2 things that affect our lives

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2 things that affect our lives

Post25 May 2006

I remember ShivBaba mentioning to me that the two things that affect the Brahmins life the most are

1) the foods we eat

2) the company we keep

As I look at my own and others lives this is ever so true. Then again why would I expect anything different.

Bad food and Bad company can only bring out bad results.



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Post25 May 2006

Yes agree, food and company.
The two things that affected me since coming into Raja Yoga is

1. I am a soul (and thus everybody else is too)
2. Supreme Soul.

These are the only two indestructible items in Raja Yoga.
Everything else is secondary but makes for interesting learning in order to understand 1 and 2.
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Post26 May 2006

Bhai Bansy,

Yes those two points made a dramatic change in my life also.

As I reflect I am grateful for being given these jewels.

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Post01 Jun 2006

I have noticed that when one is strong in the sanskars of bad habits (before Gyan) that is eating poorly and keeping poor company. The intellect is dulled to such a stage that it feels completely normal to live in this way.

Its not until we experience the vibrations of the pure food and good company within the Godly family that we experience how important and indeed how much these two things truly effect our state of mind/intellect.

If one then begins to fall back into bad habits after experiencing the pure lifestyle then the drop in stage/wandering of the mind and loss of connection to ShivBaba is very obvious and personally I find very unpleasant.

When these two factors are solid however, then the foundation is strong to progress nicely. After having food and company influence and affect my mind for so many births its so lovely to finally be free and be able to think clearly again.

Om Shanti
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Post01 Jun 2006


A point I appreciated very much before I came into the Advanced Knowledge was that the PBK's where not into using pesticides etc. on there foods.

Having owned and been involved in the organic business this was so refreshing to say the least.

I remember my days with the BK's and very little was mentioned about this. It was basically vegeterianism and that's it.

Food can affect our biochemistry. I know when I eat certain foods I become more :evil: :D

Corn, Wheat, Dairy can have affects on the mind most definatly.

Now about the company for whatever we do or whatever situation we are in if we keep the company of ShivBaba then everything will be o.k.

For me no money can buy this.

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Post01 Jun 2006


Visiting Baba's farm/s was very impressive I must say, one cannot deny it is a first class organic setup with almost 0 wastage.

Dairy can effect? I thought that dairy was OK? Although I guess i do notice it can have an affect. I also didnt know that Corn had an effect :shock:
Then again when I was at one of the farms the Brothers had maize rotis which were quite heavy (but quite nice) no doubt for this very reason. I must say though I never felt as healthy as when I was in that pure environment.
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Post01 Jun 2006

I am producing below an extract from the "Introduction to Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vidyalay" which is related to the spiritual farm being managed by the AIVV family.

" With the advent of science, man has been indulging in blind use of chemical fertilizers in order to earn a quick buck since many decades. Although these artificial fertilizers increased the production; but the pollution of Mother Nature and earth continued unabated. With the intake of this polluted food, the mankind has become diseased, both mentally and physically. Hence, as a part of the process of world transformation begun by God Shiv, the unique experiment of chemicals-free farming in the remembrance of God is being carried out in the farms of AIVV situated in Punjab-Haryana. With an objective of translating into action the principle of “As the food so are the thoughts” (Jaisa ann, waisa man) to raise pollution free crops and for the dissemination of pure vibrations in the world, the AIVV has commenced farming without chemical fertilizers in the recently acquired agricultural land at the footsteps of Mount Shivaliks to impart Godly knowledge and enabling the practice of Rajayog at its Headquarters and various branches. The intake of these food grains will ensure the physical and mental health.

In this manner, the task of purifying both the soul and the body is going on in AIVV. As a unique experiment, the members of AIVV are themselves cultivating the farm land in the remembrance of God. Refreshing the memories of ancient hermitage life, the residents of this farm perform penance through the practice of Karmayoga (remembrance of God while performing actions). They begin their day early in the morning (Brahma Muhoorth), and after listening to Godly knowledge and practice of meditation, they get busy in various farm related works in the remembrance of God."

With regards,
ON Godly service,
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Mr Green


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Re: 2 things that affect our lives

Post01 Jun 2006

atma wrote:
2) the company we keep

Bad food and Bad company can only bring out bad results.

Can I ask what your definition (or the one I suppose ShivBaba has mentioned to you) is of 'bad company' and why do you feel it can only bring about bad results?
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Post01 Jun 2006

Pl. note AIVV = Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwavidyalay and not Adhyatmik Iswariya Vidyalay as written by me erroneously above.
It translates into Spiritual Godly University
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Post01 Jun 2006

Bhai Arjun,

Before I got more into the Advanced Knowledge I learned about this and for me it was so important.

It made me even want to go deeper into The Knowledge because it had some validity for me. Funny on how such a thing was important for me to go on.

(I guess my studying and experience helped me decide this.)

It was the same thing about the basic knowledge when I heard they promoted vegeterianism then I was more willing to go further had they not it was not a option for me to want to continue with The Knowledge. I would have walked away.

Bhai PBK trinity Shiv the next time you go into a health store have a look at the vitamins etc. and you will see that the bottles will say such things as does not contain, dairy, wheat, corn etc.

So there must be a reason for this.

Organic corn is completly different. Commercial corn is no longer a food but basically genetically modified.

The food yes it was made in rememberance so it will most definatly be more tastier.

I wish I had the opportunity to visit the farm. I would have enjoyed that very much. I could just imagine what it was like.

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Post01 Jun 2006

Bhai Mr. Green,

From my experience and seeing this in others this is very true.

I remember in the army how many who had strong values (non-drinking etc.)became heavy drinkers simply by hanging out and the environment yet there where those who avoided those people and where not affected.

Yes, of course it also depends on the character of that soul wether they are easily influenced or not. This is but one example I am certain you can see this in your own life. How the company affects others.

It is mentioned in the Murlis and knowledge often that one of the main causes of our downfall has been the colouring of the company (dualism).

From my experience when i keep ShivBaba's company then it dramtically affects the situation and if he is in my company and have Yaad then as the saying goes we become what we think about.

Baba is truthful. This is the part where Yaad becomes more interesting and the importance of it.

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Post01 Jun 2006

Bhai pbktrinity,

No one is able to eat or bring meat in our home. Our dog is vegeterian also many are amazed at this. How can a dog be vegeterian?

He loves it he adores fruits and vegetables.

His nature is so kind and gentle that most who spend time with him simply adore him. Some want a dog just like him.

So most definatly the food we feed him and the company being us has affected his nature.

Please excuse enough about me it is another experience what ShivBaba has said to me about

the food we eat and the company we keep and importance of it.

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Mr Green


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Post02 Jun 2006

mmmmm thought as much, I'll say no more here and respect the faith of others :D

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