Brahma Kumaris "Point of light" God form only arose in 1962

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Brahma Kumaris "Point of light" God form only arose in 1962

Post17 Dec 2013

The latest in the slowly unravelling mystery of the Brahma Kumaris historical revision and global deception ... the more independently minded BK Robin makes an interesting revelation of his latest findings on their Kumari real history.

The BKs form of meditation could not have arisen until after 1962 ... and yet they have the audacity to call it "Ancient Raja Yoga", stealing the term from Hinduism.

It turns out that the Brahma Kumaris' "point of light" or star shaped form for their god only arose in 1962 ... not 1936 ... and the window for when God Shiva was introduced into the religion closes to somewhere between 1955 and 1958. Strange how people who spend all their time in remembrance, cannot remember how and when it happened ... or tell the truth to their adherents.

Robin goes further to point out the obvious ... that means Om Radhe, the BKs' would be "Mother of Humanity" and number two soul of all etc etc etc, achieved her alleged status of being reborn as Radhe in the Golden Age and to marry the re-incarnated Lekhraj Kirpalani in order to become Goddess Lakshmi, within a mere two or so years of having "accurate knowledge" ... and so, therefore, being able to have real BK-style Raja Yoga.

What had the BKs being doing for 30 years prior? Certainly not what they are telling the world. Apparently misleading individuals and cooking up crazy claims about Lekhraj Kirpalani's god status for 30 years has no bad karmic rewards ... and her unquestioning blind faith and devotion about them were signs of "divinity".

The status of Radhi Pokardas Rajwani within the religion has taken on bizarre turns in recent years, promoted by individuals who never knew her nor read her original works. It's becoming even more inflated than she was in person. And yet, in the BKWSU's teachings, their god spirit often addresses "those who had taken 84 births" failing to account how, at the time, Radhi Pokardas Rajwani had only taken 83 births ... because she was to die prematurely in 1965.

It's a big cover up to hide things the BK leaders don't want its followers to know and would shake any right minded individual.

According to the Brahma Kumaris' teachings, Radhe will currently be about 47 year old and is still waiting on Destruction and the recreation of Heaven on Earth in order to re-marry Lekhraj Kirpalani ... how is she going to have children at her age?

Oh, don't worry ... the BKs will wave another magic wand and cast a spell over their adherents ... "don't think, don't question ... don't engage your rational mind ... and don't worry because if it does not happen again ... WE"LL JUST CHANGE IT AGAIN!!!".

Keep the donations rolling in and you too can witness the greatest magic show on earth!
robin wrote:Post subject: Re: Yagya history : Shrouded in mystery.!!! Dec 17, 2013

'Thumb shaped' did not mean 'thumb sized' I understand from chats last October to Atam Prakash in charge of publications and printing since 1958, under Jagdish originally, and who knew BB for some years.

As we know from British Library original documents, the 'shape' of God went from being unlimited as in Infinite Divine Light, (1943 BL) an incorporeal something who human beings were superior to as he did not have much of a role, to this description in 1949 : "World Drama rotates automatically and unceasingly with the aid of eternal power of Almighty God the Supreme Soul"…mind you the same Divine Decree also talks about the pivotal role played by World Almighty Authority Prajapati God Brahma.

Atam remarked that the pictures printed of the Supreme Soul from 1958 were 'thumb shaped' but not 'thumb sized': that is the shape was described but not the size. He also pointed out that the point of light Supreme Soul concept came in 1962, so then he had to put a little star in the middle of each 'thumb shaped' picture...

So it seems that Mama, passing in 1965, became Lakshmi, with only 2-3 years of meditation on the point form ... of interest.
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Re: "Point of light" form arose in 1962?

Post18 Dec 2013

You don’t want to rock the boat with any notions that things are not what you were told when you were first seduced, lost in the romance and bliss of love and devotion.

I’d like to know where she got the notion. :D

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Re: "Point of light" form arose in 1962?

Post18 Dec 2013

The PBK line, according to the Murlis, is that neither she nor Lekhraj Kirpalani did not become complete and their ghosts enter/entered into BKs ... and presumably PBKs ... to continue learning and carry out service.

Heresy from a BK point of view but logical in a way. At least they attempt to answer the conundrum with assumptions taken from evidence in the Murlis, instead of gloss over it and use peer pressure to silence sincere seekers of truth.
"Although Mama (Om Radhe) doesn’t possess a (corporeal) body, she continues to make efforts (through her subtle body). She goes out on service. She enters into the bodies of children and shows the path to the sinful to become pure." [Mu 22.07.72]

"If Mama (Om Radhe) and (Brahma) Baba/Krishna enter into someone (in their subtle bodies after their physical deaths), then they can sit there itself and study through them." [Mu 27.08.05]


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Re: "Point of light" form arose in 1962?

