Lost and found

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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spiritual seeker

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Lost and found

Post21 Apr 2016

A rehash of something some negative BK said years ago. It's so depressing. When are they going to realise that we are all here to experience the richness and beauty of our spiritual journey? Even the Murlis say that we have 3/4 happiness and 1/4 sorrow.

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Pink Panther

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Re: Lost and found

Post21 Apr 2016

”Once upon a time...”

Say no more.
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Re: Lost and found

Post21 Apr 2016

It's "acceptance via repetition" reconfirming the 5,000 Cycle again, is not it?

With a brief hint of a nuclear holocaust around 6:25 timewise.

Who knows ... may be the whole jellyfish in a sea swarming around the motherfish is some ancient primordial memory, either spiritual or physical (going back to when we were microbes in a soup?) ... but I think you are right.

Truth be told most BKs have not had a hard time in this life ... allegedly their lowest birth ... at all. It's everyone around them who suffers as they amass property, wealth, and formal gardens. Wealthy they'd rather keep and reinvest in land and freehold properties ... rather than even "getting the message out" or uplifting society.

In fact, if you think about it, having garnered all that wealth and property ... the Kirpalani Klan is investing its wealth in making the message more and more obscure and altered, and hiding the truth.

Of course, when questioned or confronted with such actions they've got ready made excuses (memes) to rebuff them ... except for all the freehold properties.

That's a scam, plain and simple, when Destruction is in two to three years.

In the Murlis it used to actually say no to buying dedicated properties. The movement was to expand domestic home to domestic home and, in a sense, that would have contained it and the ambitions of its leaders, stopping them from becoming the church they have done; and incurring all the additional expenses, bureaucracy and liabilities.

Eventually, its own overheads and expenses will crush it, and then it will face its own Destruction ... except for the leadership who, pressumably, already had hidden slush funds to see them through hard times?

Some BK came on the forum recently boating that they "had enough money to survive for 10 years without donations".

An unsubstantiated claim at present, but one worth looking into. Of course, having let that out, the BK turned tails and ran ...

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