BK Sister Jenna: Transvestite Toilets, Wine & Spirits

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BK Sister Jenna: Transvestite Toilets, Wine & Spirits

Post25 Aug 2017

According to the Huffington Post, Brahma Kumari Sister Jenna is an "Award-winning Spiritual Mentor, Author, Host of the Popular America Meditating Radio Show & Director of the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Museums".

Unpicking the truth of the Brahma Kumaris often require a bizarre untangling of hidden or name and spelling changes making following data trails difficult, as was the Sindhi Bhaibund tradition ... often done for "superstitious reasons" - to stop others from casting numerology charts and spells - more often for far more simple reasons of import tax and duty avoidancy.

Sister Jenna Mahraj, an immigrant to the USA from Jamaica and often billed as "a nightclub owner turned spiritual teacher", runs the Brahma Kumari cult's so called "Meditation Museum" in Maryland, USA further down the road. It's not a museum at all, it's a recruiting front for the cult.

"Maraj Jenna" is a U.S.A. company, located in Silver Spring, Montgomery, Maryland is involved in the wholesale wine and distilled Beverages industry.

It's address is
    9913 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20902-5209
Looking at the property records ...
    9913 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring MD
is also the residence of "Kumari Brahma"m aka a Brahma Kumari "centre" (most centres are just the domestic homes of their owners ... a $488,000 property. Phone: (301) 593-4990.

Jenna Mahraj, also registered at Great Neck, NY where the BKs have their US HQ and Miami Beach, is clearly our Sister Jenna Maraj.

Jenna Mahraj also appears to be Jenna Sherrie Maragh and Genna Maragh, or possibly even Jenna Marach. In her case, perhaps it's just because Genna Maragh is hard to pronounce easily ... JENNA MARAGH links to 655 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33139 which is current a gay nightclub. Jenna/Genna was said to have interests in two hedonistic night clubs ... perhaps as PRIVEE, INC ... but that was just registered in 1990 and dissolved in 1991?

If so, a short career.

But a wine business run from a Brahma Kumari centre, or is she still taking money from the hedonistic night life?

Can anyone explain?

Is this the non-alcoholic wine some Australian BKs were into the business of? Or is she still in the drinks and hospitality industries?

Are the BKs into more co-prosperity business deals, or is the good BK Sister and face of the cult selling a different kind of intoxication that BKs are strictly forbidden in indulging in? I am drunk on the excitement of the idea?

Anyone have any leads on her Jamaican or Miami past?
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Maragh or "Maha Raj" means "great king" in Hindi and, due to the large number of Indian emigrates into Jamaica, it is a common name there, in Trinidad and in Guyana, where they arrived mostly as unskilled labourers between 1845 to 1917 and mostly from North India.

However, it is a surname is viewed suspiciously as some kind of delusion of grandeur. Sceptics refuting the idea that the "Maharajs" are real, argue that it is not a surname used anywhere else in the world (Indo Jamaicans spell it as Maragh).
Sister Jenna is a spiritual leader, author, radio host and TV personality, renowned speaker and founder of the Meditation Museum I & II in metropolitan Washington, DC.

Selected by EBW2020 as one of the 100 most influential leaders for 2015, her mission is to decode critical current issues and offer a perspective for folks to find clarity, power, and insight.

Despite the many life challenges that we face on a global scale, Sister Jenna has an uncanny ability to connect us back to where our problems originated and shift our awareness toward the solutions. Her voice of influence is particularly needed in the wake of tragedy and increasing violence in our world. For decades, she has demonstrated an extraordinary level of improvement in the quality of lives of people ranging from heads of government to children in villages.

Sister Jenna has traveled to over 80 countries where she continues to provide practical life tools and solutions that empower people to foster and build stronger relationships. Her wisdom, peace, and compassion for humanity are expressed through the variety of initiatives she spearheads for youth, women, governments, and communities.