Post20 Dec 2013

ex-l wrote:" According to the Brahma Kumaris' teachings, Radhe will currently be about 47 year old ..."

I would like to know if this assumption is Murli based or if it developped from a heresay chain. I have read in other, non-BK related sources that a soul usually rests before it reïncarnates again. That is to "digest" the past life-experiences and to place them into a spiritual perspective and to see which "lessons have been learned and completed".

So I wonder why Mrs Pokardas did go for an immediate reïncarnation ? Was there no time to lose ? Or did she waited/rested and is she actually younger than 47 right now ?

In Murli based sources, I have read that she did enter a BK-medium a few times shorty after her crossing-over. But she did not do this but a few times and it was said that then she came back to earth (reïncarnated). Further, I did not find more Murlis about those events.

It was said that a new role was already waiting for her when she had crossed-over.

Did I understand all-this correctly ?

It must surely be a very interesting prespective anyway, I think, being in the spiritual world and Shiv Baba still being incorporated in Mr. Lekhraj's body. How did they communicate ? How did she regarded BapDada's "Divinity" from that perspective?
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Re: "Point of light" form arose in 1962?

Post20 Dec 2013

Misty, re: Mama

The BK Gyan view of reincarnation is that ”human souls” have always been human, and only reincarnate in human form.

This usually takes place within a few days to a fortnight - they explain the traditional 9 day observance in Hindusim as being based on this being the usual time period the ”soul” is still "between bodies”. It can be shorter. They explain ghosts /hauntings etc are "souls" who have not reincarnated, as soon as is normal, for various karmic reasons.

It was also (don’t know if still) taught that ”soul” incarnates into a 4 - 5 month old foetus, a reasonable assumption given it is around the time the foetus first moves & kicks.

Mama is said to have abided in Subtle Regions temporarily and, yes, as you say Misty, to have been channelled on occasion before reincarnating. I think they "decided" she'd reincarnated based on news of royal pregnancies.

Based on their trance messengers and discussions with BB at the time etc (from memory, I have never seen it written specifically in a Murli, but it has been indirectly referred to) the teaching from Seniors was that
    a) She died ”before time” because she had become karmateet due to her amazing churning and Yoga and
    b) She was to play an Advance Party role (preparing the way for transition to the Golden Age)
    c) She was going to have one more incarnation before becoming Radhe to either
      - be in a royal family, to give birth to Krishna’s mother, said to be the Nepali Royal family who were at the time one of the few reigning monarchies, (but no longer), then reincarnate as Radhe. But because Radhe should be younger than Krishna she was probably ...
      - be reborn directly in a royal family so as to become Krishna’s mother herself, but die at childbirth so she could be reborn as Radhe.
This is all about trying to fulfil scripture stories about Krishna needing to be of highest caste, royal bloodline. Jesus’s being a carpenter’s son was said to show that his karma was lesser even than Gautama Siddhartha who was born into The Cycle earlier (sign of higher status) as a kshatriya prince. There is no mention about Jesus being of the line of King David or of the branch of Abraham ... where even more confusion for Gyan reigns!! For example, Jesus and Mohammed are not branches of the Abrahamic tradition. Mohammed is sometimes shown as separate other times Islam is attributed to Abraham ... who came earliest of the three but was a clan leader of nomadic shepherds, so not ”royal” ... and so on. ).

Given the Nepali Royal family seemed to fill the bill of legends to be repeated (and during that time the BKs bragged about their connections with them and of how senior Sisters had met and recognised Mama in her new body, the BKs Seniors must have been shaken by them all being massacred by the crown prince, who killed all descendants down to about the 20th in line (the silence from BK Seniors about this event was deafening. It occurred in mid-2001, the millenium year. This time, the 'when' in the story of Confluence ending figured high in their rationalisations, whilst the Nepali Royals were the 'who' part of that reckoning).

I think this marks when the BKs officially gave up on specific predictions. This whole scenario had been really well worked out over decades, based on a complex web of details that fulfilled Gyan, Murli, a new theory that improved on previous failures.

Everything seemed to fit and be going to plan, until reality pricked the balloon (again). They never really latched on to the Mayan 2012 fad (but let it play among their congregations and so-called”service" events) and I am guessing that 2036 will be merely a ”target” for now, one thats’ far enough away to allow a diffusion of anxieties while fulfilling a need in the narrative.


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Re: "Point of light" form arose in 1962?

Post20 Dec 2013

Misty wrote:They never really latched on to the mayan 2012 fad

Just to say that big advertisement commercials project on Indian TV Channels in 2012 had official BK Shivani presenting '2012 The End or a New Beginning" in large writing with BK Cycle picture and link to BK channel.


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Re: "Point of light" form arose in 1962?

