of ways. We also encourage you to find spaces in your city to declare as your "Pause for Peace" space. This can be in your workplace, at a park, at home, at school and even, a coffee shop.

Let us know! Remember, meditation is not only a sitting down practice, it is an awareness we cultivate and establish a stronger me, a stronger you, and a stronger world!

Pause, Think, Experience and Share! America Meditating

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