She has collaborated with Fortune 500 companies on key issues and her syndicated radio show, America Meditating is a popular global online show. Sister Jenna is the recipient of numerous awards and proclamations including, the President’s Lifetime National Community Service Award, Every Day Hero Award by the Foundation for Better Life and the Friendship Archway Awards, to name a few. Writes for Huffington Post, Positively Positive, Global Thrive, and Good Men Project and more.

So it seems Sister Jenna has also been in on the Brian Bacon/Oxford Leadership Academy/BKWSU co-prosperity "Self Management Leadership" number as well?

That "Fortune 500" reference for BKs doing stealth corporate consulting "service" (an profit), always rings like a clarion to me.

I mean, who is going to actually boast about prostituting one's spirituality for Fortune 500 companies? Do the BKs really have no idea what they are, and what they are doing to this world, and the ordinary people of the world?

A big leap forward from the past though ... under the British Indian workers were actually paid less than the former West African slaves.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Sister Jenna: Transvestite Toilets, Wine & Spirits

Post26 Aug 2017

Not inconsistent however.

On both sides of her double life she is serving spirits. ;-)

Good investigative work there ex-l
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Re: BK Sister Jenna: Transvestite Toilets, Wine & Spirits

Post26 Aug 2017

I have some additions or corrections to make as time allows but, rather bizarrely I think, in February of this year Sister Jenna uses the high profile 'Huffington Post' to write a "love letter" to her "transgender friends" ... tweeting it to Donald Trump and The Republican Party.

Are there *any* transgender Brahma Kumaris ... would the BKs even allow it?

Back in Miami, Jenna still like to party, turning up at a Versace fashion launch surrounded by hunky male models, probably some of the most "body conscious" people in the USA.

The article referred to the US Government withdrawing guidance that stated US federal law requires transgender students should have unfettered access to the bathrooms and locker rooms "matching their gender identity" ... as in, 'to the opposite sex' into which they were born.

"Boys who want to be girls (and presumably gays), should be allowed to use girls' toilets and changing rooms".

Jeez, when I was a boy, it was our very sexual dream to be allowed into girls' changing rooms ... how time change!

Now, putting aside the question of why the Godly University ought to be deeply concerned about where 'men in skirts' are allowed to urinate or who gets to see naked girls boobies and butts, may I ask the obvious ...
    what exactly is the Brahma Kumaris *own* policy as far homosexuals and transvestites? Are male cross-dressers allowed to live in Kumari (female) residencies?

    Are they allowed to use the women's toilets?

    Do they even get to site of the women's side of the room in daily morning class!?!
The answer is no, no and no ... so please allow me to cry "double hypocrite". Sister Jenna is a hypocrite for demanding the US, US government and US educational facilities (it appears to relate mostly to university campuses etc) cater for them when the Godly University campuses do not.

And, I would say, Brahma Kumaris Sister Jenna is a more generally hypocrite for publicly siddling up to (slightly more Left Wing) Democrats, whilst in India the Brahma Kumaris siddle up to the 'as Right Wing as the Republicans' BJP party.

Are the BKs in India up in arms about the 'Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill 2016' currently going through its parliament ... which even the BJP criticise as "violating fundamental rights to equality, dignity, autonomy, but also freedom of transgender persons guaranteed under the Indian Constitution"?

It would seem to be they are practising the 'Power of Silence' about it!

But is it hypocrisy ... idiocy ... or just more of the every changing, chameleon-like spirituality of the Brahma Kumaris that moulds itself to whichever politics, party or community that would benefit itself the most?

Or is it just 'marketing' ... an appeal to yet another group of vulnerable, confused and unloved young people under the guise of "Be Brave - love is on its way"?

Love is on its way ... really, Jenna ... and then what? Destruction and the establishment of the decidedly straight BK heaven.

They have to give up sex, relationship, attachment to other human beings and become a celibate, hive mind, BK robot wearing what ... a kurta or a sari?

Sitting on which side of morning class?