Post20 Dec 2013

Just to say that big advertisement commercials project on Indian TV Channels in 2012 had official BK Shivani presenting '2012 The End or a New Beginning" in large writing with BK Cycle picture and link to BK channel.

... and in 2036 they will easily use a clue from this website that actually it was 1956 when real Shiv Baba entered Lekhraj and therefore the Sangam Yuga is till 2056 ... and again and again ... the story will go on ...
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Re: "Point of light" form arose in 1962?

Post20 Dec 2013

Misty wrote:I would like to know if this assumption is Murli based or if it developped from a heresay chain. I have read in other, non-BK related sources that a soul usually rests before it reïncarnates again. That is to "digest" the past life-experiences and to place them into a spiritual perspective and to see which "lessons have been learned and completed".

In Murli based sources, I have read that she did enter a BK-medium a few times shorty after her crossing-over. But she did not do this but a few times and it was said that then she came back to earth (reincarnated).

I cannot disagree with the commentary that Pink Panther has given ... and it illustrates the fabulous and elastic nature of the Brahma Kumaris. If the Brahma Kumaris were a household, their "carpet" would have reached the ceiling for all the rubbish they have swept under it and tried to hide!!! Their adoration of the Nepalese royal family, followed by the massacre of them after *and* the country falling to a democratically elected and communist government is by far one of the biggest hooters in their history.

The massacre was preceded by "one of the 8" Janki Kirpalani going up there to have her photo taken with then, aka "serving humanity" according to the BKs, and telling them, "they had a special role to play".

There are a few quotes to refer to all this, I can only copy and paste them from elsewhere as we still do not have a complete copy of the original Murlis. The best source we have are from Murlis dated in the 1970s before the BKs started cutting them up and altering them so much.

However, before I do quote them, I think you make some interesting points to which I would like to add another claim made in the Murlis which is that *both* Lekhraj Kirpalani and Om Radhe are floating about somewhere ... basically in two or three places at the same time ... and enter into BKs unknown to them to do study and to do service.

This is an interesting concept to grasp. Either you can believe it as they tell it, or you can interpret it as a way of them trying to carry their dead as still with them - attachment - or, perhaps, as a way of coercing adherents to watch and modify their behaviour ... just in case the ghost of Mama or Dada wanted to enter them. You might also say, it was a way of the usurping BK elite removing any sense of achievement from gifted or aspiration lower ranking members ... because any good work could then be assigned not to them but the ghost of Mama or Dada.

That then, as you point out, raises the question of "where are they?".

Strangely, for a religion so steeped in spiritualism, they have no knowledge and no acceptance of what are common placed beliefs in spiritualist, i.e. that there are many spiritual realms, of which at least one interfaces with the world we live in. That is to say, "ghost" floating about our world unseen and generally unfelt, and higher spirit beings are able to "come down" to our lower vibration in order to deliver messages, do some good, take away the dead and dying and so on.

In essence, the BKs *are* suggesting reality is like this, but have no model to explain it and see it all just as a distraction ... and probably exposing their weakness in knowledge and realisation.

It becomes more complicated ... which, again, is why their leaders brush such discussion aside.

How can Mama/Om Radhe be re-born and still hoping in and out of BK adherents? Can Dada be in the Subtle Region and this world at the same time? Where is the ghost realm in their 3 World model (as it says the Subtle Regions only exist during Confluence Age)? How can Lekhraj Kirpalani still be appearing as BapDada on the stage of Madhuban, when by now he is supposed to have taken birth as Krishna in order to be crowned Narayan at year 00:00:0000 or 2036?

Also, the world is far more known that it was in the 1930 or even 1970s ... where is there on earth that you could hide a baby Krishna? We know all the royal families and who is having babies. Where is the mighty army of the Advance Party, with all their scientists, miners and construction workers ... ready to build the Golden Aged palaces of gold and diamonds? If a re-incarnated Om Radhe was running around organizing them, do we think she would not be noticeable on the world stage by now?

Where is all the rational thought amongst BKs about this?

Lastly, no, I do not think there are any specific references given to her would be age and I used 47 purely following what they teach ... that the soul jumps immediately into its next body.
"Many children are going in advance. One should not feel bad. They will go and receive. Time is also required to receive. Mother (Mama) and Father (Brahma Baba) must depart first, is not it?" [Mu 27.02.73]

"First and foremost Mama (Om Radhe) achieved the best position... she achieved the karmatit stage... she transcended all bodily sorrows" [Mu 09.05.66]

"Your Mama has ascended to the Subtle Regions. Her karmic accounts of the physical world ended." [Mu 21.06.66]

"Mama has left. That actor went to perform another act. There is no need to be confused, to cry or to become sorrowful in this. She went to do higher service." [Mu 25.06.65]