And pray tell us, in your heaven on earth ... is there room for a "Lakshmi and Lakshmi", or is it just going to be "Lakshmi and Narayan"? Is not the Brahma Kumaris world view, decidedly orthodox as far as gender goes? A cult that disallows - under the fear of expulsion - all human attachments, never mind human sexuality, has no business criticising others on the politics of human sexual appendages.

What effect might BKism have on such a youngster but only to confuse them even more? To offer love and then refuse it. The BK cure? "Renounce the body and body consciousness entirely ... Renounce all impure human relationships ... Renouce, renounce, renouce !!!"
Sister Jenna wrote:Be Brave. A Letter To My Transgender Friends Feb 28, 2017

Dear Transgender Brothers and Sisters,

The rollback of laws by the current administration which were implemented to protect you, has initiated from within me this love letter to and for you. Like you, we were all born by parents and given a name, gender, religion and land. Like you, life’s events, circumstances and the exchange of our relationships helped us to grow up. Like you, growing up is a process and as we begin to identify what inevitably is a truth for a particular time, we find ourselves making hard choices to live that truth. Like you, we bump into crossroads that turn our heads around until we find the courage to just choose the one that best fits our current truth. My dear Brothers and Sister who the world calls transgender, you are just like us ― SOULS. Every single one of us is a soul, brought here to play out a part and then we move on to play another. Like you, we all know intrinsically that to hate, judge, separate, or erase anyone’s good deeds because of ignorance or jealousy is small and is a sign of low self-worth.

It’s important you own your self-worth. Once we all come to realize our self-worth, we grow into owning that and no one or nothing will allow us to forget one of the most powerful forces we have is to own our worth and live it. We are all children of God, each one of us carrying inherited parts to play. Remember that. And, we must do so with dignity and grace, no matter what. You and I are all souls, children of the Supreme, ― and when the greed can no longer serve the emptiness in souls; when the hate can no longer flare it’s flame; when the fear can no longer disguise itself as in charge; then there will be love. Be Brave - love is on its way.

Love and respect,
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Re: BK Sister Jenna: Transvestite Toilets and Wine & Spirits

Post26 Aug 2017

Here's another one ... how many times have we heard the Brahma Kumaris to their audiences, they are "not religious".

Well, from the Washington Post,
To Mahraj and her community, called the Brahma Kumaris, promoting the religious component is part of the purpose of the Silver Spring center, which is more about spiritual advocacy than a museum in the classic sense.

This country needs to stop thinking meditation is about emptying your mind,” she said during a recent tour. “I respect all meditation practices, but I don’t necessarily believe in a practice that tries to ‘empty’ your thoughts. It is not natural.

Says the cult whose leader Dadi Janki says to followers ...
At what point will people realise the Brahma Kumaris will spout whatever sh!t they think will sell, and will sell themselves as whatever they think the market wants?

Super Wealth and Luxury Condominiums with Oceanside Views Heal?
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GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BK Sister Jenna: Transvestite Toilets and Wine & Spirits

Post28 Aug 2017

It seems some BKs have a type of spiritual tenure and can do what ever helps the organization. They are immune to unethical acts and the Laws of Karma. The question is: Who grants the spiritual tenure? I do not think Almighty God.

In fact, I would say Almighty God would never grant spiritual tenure to any soul, including Buddha and Jesus.

I remembered a high ranking Western BK male calling another BK Brother a "girl" because the BK Brother who was also high ranking, followed his own personal ethics and refused to accept the offer of dating a consenting American BK Sister to preserve his favorable US immigration status, and remain in the USA to help in service at the center where the insulting BK was part of the center charge.

The Brother who was insulted returned to his native country instead to marrying a US citizen to upgrade his immigration status and assist in service. He did extremely well in his profession in his native country and today is a successful and productive American scientist, and ex-BK.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BK Sister Jenna: Transvestite Toilets and Wine & Spirits

Post28 Aug 2017

In fact, the insulting BK was having a covert affair with the other center-in-charge, a lady who was his senior by chronological age.

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