"Although Mama (Om Radhe) doesn’t possess a (corporeal) body, she continues to make efforts (through her subtle body). She goes out on service. She enters into the bodies of children and shows the path to the sinful to become pure." [Mu 22.07.72]

"If Mama (Om Radhe) and (Brahma) Baba enter into someone (in their subtle bodies after their physical deaths), then they can sit there itself and study through them." [Mu 27.08.05]

And from the PBKs
Audio Cassette No.522, dated 12.11.02 at Bangalore Clarification of Avyakt message dated 24.06.02

"Where did she take birth? Nayi paal; the place of the people who sustain the new world, Mama has taken birth there. Why has she taken birth there? (Someone said – to sustain the new world) No, no. There is a memorial of Pashupatinath there. Whose memorial? Pashupati. He becomes the Lord/husband of the souls, which play a part like the animals. What? He becomes their husband/Lord in Nepal. Mama goes and plays a part in that Nepal. The part of sustaining the new world. Which new world? Mama plays a special part from 1976, in the new world of Advance Party, which begins from 1976. But it has been said – she is now under a veil. What does it mean? She is not revealed before everyone.

... although Mama and Baba have left their body, but both of them have entered some or the other Brahmin child and are playing their part in the corporeal world..."
leonard wrote:Just to say that big advertisement commercials project on Indian TV Channels in 2012 had official BK Shivani presenting '2012 The End or a New Beginning" in large writing with BK Cycle picture and link to BK channel.

Thank you for that detail. It's good to archive them. So the BKs were exploiting it as usual.
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Re: "Point of light" form arose in 1962?

Post20 Dec 2013

kmanaveen wrote:... and in 2036 they will easily use a clue from this website that actually it was 1956 when real Shiv Baba entered Lekhraj and therefore the Sangam Yuga is till 2056 ... and again and again ... the story will go on ...

Oh, please don't ... but, you know, you are of course correct.

I will be 2056 (mention of Shiva) ... then 2062 (point of light) ... then 2076 (100 years since death of Lekhraj Kirpalani/birth of Avyakt BapDada) ... then ...

Actually, I think once the current BK pensioners who are living off the religion die off; Janki, Nirwair, Shah, Shetty and all the other zombies and parasites, I think the religion will start falling to pieces.

Personally, I don't think the generation of Jayanti, Mohini etc have the pulling power and authority to hold it all together.

Jayanti will probably re-emerge for a while ... performing her trance medium trick to suck in the adherents seeking leadership. Perhaps they will even claim BapDada is mounting and entering her ... but she's too modernised and too influenced by Western trends to just go along 'business as usual'. She'll probably lead her group to throw a lot of it all out and generalise the teachings into something that can last ... but will 'hardliners' accept that? Some won't and so smaller fundamentalist groups will emerge surrounding other leaders.

There will probably be the competing egos of other mediums wanting their slice of the limelight, e.g. the two Mohinis.

But what this show us is what BKism is really all about ... not the actual skew-wiff beliefs themselves ... but developing an flexible, unquestioning, amoral frame of mind in which anything can happen, anything can be dropped or adopted, everything is meaningless yet profound ... as long as the money keeps coming in and the status or facade is preserved.
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Re: "Point of light" form arose in 1962?

Post22 Dec 2013

kmanaveen wrote:... and in 2036 they will easily use a clue from this website that actually it was 1956 when real Shiv Baba entered Lekhraj and therefore the Sangam Yuga is till 2056 ... and again and again ... the story will go on ...

Yes, well spotted! When it becomes politic, it will be acknowledged and utilised.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris "Point of light" God form only arose in 1

Post16 Aug 2016

Goddess Lakshmi is also known as the goddess of wealth, she is the consort of Lord Vishnu. It is said that she was born from the milky ocean when Gods and Demons churned the milky ocean to obtain the nectar. Then she chose Lord Vishnu as her consort. People offer prayers to her particularly during the festival of Diwali by chanting mahalakshmi stotram with devotion. It is also said that people who chant mahalakshmi stotram with devotion will seek Goddess Lakshmi blessings immediatly in the form of wealth and happiness.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Brahma Kumaris "Point of light" God form only arose in 1

Post17 Aug 2016

mahesh25 wrote:Goddess Lakshmi is also known as the goddess of wealth, she is the consort of Lord Vishnu. It is said that she was born from the milky ocean when Gods and Demons churned the milky ocean to obtain the nectar. Then she chose Lord Vishnu as her consort. People offer prayers to her particularly during the festival of Diwali by chanting mahalakshmi stotram with devotion. It is also said that people who chant mahalakshmi stotram with devotion will seek Goddess Lakshmi blessings immediatly in the form of wealth and happiness.

So ... why did you tell us this? It is said if you accept jesus in your heart and repent your sins you will enter heaven and so on. Many things are 'said’. What's your point?

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